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  • Python is a cross-platform programming language.
  • Properties of Python:
    • [[Interpreted Language]]
    • [[Dynamically-Typed Language]]
    • Very [[High-Level Language]]
  • Python Variables
    • contain only letters, numbers and underscores
    • can't start with a number
    • should be short and descriptive
    • should be lowercase generally with a few exceptions


Data Types


  • A String is a series of characters enclosed in quotes: single or double
  • Substrings: str[start_index : end_index]
    • Both indices optional, translating to 0 and string length respectively if omitted.
      • str[:] - can be used to clone/copy a string.
      • end_index is not inclusive.
  • String concatenation can be performed using +: e.g. "hello " + ",world!"
  • Formatted strings: f'My name is {name}'
    • Similar to [[JavaScript]] ES6 string literals.
  • Strings can be repeated using the * operator - print("*" * 5) -> *****
  • Multi-line strings are enclosed in triple quotes: ''' string ''' or """ string """
    Name: Jane Doe
    Age: 35
  • lstrip(), rstrip() & strip() methods can be used to strip whitespace from strings.


  • Working with floats can sometimes lead to values with an arbitrary number of decimal places. This happens in all programming languages and it's due to the way computers represent numbers internally.

Arithmetic Operators

  • +, -, *, %
  • / - true division
  • // - floor division; mathematical division that rounds down to nearest integer.
  • ** - power or exponentiation

Operator Precedence:

  • Parenthesis -> Exponentiation -> ( Multiplication | Division ) -> ( Addition | Subtraction )


  • Negative infinity - float('-inf') | -math.inf
  • Positive infinity - float('inf') | math.inf


  • True | False

  • bool(x) - get the truthy / falsy value of x

  • Comparison Operators: >, >=, <, <=, ==, !=


  • None is an object that represents the absence of a value.
    • Similar to null in [[JavaScript]]

Logical Operators

  • and, or, not

Control Flow

if statements

if condition_1:
    print("First condition is true!")
elif condition_2:
    print("Second condition is true!")
    print("Neither condition is true!")

while loop

while condition:
    # Code Block

[!remember] A loop that starts with while True will fun infinitely unless it's halted with a break statement.

for loops

for n in range(1, 5):
  • range(stop) | range(start, stop[, step])
    • It represents an [[Immutable]] sequence of numbers and is commonly used in for loops.
    • stop value is not inclusive.
    • If the step argument is omitted, it defaults to 1.
    • If the start argument is omitted, it defaults to 0.
    • For a positive step, the contents of a range r are determined by the formula:
      • r[i] = start + step*i where i >= 0 and r[i] < stop.
    • For a negative step, the contents of the range are still determined by the formula:
      • r[i] = start + step*i, but the constraints are i >= 0 and r[i] > stop.

Type Casting

  • It is sometimes necessary to avoid type errors. It's important to understand some functions take values as a certain data type and to use other data types casting them to the appropriate type is necessary.
num = 24
print("I'm " + num + " years old.")        # TypeError
print("I'm " + str(num) + " years old.")   # I'm 24 years old.
  • int(str)
  • float(str)
  • str(int)
  • str(float)

Common Tasks

  • Get user input - input()
  • Save input to variable: age = input("How old are you? ")
    • Data is saved as a string.
  • Print concatenated strings to terminal: print("You are " + age + " years old.")
  • Print type of data: type(age)

Data Structures


lst1 = ["a", "b", "c"]
lst2 = list(("a", "b", "c"))
lst3 = list("hello")
  • are not [[homogeneous]]

  • are zero-indexed.

  • list[-1] - returns last element

  • list[start_index : end_index] can be used to return subset of a list.

    • end_index is not inclusive; both indices are optional, translating to 0 and list length respectively if omitted.
      • list[:] - can be used to clone/copy a list.
        • Setting list_a = list_b will only make both list names point to the same list object. Any changes made to either list afterwards is reflected on both.
      • list[:-1] - returns all but the last element.
      • list[-n:] - returns the last n elements.
  • List elements can be unpacked or destructured into variables as follows:

    coordinates = [1, 2, 3]
    x, y, z = coordinates

List syntax

  • list[i] = val
  • list.count(item)
  • list.index(item)
  • list.append(item)
  • list.insert(index, item)
  • list.extend(another_list)
  • del list[i] | del list[i:j]
  • list[i:j] = otherlist - replace ith to jth-1 elements with otherlist
  • list.pop() - returns and removes last element from the list
  • list.pop(i) - returns and removes i-th element from the list
  • list.remove(x) - removes the first item from the list whose value is x
  • list1 + list2 - combine two list
  • ",".join(list) - returns a string with list elements separated by comma
  • item in list - check if item exists in list.
  • *list - expand list items


