This guide deploys ran-simulator
through it's Helm chart assumes you have a
Kubernetes cluster running deployed in a namespace.
Helm chart is based on Helm 3.0 version, with no need for the Tiller pod to be present.
If you don't have a cluster running and want to try on your local machine please follow first
the Kubernetes setup steps outlined in deploy with Helm.
The following steps assume you have the setup outlined in that page, including the micro-onos
namespace configured.
The steps for using Ransim with SD-RAN subsystems are as follows:
- Clone sdran-helm-charts using the following command:
git clone [email protected]:onosproject/sdran-helm-charts.git
- Deploy sd-ran chart using the following command:
kubectl create namespace sd-ran
cd sdran-helm-charts
helm install sd-ran sd-ran -n sd-ran
If you deploy the sd-ran chart successfully, you should be able to see sdran subsystems deployed successfully as follows after a period of time:
> kubectl get pods -n sd-ran
onos-cli-6f45d4b475-cw78c 1/1 Running 0 21s
onos-config-6f648c5b57-27vlk 4/4 Running 0 20s
onos-consensus-db-1-0 1/1 Running 0 21s
onos-consensus-store-1-0 1/1 Running 0 18s
onos-e2t-5698597f6c-rbswj 3/3 Running 0 20s
onos-topo-66c7757f6d-t84r9 3/3 Running 0 21s
onos-uenib-6b8bd5cddf-68nm2 3/3 Running 0 21s
- Deploy ran-simulator helm chart using the following command:
helm install ran-simulator ran-simulator -n sd-ran
RAN simulator is not enabled in the sd-ran chart by default. You can enable it when you deploy sd-ran helm chart using the following command
helm install sd-ran sd-ran -n sd-ran --set import.ran-simulator.enabled=true
If you deploy RAN simulator successfully, you should be able to see it in the list of deployments:
> kubectl get pods -n sd-ran
onos-cli-6f45d4b475-cw78c 1/1 Running 0 3m21s
onos-config-6f648c5b57-27vlk 4/4 Running 0 3m20s
onos-consensus-db-1-0 1/1 Running 0 3m21s
onos-consensus-store-1-0 1/1 Running 0 3m18s
onos-e2t-5698597f6c-rbswj 3/3 Running 0 3m20s
onos-topo-66c7757f6d-t84r9 3/3 Running 0 3m21s
onos-uenib-6b8bd5cddf-68nm2 3/3 Running 0 3m21s
ran-simulator-67bb8894cd-8jgbd 1/1 Running 0 3m21s
After deploying ran-simulator, it loads the models, create E2 nodes and make connections using SCTP to onos-e2t endpoint which is specified in the model.
To verify simulated e2 nodes are connected to the E2T endpoint successfully, you can use onos-cli to check list of CONTROL (E2T to E2 node relation) and CONTAINS (E2 node to E2 cell relation) relations, and E2 node and cell entities using the following commands:
> onos topo get relations
Relation ID Kind ID Source ID Target ID Labels Aspects
uuid:87d8f851-4394-4b6d-8775-95bf9d7d5c88 controls e2:onos-e2t-56dcfbb685-knc8r e2:1/5153 <None> <None>
uuid:03c782b8-d993-62d3-5ada-8cde9bcc8d64 contains e2:1/5154 e2:1/5154/14550001 <None> <None>
uuid:74c84ff1-74c2-388b-107e-8f62180b8aed contains e2:1/5153 e2:1/5153/1454c002 <None> <None>
uuid:e8d1924d-8a87-3840-ada0-0cacbef26cc5 contains e2:1/5153 e2:1/5153/1454c001 <None> <None>
uuid:abee243a-ff82-4b0a-b037-782341b489ca controls e2:onos-e2t-56dcfbb685-knc8r e2:1/5154 <None> <None>
uuid:273c7b45-e7f3-ff52-43bd-891e86ff219d contains e2:1/5154 e2:1/5154/14550002 <None> <None>
uuid:826ab183-a742-79c2-aa83-a288ed68fa34 contains e2:1/5154 e2:1/5154/14550003 <None> <None>
uuid:efe476d6-a6e4-7483-4c55-97c2ca884e73 contains e2:1/5153 e2:1/5153/1454c003 <None> <None>
> onos topo get entities
Entity ID Kind ID Labels Aspects
e2:1/5154/14550002 e2cell <None> onos.topo.E2Cell
e2:1/5154/14550003 e2cell <None> onos.topo.E2Cell
e2:1/5154/14550001 e2cell <None> onos.topo.E2Cell
e2:1/5153/1454c003 e2cell <None> onos.topo.E2Cell
e2:onos-e2t-56dcfbb685-knc8r e2t <None> onos.topo.Lease,onos.topo.E2TInfo
e2:1/5153 e2node <None> onos.topo.MastershipState,onos.topo.E2Node
e2:1/5153/1454c001 e2cell <None> onos.topo.E2Cell
e2:1/5154 e2node <None> onos.topo.E2Node,onos.topo.MastershipState
e2:1/5153/1454c002 e2cell <None> onos.topo.E2Cell
or use RAN simulator CLI to check status of E2 nodes:
> onos ransim get nodes
GnbID Status Service Models E2T Controllers Cell NCGIs
5153 Running mho,rcpre2,kpm2 e2t-1 13842601454c001,13842601454c002,13842601454c003
5154 Running mho,rcpre2,kpm2 e2t-1 138426014550001,138426014550002,138426014550003
If you have not installed the onos cli as described in the cli docs, you can instead run
clipod=$(kubectl -n sd-ran get pods | grep onos-cli | cut -d\ -f1)
kubectl -n sd-ran exec --stdin $clipod -- /usr/local/bin/onos e2t get connections
clipod=$(kubectl -n sd-ran get pods | grep onos-cli | cut -d\ -f1)
kubectl -n sd-ran exec --stdin $clipod -- /usr/local/bin/onos ransim get nodes