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File metadata and controls

126 lines (100 loc) · 10.5 KB

Available Commands

RAM reading

Single Read

Command Description Parameters Usage
peek Reads memory at given address relative to heap 1. address to read from relative to heap in hex
2. amount of bytes to read
Return: hex string
peek 0x45075880 344
peekAbsolute Reads memory at given absolute address 1. address to read from in hex
2. amount of bytes to read
Return: hex string
peekAbsolute 0x45075880 344
peekMain Reads memory at given address relative to NSOMain 1. address to read from relative to NSOMain in hex
2. amount of bytes to read
Return: hex string
peekAbsolute 0x45075880 344

Multiple Reads

Command Description Parameters Usage
peekMulti Reads memory at given addresses relative to heap 1. address to read from relative to heap in hex
2. amount of bytes to read
n. address to read from relative to heap in hex
n+1. amount of bytes to read
Return: hex string
peekMulti 0x45075880 344 0x45097552 344 0x45774450 344
peekAbsoluteMulti Reads memory at given absolute addresses 1. address to read in hex
2. amount of bytes to read
n. address to read in hex
n+1. amount of bytes to read
Return: hex string
peekMulti 0x45075880 344 0x45097552 344 0x45774450 344
peekMainMulti Reads memory at given absolute addresses 1. address to read relative to NSOMain in hex
2. amount of bytes to read
n. address to read relative to NSOMain in hex
n+1. amount of bytes to read
Return: hex string
peekMulti 0x45075880 344 0x45097552 344 0x45774450 344

Pointer Reads

Command Description Parameters Usage
pointerPeek Follows a chain of pointers and reads the final value 1. amount of bytes to read
2. first jump relative to NSOMain
3. offset after following first pointer
n. offset after following previous pointer
n+1 Final offset to reach the value to read
pointerPeek 344 0x45097552 0x10 0x20 0x30
pointerPeekMulti Follows a chain of pointers and reads the final value, accepts more than one chain separated by * 1. amount of bytes to read
2. first jump relative to NSOMain
3. offset after following first pointer
n. offset after following previous pointer
n+1 Final offset to reach the value to read
pointerPeek 344 0x45097552 0x10 0x20 0x30 * 344 0x62097552 0x10 0x4
pointer Follows a chain of pointers and prints the final absolute address 1. first jump relative to NSOMain
2. offset after following first pointer
n. offset after following previous pointer (will still jump to this one)
pointer 0x45097552 0x10 0x20
pointerAll Follows a chain of pointers and prints the final absolute address, allows adding a final offset without jumping 1. first jump relative to NSOMain
2. offset after following first pointer
n. offset after following previous pointer (will not jump to this one)
pointerAll 0x45097552 0x10 0x20 0x4
pointerRelative Follows a chain of pointers and prints the final address relative to heap, allows adding a final offset without jumping 1. first jump relative to NSOMain
2. offset after following first pointer
n. offset after following previous pointer (will not jump to this one)
pointerRelative 0x45097552 0x10 0x20 0x4

RAM Writing

Single Write

Command Description Parameters Usage
poke Writes bytes to given address relative to heap 1. address to write to relative to heap in hex
2. data in hex to write
poke 0x45075880 0xDEADBEEF
pokeAbsolute Writes bytes to given absolute address 1. absolute address to write to in hex
2. data in hex to write
poke 0x45075880 0xDEADBEEF
pokeMain Writes bytes to given address relative to NSOMain 1. address to write to relative to NSOMain in hex
2. data in hex to write
poke 0x45075880 0xDEADBEEF

Pointer Write

Command Description Parameters Usage
pointerPoke Writes bytes to address resulting of following a pointer chain 1. bytes in hex to write
2. first jump relative to NSOMain
3. offset after following first pointer
n. offset after following previous pointer
n+1. offset after following previous pointer (will not jump to this one)
pointerPoke 0xDEADBEEF 0x45075880 0x10 0x20 0x30

Freezing of values

Command Description Parameters Usage
freeze Freezes a value in RAM (writing every X milliseconds to it to ensure it does not get overwritten by game logic 1. absolute address to freeze
2. value to freeze it to in hex
freeze 0x45097552 200
unFreeze Unfreezes a previously frozen value in RAM 1. absolute address to unfreeze unFreeze 0x45097552
freezeCount Returns number of frozen addresses in RAM none freezeCount
freezeClear Unfreezes all values in RAM none freezeClear
freezePause Pauses the freezing process, allows for unpause to refreeze none freezePause
freezeUnpause Unpauses a previously paused freezing of all values none freezeUnpause


Controller Input

See for a list of available buttontypes to press.