  • sum(list)
  • max(list)
  • min(list)
  • set(list) - remove duplicate elements from a list
  • zip(list1, list2) - returns list of tuples with nth element of both list1 and list2


  • list.reverse() - reverses the order of elements in the list in-place
  • list.sort() - sorts in-place, returns None
  • sorted(list) - returns sorted copy of list
  • A bit more complicated when the list elements are not homogeneous and all values are not in lowercase.
    • The two functions above take the reverse=True|False argument.

List comprehensions

  • allow the creation a new list based on an existing list but with a shorter syntax.
    • newlist = [expression for item in iterable if condition == True]
# Create a list of numbers between 0 and 10
first_ten = [num for num in range(0, 10)]

# Create a list of even numbers between 0 and 10
evens = [num for num in range(0, 10) if num % 2 == 0]

# Create a list of the square of even numbers between 0 and 10
even_squares = [num**2 for num in range(0, 10) if num % 2 == 0]
  • When the name of a list is used as a condition on an if statement, Python checks whether or not the list is empty; returning True if there's at least one element and False if empty.


tpl1 = ("a", "b", "c")
tpl2 = tuple(("a", "b", "c"))
tpl3 = tuple("hello")
  • A collection of objects separated by commas.
  • [[Immutable]] lists
  • Same as lists in most ways including unpacking.
  • The only significant difference is [[Immutable|immutability]].
  • Although elements of a tuple can't be modified, the variable holding the tuple can be reassigned.
dimensions = (100, 200)

dimensions[0] = 50		# Invalid
dimensions = (50, 200)	# Valid


set0 = set()
set1 = {"a", "b", "c"}
set2 = set(("a", "b", "c"))
set3 = set("hello")
set4 = set(["a", "b", "c", "b"])

len(set1)      # 3
"a" in set1    # True
  • Items are unordered, unindexed, and [[immutable]].
  • Duplicate items aren't allowed.


  • sets of key-value pairs.
person_1 = {
    "name": "Jane Smith",
    "age": 32

person_2 = {}
  • Values can be retrieved:
    • using the same bracket notation used with Lists and Tuples.
    • using the get() function
  • The in operator can be used to check if a key exists in a dictionary.
  • Setting, modifying and removing a value can also be done using list syntax - person_1["alive"] = True (Add & Modify) and del person_1["alive"] (Remove).
    • Similar to Objects in [[JavaScript]] in many ways.


Any type of value can be used as a dictionary key as long as it appears only once (duplicates aren't allowed) and it must be of a type that is immutable.

Looping thru Dictionaries:

# loop thru keys (default)
for key in dict_1:
    # Code Block

# loop thru keys with keys()
for key in dict_1.keys():
    # Code Block

# loop thru values with values()
for value in dict_1.values():
    # Code Block

# loop thru pairs with items()
for key, value in dict_1.items():
    # Code Block
  • Wrapping the iterables with functions like sorted() and set() can yield additional functionalities. In this case, using sorted(dict_1.keys()) loops thru keys in order, and set(dict_1.values()) loops thru values without duplicates.

  • Dictionaries can be nested inside other dictionaries and lists and vice versa.

  • Dictionaries can be unpacked using ** (similarly to lists using *).

def print_coords(x, y, z):
    print(f"x: {x}, y: {y}, z: {z}")

coords = {"x": 75, "y": 50, "z": 25}



def greet(fname, lname):
    """Greet a person"""
    print(f"Hello, {fname} {lname}")

greet("John", "Smith")  # Using positional arguments

greet(lname="Smith", fname="John")  # Using keyword arguments
  • Text enclosed in triple quotes (""") is called a docstring, and it describes the purpose of a function. Python looks for these when it's generating documentation for functions in a program.
  • Default values for parameters can be set by assigning it to a value during function definition. These values must be listed after all the parameters with no default values; this avoids confusion when using positional arguments.
    • Similar to default arguments in [[JavaScript]].
# NOTE: no space around the '=' sign
def greet(fname, lname="Smith"):
    # Function code


Lists in [[Python]] are ==passed by reference==. To prevent the original list from being modified, func_call(list_name[:])

  • The value a function returns is called a return value.
  • Function calls must not precede their definition.


In Python, functions are [[First-Class Functions|first-class citizens]].

