The entry page of the Java course in L3.
You know algorithmics: you know how to design algorithms to solve problems, using data structures, if required, such as lists or stacks.
You can implement such algorithms in C++, Python or some similar language
You can use at least one of the three major operating systems (Windows, a Linux variant or Mac OS) to compile and run a program in at least one language, and are generally at ease with that OS: you know how to edit files and move them around, install and use basic programs, …
You are able to understand texts in English relating to computer science
Projets : 3 projets × 4 pers / projet + 3 projet × 5 pers / projet
Git: remotes ; Step by step (end)
Read the graded exercices procedure and take the “training” assignment; Practice with the other exercices on the Git page
Syntax: basics; exercices (Shorts and Methods)
TODO @ home: Git step-by-step (entirely); “graded exercices” and “training” (see above); Exercices of “Syntax” until “Methods” (not: “Classes”).
Graded exercice about git branching. Deadline: 14h25.
Syntax, exercice: Classes
Execution, without packages, exercices
Syntax: packages
Execution, with packages, exercices
TODO @ home: Install Visual Studio Code.
TODO @ home: Syntax, More exercices (up to EE3.6 included); VS Code and Unit testing (see above).