- automated and repeatable
- a culture of strong collab b/n Dev & Ops
- a set of practices aimed at improving time-to-market
- should work in harmony with Agile practices
- ==Automation of the [[SDLC|Software Development Lifecycle]]==: This includes automating testing, builds, releases, and the provisioning of development environments to increase efficiency and reduce errors.
- ==Collaboration and communication==: DevOps encourages cross-functional teams to work together closely, share responsibilities, and communicate frequently to reduce inefficiencies and improve the quality of services provided to customers.
- ==Incremental development and rapid delivery==: DevOps focuses on incremental development and rapid delivery of software, allowing teams to respond quickly to customer needs and build competitive advantage.
- ==Monitoring and feedback loops==: DevOps practices include monitoring and logging to ensure the quality of application updates and infrastructure changes, allowing teams to reliably deliver at a more rapid pace while maintaining control and preserving compliance.
- Some tasks in DevOps practices are shifted from IT to developers.
- DevOps can create new requirements, such as tooling support.
- The removal of oversight from deployments can create risk for organizations.
- Enabling DevOps practices often requires organizational change.
- Automation is not necessarily required to implement DevOps practices.
- Resource cost is important to DevOps practices
- the most important aspect of DevOps practices
- shared responsibility b/n devs and ops personnel for incident handling
- consistent practices for both devs and ops personnel
- During release, organizations care about:
- collab with customers and stakeholders
- packaging assets and service components
- tracking deployment packages
- can include automation to provide consistent feedback and deployments
- Reduce errors
- Catch bugs before deployment
- Reproduceable deployment
- Faster code delivery
- Reduce money, time, customer costs that come with potential release failures
- Easier scaling due to automation
- Frequent releases
- Limited capacity of Ops staff
- reduce the need for dedicated operations personnel
- automating many of the tasks formerly done by operations
- having developers assume a portion of the remainder
- Coordination between devs and ops personnel
- During a release process, organizations care about:
- collaboration with customers and stakeholders,
- packaging assets and service components,
- tracking deployment packages,
- Can include automation or IAC to provide consistent feedback and deployments
- Automation is key but not necessary. Tools and scripts also can enforce organization-wide policies.
- Integration
- Deployment
- Provisioning
- Configuration
- Automation will reduce the incidence of errors and will shorten the time to deployment.
- Purpose of automation tooling in DevOps: provide consistent feedback and deployments
- Source Code Management - Git
- Branching / Merging
- Commit early and often
- CI - process of automating code integration.
- Merge, Build, Test
- Connect to SCM repo, Pull, Build, Test, Approve merges, Notify of breakages
- CD
- Infra Provisioning - Get servers spun up
- Infra Configuration - Install requirements
- If part of CI, utilizes CI tools. Otherwise, connects to artifact management tool which takes an existing artifact and deploys it.
- Infra as Cattle
- Easily
- Changed
- Replaced
- Duplicated
- Automated
- Easily
- Provisioning & Configuration
- VMs
- Emulate the entire system
- Specific OS
- Needs configuration
- Containers
- Cross-platform
- Contains all needed components
- Once configured, always configured
- Config / Infra as Code:
- Version controlled
- Looks like code
- VMs
- Canaries - deploy to small number of servers
- Rollbacks - how to decommission an update
- Microservices - small stateless portions of a system connected through a larger system
- Tool support
- Personnel issues
- Organizational culture
- Organization / department type
- Regulated Industry / Domain
- Mature / Slow Moving Domains
- Security
- Data loss
- DevSecOps
- Getting Started
- Platform as a Service (PaaS)
- Development Tools
- Web Servers
- Database
- Execution Runtime
- Software as a Service (SaaS)
- Virtual Desktops
- Web-based email services
- Infrastructure as a Service
- VMs
- an emulation of a physical machine
- are set in an environment, a set computing resources
- Elasticity is the ability of resources to grow or shrink to meet demands
- Baking an image refers to the amount of software pre-installed on a VM
- Common causes for VM failure:
- stateless components - recovery by creating another instance of the same VM image and ensuring that messages are correctly routed to it.