  • [[Keyword arguments]] improve code readability:
def calculate_cost(total, shipping, discount):
    cost = discount * (total + shipping)
    print(f"Your cost is ${cost}")

calculate_cost(total=50, shipping=10, discount=0.15)

# Compared to positional arguments
calculate_cost(50, 10, 0.15)
  • If both [[positional arguments]] and [[keyword arguments]] are used in the same function call, the latter must appear later.
greet("John", lname="Smith")

Passing an arbitrary number of arguments

# Python creates tuple out of argument_list
# it can then be used that way
def func(*args):
    # code block

# if used with positional arguments, it must
# be placed last in the function definition
def func(arg_one, arg_two, *args):
    # code block

# Python creates empty dict and populate
# it with the passed key-value pairs
def func(arg_one, arg_two, **kwargs):
    # kwargs can be used
    # here as a dictionary
    # kwargs['a_key'] = arg_one
    # kwargs['b_key'] = arg_two

Anonymous Functions / Lambda Expressions

  • Anonymous functions are functions with no name.
# Expressions are single line and are the return value of the function
lambda : <expression>
lambda x1, ... , xk: <expression>


full_name = lambda first, last: first.strip().title() + " " + last.strip().title()
full_name("Nikola ", "tesLA")  # 'Nikola Tesla'
authors = ["Blake Crouch", "J. K. Rowling", "Ernest Cline"]

# Sorts authors list by their last names
authors.sort(key=lambda name: name.split(" ")[-1].lower())

print(authors)    # ['Ernest Cline', 'Blake Crouch', 'J. K. Rowling']


  • A module is a Python file that holds functions that can be imported into a program using an import statement.


import module	# import an entire Python module (
import module as mdl	# give an alias to imported module
from module import function_a	# import a single function from module
from module import function_a as func_a	# give an alias to imported function


# ------------------------------------------------------------- #

# periods can be used to import nested modules
# To import package/
import package.module
from package.module import function_b, function_c

function_b() # or package.module.function_b()
function_c() # or package.module.function_c()

# ------------------------------------------------------------- #

# import all functions in a module; removes necessity
# to use dot notation but creates confusion by not
# stating imported functions and causing name conflicts
from module import *

  • When the Python interpreter sees an file in a directory, it will treat that directory as a package.

  • A ==virtual environment== is a place on a system where packages can be installed and kept isolated from all other Python packages.



  • Unlike functions and variables, class names should be written in CamelCase.

  • A [[constructor]] can be written using __init__:

class Point:
    list = []

    def __init__(self, x, y):
        self.x = x
        self.y = y
        self.z = 0
        self.list.append((self.x, self.y, self.z))
    def update_z(self, value):
        self.z = value
    def increment_y(self, num):
        self.y += num
    def display(self):
        print(f"({self.x}, {self.y}, {self.z})")

# Ways to instantiate objects,
# modify attributes and invoke methods

point_1 = Point(15, 25)

point_2 = Point(15, 25)
point_2.x = 25
point_2.y = 35
point_2.z = 45


point_3 = Point(15, 25)
  • Classes have two kinds of variables:

    • Instance variables or object variables that are accessible thru dot notation like below are called attributes.
    • Class variables belong to a class object created by Python and to the objects instantiated from the class.
      • This means they can be access directly from a class object (e.g. Point.list) and from an object created with the class (e.g. point_1.list).
      • They allow us to inherently share data between different instances of a class without using global variables.
  • All attributes needn't be passed in as parameters if they're assigned a default value. e.g. the z attribute in the above code.

  • Every [[method]] in a class should have the self parameter.

  • Classes can be imported in a similar manner as functions:

    • e.g. from car import Car, from car import Car, EV
  • In Python, classes are objects. Each class is an instance of class type.

  • Every class inherits from a parent class Object. Magic methods like __repr__() are inherited from this parent class and can be ==overridden== to alter the results of a print statement.

class Person:
    def __init__(self, name): = name

    def __repr__(self):

# Prints "John" instead of <__main__.Person object at 0xabcdef>
  • [[Static Properties & Methods|Static methods]] can be defined using @staticmethod.
class Car:
    def drive():


The is keyword can be used to check if variables point to the same object reference.


class Car:
    def __init__(self, make, model, year):
        self.make = make
        self.model = model
        self.year = year

    def drive(self):

class Battery:
    def __init__(self, size=100):
        self.size = size

    def describe_size(self):
        print(f"The car has {self.size} kWh battery.")

class EV(Car):
    def __init__(self, make, model, year):
        super().__init__(make, model, year)
        self.range = 300
        self.battery = Battery()

