Starting with r151016, building illumos-gate or our own downstream illumos-omnios is more straightforward.
- Have a machine or VM with a minimum of 8GB of RAM, and 10GB of free disk space
- Install r151022 or later of OmniOS, boot it, and configure it per instruction on this wiki
- Install the single metapackage
contains compilers, closed binaries, and other tools required to build illumos-gate. With privilege or as root:
omnios# pkg install illumos-tools
Packages to install: 24
Create boot environment: No
Create backup boot environment: No
Completed 24/24 13062/13062 406.3/406.3 5.2M/s
Installing new actions 18479/18479
Updating package state database Done
Updating package cache 0/0
Updating image state Done
Creating fast lookup database Done
- Clone the repo of your choice using git, and perform any modifications.
NOTE: For OmniOS, if you want to use the precise source of a given release, check out that branch (e.g. branch r151016 for r151016). The master branch of OmniOS corresponds roughly to bloody (master may be ahead a few commits of available bloody releases)
omnios# exit
omnios(~)[0]% mkdir build
omnios(~)[0]% cd build
omnios(~/build)[0]% git clone
Cloning into 'illumos-omnios'...
remote: Counting objects: 361936, done.
remote: Total 361936 (delta 30), reused 30 (delta 30), pack-reused 361905
Receiving objects: 100% (361936/361936), 240.36 MiB | 5.37 MiB/s, done.
Resolving deltas: 100% (261121/261121), done.
Checking connectivity... done.
Checking out files: 100% (44267/44267), done.
omnios(~/build)[0]% cd illumos-omnios/
omnios(~/build/illumos-omnios)[0]% vi usr/src/uts/common/os/logsubr.c
omnios(~/build/illumos-omnios)[0]% git diff
diff --git a/usr/src/uts/common/os/logsubr.c b/usr/src/uts/common/os/logsubr.c
index 149f5f8..0d7a66e 100644
--- a/usr/src/uts/common/os/logsubr.c
+++ b/usr/src/uts/common/os/logsubr.c
@@ -251,6 +251,7 @@ log_init(void)
utsname.release, utsname.version, NBBY * (uint_t)sizeof (void *));
printf("Copyright (c) 1983, 2010, Oracle and/or its affiliates. "
"All rights reserved.\n");
+ printf("KEBE WAS HERE, and wanted to vandalize the banner message.\n");
#ifdef DEBUG
printf("DEBUG enabled\n");
- You may wish to use techniques here to verify your changes prior to building the entire illumos repo
- Copy
depending on which illumos repo you're building, and modify the GATE and CODEMGR_WS variables to match your repo. You can also modify the NIGHTLY_OPTIONS to reduce or increase the amount that is built. The default is to build DEBUG & packages, plus lint. Call it$HOME/build/my.env
for this example
omnios(~/build/illumos-omnios)[0]% cd ..
omnios(~/build)[0]% cp /opt/onbld/env/omnios-illumos-omnios my.env
omnios(~/build)[0]% vi my.env
omnios(~/build)[0]% diff -u /opt/onbld/env/omnios-illumos-omnios my.env
--- /opt/onbld/env/omnios-illumos-omnios Thu Oct 29 09:38:40 2015
+++ my.env Thu Oct 29 09:56:31 2015
@@ -30,7 +30,7 @@
# This example is suitable for building an illumos workspace, which
# will contain the resulting archives. It is based off the onnv
# release. It sets NIGHTLY_OPTIONS to make nightly do:
-# DEBUG build only (-D, -F)
+# DEBUG and non-DEBUG builds (-D)
# do not bringover (aka. pull or clone) from the parent (-n)
# runs 'make check' (-C)
# checks for new interfaces in libraries (-A)
@@ -45,7 +45,7 @@
# - This script is only interpreted by ksh93 and explicitly allows the
# use of ksh93 language extensions.
-export NIGHTLY_OPTIONS='-FnCDAlmprt'
+export NIGHTLY_OPTIONS='-nCDAlmprt'
@@ -58,10 +58,10 @@
# This is a variable for the rest of the script - GATE doesn't matter to
# nightly itself
-export GATE='testws'
+export GATE='illumos-omnios'
# CODEMGR_WS - where is your workspace at (or what should nightly name it)
-export CODEMGR_WS="$HOME/ws/$GATE"
+export CODEMGR_WS="$HOME/build/$GATE"