- client states
- application states
- Storage
- Load Balancers
- Networks
- VMs
- Environment: set of computing resources
- Dependability problems come from: possibility that an instance can fail, inter-team coordination, and correctness of environment
- NoSQL (Not Only SQL) DBs
- not as mature as relational systems
- appropriate data models must be decided upon by application programmer
- applications may use multiple DB systems for d/t needs
- DevOps Consequences of the Unique Cloud Features
- Environments - ensuring the environments meet the needs of the development and operations tasks
- Easy VM Creation - controlling the proliferation of VMs
- Databases - managing different database management systems
- Things to consider when designing a service
- What are the SLAs for the service?
- What automation will be involved as a portion of the service?
- Implications of the service?
- What are the information security implications of the service?
- What are the personnel requirements of the service?
- What are the business continuity implications of the service?
- Responsibilities of Dev + Ops Personnel (Overlap)
- Provisioning of hardware
- Provisioning of software for organizational support
- IT Functions: Service Desk Support, Technology Experts
- Capacity Planning
- Monitoring logs and other data in regards to app performance
- Business continuity - Cost / Benefit analysis of:
- data loss in the event of a failure
- time it takes to recover from a failure
- Information Security
- While some DevOps practices are independent of architecture, in order to get the full benefit of others, architectural refactoring may be necessary.
- An organization can introduce continuous deployment without major architectural modifications.
- Microservices
- composes several smaller services into a single system with complete functionality
- coordination between dev teams responsible for interacting services is important.
- multi-version deployments
- reduces the necessity for inter-team coordination by making global architectural choices.
- deployment rollbacks
- Dependability - stateless services
- Problems
- small amount of inter-team coordination
- environment correctness
- possibility of a service instance failing
- Problems
- Modifiability - small services
- Continuous Deployment
- Continual Service Improvement is the process and goal of improving the alignment of IT services with business needs and the quality of deployed software
- Requires some architectural support.
Allows developers and operations teams to manage and provision infrastructure through code rather than manual processes.
IaC uses declarative definitions to specify the desired state of infrastructure.
- Instead of writing step-by-step instructions, definitions describe what you want the end result to look like.
- e.g. Using Terraform to create an AWS EC2 instance with specific attributes, without detailing the exact steps to create it:
resource "aws_instance" "web_server" {
ami = "ami-0c55b159cbfafe1f0"
instance_type = "t2.micro"
tags = {
Name = "WebServer"
- Files are treated like application code and stored in version control systems like Git.
- This enables tracking of changes, collaboration, and rollbacks.
- IaC tools ensure idempotency.
- The same configuration can be applied multiple times without changing the result beyond the initial application.
- e.g. Using Ansible to Install Apache if it's not present, but don't make changes if already installed:
- name: Ensure Apache is Installed
name: httpd
state: present
- IaC enables automation of infrastructure provisioning and management, reducing manual errors and increasing efficiency.
- e.g. Using AWS CloudFormation to automatically create an S3 bucket when applied:
AWSTemplateFormatVersion: '2010-09-09'
Type: 'AWS::S3::Bucket'
BucketName: my-unique-bucket-name
- IaC promotes creating reusable modules for common infrastructure patterns.
- e.g. Using Terraform modules to reuse a pre-defined VPC module, which allows for consistent VPC creation across projects:
module "vpc" {
source = "./modules/vpc"
cidr_block = ""
- IaC allows treating infrastructure like software, applying software development practices to infrastructure management.
- e.g. Using TypeScript with AWS CDK to define a VPC:
import * as ec2 from 'aws-cdk-lib/aws-ec2';
import { Stack, StackProps } from 'aws-cdk-lib';
import { Construct } from 'constructs';
class MyInfrastructureStack extends Stack {
constructor(scope: Construct, id: string, props?: StackProps) {
super(scope, id, props);
const vpc = new ec2.Vpc(this, 'MyVPC', {
maxAzs: 2