    # overrides parent drive() method
    def drive(self):
        print("Quietly driving...")

    def describe_range(self):
        print(f"On a full charge, the {self.year} {self.make} {self.model} has a {self.range} mi range.")

class Gasoline(Car):
    pass	# To avoid empty class error

rivian = EV("Rivian", "R1T", 2022)


Reading a file

Entire file

with open('path/to/file.txt', encoding='utf-8') as f:
    contents =

  • open() - opens a file in a specified mode (second argument).
    • 'r' - read mode; default mode if second argument is omitted.
    • 'w' - write mode.
    • 'a' - append mode.
    • 'r+' - read and write mode.
  • with closes an open file once access to it is no longer needed.
  • read() method of the file object returns an empty string when it reaches the end of the file which is rendered as a blank line; it can be removed using rstrip() on the file contents.


readlines() method of the file object stores each line from a file into a list.

read() interprets all text in a file as a string.

Line by line

with open('path/to/file.txt') as f:
    for line in f:
  • Each line has an invisible newline character at its end. print() adds its own newline character each time it's called. So, each print statement renders a blank line after each line which can be removed by applying rstrip() on each line.

Writing to a file

with open('path/to/file.txt', 'w') as f:
    f.write("Hello, World!\n")
    f.write("This text is written from a Python program.\n")


Python can only write strings to a text file. Numerical data have to be converted to string using str().

Storing data

  • The json module allows to dump() and load() simple Python data structures into and from a file.
import json

nums = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]

filename = 'nums.json'

with open(filename, 'w') as f:
    json.dump(nums, f)

with open(filename) as f:
    nums_copy = json.load(f)



  • Exceptions are objects in Python that help manage errors which arise when a program is running.
  • They are handled with try-except blocks which tells Python to execute some code, but also what to do if an exception is raised.
  • Exit codes
    • 0 - Program terminated successfully.
    • 1 - Program crashed

Exception handling example:

    age = int(input("Age: "))
    income = 20000
    risk = income / age
except ZeroDivisionError:
    print("Age cannot be zero.")
except ValueError:
    print("Invalid Value")
except FileNotFoundError:
    # fail silently / do nothing
    # executed regardless of an exception
  • else block can be used to execute code when there are no exceptions raised.

  • raise can be used to manually raise an exception similar to how throw operates in [[JavaScript|JS]]

def get_name():
    name = input("Name: ")

    if len(name) < 5:
        raise ValueError("Missing Name.")
    return name

    name = get_name()
except ValueError as e:


Python uses a pass or ... statement as a placeholder or to do nothing in a block.


A unit test verifies that one specific aspect of a function's behavior is correct. A test case is a collection of unit tests that together prove a function behaves as it's supposed to.

  • The unittest Python module provides tools for testing code.
def get_sum(a, b):
    """Get the sum of two numbers"""
    return int(a) + int(b)
from sum_calc_function import get_sum

print("Enter 'q' at any time to quit.")
while True:
    num_1 = input("\nEnter first number: ")
    if num_1 == 'q':

    num_2 = input("Enter second number: ")
    if num_2 == 'q':

result = get_sum(num_1, num_2)
print(f"Sum of {num_1} and {num_2}: {result}.")
import unittest
from sum_calc_function import get_sum

class CalculatorTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
    """Tests for"""
    def test_get_sum(self):
        result = get_sum("2", "3")
        self.assertEqual(result, 5)

if __name__ == '__main__':

Python Best Practices

  • Comments should be used to describe the "Why" and "How" of a code not the "What".
  • Refactoring and compartmentalization of work is an important part of writing cleaner code which is easy to understand, maintain and extend.
  • Functions
    • Functions should use descriptive names written with lowercase letters and underscores.
    • Every function should provide a comment that concisely describes its purpose in docstring format.
    • Multiple consecutive function definitions should be separated by two blank lines.
    • All import statements should be written at the beginning of program.
  • Classes
    • Class names should be written in CamelCase with no underscores.
    • Instance and module names should be written in lowercase with underscores between words.
    • Every class should have a docstring immediately following the class definition that briefly describes what the class does.
    • Each module should also have a docstring describing what the classes in a module can be used for.
    • Blank lines can be used to organize code.
      • Within a class, use one blank line between method definitions.
      • Within a module, use two blank lines between class definitions.
    • If your program imports a standard library module and a module you wrote, the import statement for the standard library module comes first. The import statement for the module you wrote should follow after a blank line.


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