Command Description Parameters Usage
press Presses and holds a button 1. buttonType press A
release Releases a button from being pressed 1. buttonType release A
click Holds a button pressed and releases it after a configured period of time
default 50ms
1. buttonType click A
setStick Sets stick position 1. LEFT/RIGHT
2.XVal (-0x8000 is min, 0x7FFF is max)
setStick LEFT 0x7FFF 0x0
clickSeq Sends several button inputs and wait commands in sequence 1. single string (no spaces) with comma-separated commands out of the following

buttonType for click
+buttonType for press
-buttonType for release
Wnumber to sleep number ms
%X,Y move left stick to position X Y
&X,Y move right stick to position X Y
clickSeq A,W1000,B,W200,DUP,W500,DD,W350,%5000,1500,W2650,%0,0
clickCancel Interrupts click sequence none clickCancel
detachController Forces the virtual controller to detach, useful in cases where it bugs out none detachController

Touchscreen Input

Command Description Parameters Usage
touch Sequential taps to the touchscreen 1.X in range 0-1280
2.Y in range 0-720
n-1. X in range 0-1280
n. Y in range 0-720
touch 200 500
touch 200 500 200 800
touchHold Single tap to hold
Runs in its own thread but will not allow the call again while running
1. X in range 0-1280
2. Y in range 0.720
3. milliseconds to hold (at least 15)
touchHold 200 500 1000
touchDraw Moves the touch from given position to the next, effectively drawing on the touchscreen
Runs in its own thread but will not allow the call again while running
1. X in range 0-1280 starting point
2. Y in range 0-720 starting point
3. X second point
4. Y second point
n-1. X last point
n. Y last point
touchDraw 100 200 100 500 200 500 200 200
touchCancel Cancels current touch operation none touchCancel

Keyboard Input

See HidKeyboardKey and HidKeyboardModifier for available keys and modifiers.

Command Description Parameters Usage
key Types several keys on the keyboard in sequence 1. HidKeyboardKey1
n. HidKeyboardKeyN
key 11 8 15 15 18
keyMod Types several keys on the keyboard in sequence with modifier keys
Do not bitshift the modifiers yourself, sys-botbase will do the shifting
1. HidKeyboardKey1
n-1. HidKeyboardKeyN
n. HidKeyboardModifierN
keyMod 4 1
keyMulti Presses several keys at the same time 1. HidKeyboardKey1
n. HidKeyboardKeyN
keyMulti 224 226 23

Screen Control

Command Description Parameters Usage
pixelPeek Returns .jpg file of the current screen none pixelPeek
screenOff Turns the screen off none screenOff
screenOn Turns the screen on none screenOn


Command Description Parameters Usage
getTitleID Returns TitleId of application currently running none getTitleID
getTitleVersion Returns Version of Title currently running none getTitleVersion
getSystemLanguage Returns Language of the Switch OS none getSystemLanguage
getBuildID Returns BuildID of the Application running none getBuildID
getHeapBase Returns Memory address of the Heap Base none getHeapBase
getMainNsoBase Returns Memory address of the NSOMain none getMainNsoBase
isProgramRunning Checks if program with given id is running 1. programID to check isProgramRunning 0x420000000007e51a
game Returns Metadata about the running game 1. one of the following
icon IconData
version Game Version
rating age rating
author Author of the game
name Name of the game
game rating
getVersion Returns version of sys-botbased used none getVersion
charge Returns charge status of the battery none charge


The configure command allows setting of some timing values in sys-botbase:

Configure parameter Description Parameters Usage
mainLoopSleepTime Time the main thread sleeps after every single command
default 50ms
1. New time in ms to sleep after every command configure mainLoopSleepTime 10
buttonClickSleepTime How long a button is held down during the "click" call. This blocks the main loop
Make sure this isn't lower than the fps on the game or a click might not get recognized by the game
1. New time in ms to hold a button down during click configure buttonClickSleepTime 40
echoCommands Returns every command back for debugging purposes
default 0
1 or 0 configure echoCommands 0
printDebugResultCodes Prints some Resultcodes for debugging purposes
default 0
1 or 0 configure printDebugResultCodes 0
keySleepTime How long a key is held down during the "key" call. This does not block the main loop
default 25
1. New key press sleep time configure keySleepTime 40
fingerDiameter Controls the diameter of the virtual touch finger
default 50
1. new diameter for touch events configure fingerDiameter 100
pollRate How long a touch event shall be held down
default 17
polling is linked to screen refresh rate (system UI) or game framerate. Most cases this is 1/60 or 1/30
1. New poll rate configure pollRate 34
freezeRate How often frozen values shall be rewritten to RAM
default 3ms
1. new freezerate in ms configure freezeRate 10
controllerType controllerType to use for controller input commands
default 3
See HidDeviceType on configure controllerType 12