# Maximum number of dmake jobs. The recommended number is 2 + NCPUS,
# where NCPUS is the number of logical CPUs on your build system.
- Run nightly. Nightly will compile even uncommitted changes, so make sure your source reflects what you want compiled
omnios(~/build)[0]% /bin/time /opt/onbld/bin/nightly ./my.env
real 1:36:57.4
user 3:54:35.1
sys 24:57.9
- A mail should arrive to
. You can also check mail_msg or nightly.log in$CODEMGR_WS/log/log-\
omnios(~/build)[0]% cat illumos-omnios/log/log.2015-10-29.11:34/mail_msg
==== Nightly distributed build started: Thu Oct 29 09:57:56 EDT 2015 ====
==== Nightly distributed build completed: Thu Oct 29 11:34:54 EDT 2015 ====
==== Total build time ====
real 1:36:57
==== Build environment ====
SunOS omnios 5.11 omnios-b69fab3 i86pc i386 i86pc
dmake: illumos make
number of concurrent jobs = 6
32-bit compiler
/opt/onbld/bin/i386/cw -_gcc
cw version 1.30 (SHADOW MODE DISABLED)
primary: /opt/gcc-4.4.4//bin/gcc
gcc (GCC) 4.4.4
64-bit compiler
/opt/onbld/bin/i386/cw -_gcc
cw version 1.30 (SHADOW MODE DISABLED)
primary: /opt/gcc-4.4.4//bin/gcc
gcc (GCC) 4.4.4
openjdk full version "1.7.0_76-b31"
as: Sun Compiler Common 12 SunOS_i386 snv_121 08/03/2009
ld: Software Generation Utilities - Solaris Link Editors: 5.11-1.1753 (illumos)
Build project: group.staff
Build taskid: 82
==== Nightly argument issues ====
==== Build version ====
==== Make clobber ERRORS ====
==== Make tools clobber ERRORS ====
==== Tools build errors ====
==== Build errors (non-DEBUG) ====
==== Build warnings (non-DEBUG) ====
==== Elapsed build time (non-DEBUG) ====
real 32:32.9
user 1:24:27.1
sys 9:21.0
==== Build noise differences (non-DEBUG) ====
==== package build errors (non-DEBUG) ====
==== Build errors (DEBUG) ====
==== Build warnings (DEBUG) ====
==== Elapsed build time (DEBUG) ====
real 27:12.2
user 1:12:45.9
sys 6:39.8
==== Build noise differences (DEBUG) ====
==== package build errors (DEBUG) ====
==== Validating manifests against proto area ====
==== Check versioning and ABI information ====
==== Check ELF runtime attributes ====
==== Diff ELF runtime attributes (since last build) ====
==== 'dmake lint' of src ERRORS ====
==== Elapsed time of 'dmake lint' of src ====
real 26:20.5
user 57:18.1
sys 5:23.1
==== lint warnings src ====
==== lint noise differences src ====
==== cstyle/hdrchk errors ====
==== Find core files ====
==== Check lists of files ====
==== Impact on file permissions ====
- Use the onu(1ONBLD) tool to create a new boot environment using your freshly-compiled illumos bits. If you build both DEBUG and non-DEBUG, you can choose which bits. Use beadm(1M) to make sure the BE you want is selected for your next reboot
omnios# cd ~danmcd/build
omnios# ls
illumos-omnios my.env
omnios# beadm list
BE Active Mountpoint Space Policy Created
omniosvar - - 19.0K static 2015-10-29 08:48
omnios NR / 3.03G static 2015-10-29 08:48
omnios# ls illumos-omnios/packages/i386/
nightly nightly-nd
omnios# /opt/onbld/bin/onu -t kebe -d ~danmcd/build/illumos-omnios/packages/i386/nightly
Created successfully
Mounted successfully on: '/tmp/onu.3ua4uQ'
Packages to remove: 3
Removing old actions 383/383
Updating package state database Done
Updating package cache 3/3
Updating image state Done
Creating fast lookup database Done
Packages to update: 304
Completed 304/304 2253/2253 87.1/87.1 0B/s
Removing old actions 304/304
Updating modified actions 3877/3877
Updating package state database Done
Updating package cache 304/304
Updating image state Done
Creating fast lookup database Done
NOTE: Please review release notes posted at:
Activated successfully
omnios# beadm list
BE Active Mountpoint Space Policy Created
omniosvar - - 19.0K static 2015-10-29 08:48
omnios N / 992K static 2015-10-29 08:48
kebe R /tmp/onu.3ua4uQ 3.70G static 2015-10-29 13:01
omnios# reboot