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Data Normalisation

abrinkmann edited this page Oct 2, 2018 · 3 revisions

This page gives an overview about the data value normalization features that are provided by WInte.r. Data normalization is a pre-processing step in the data integration process that is done to harmonize data values across all datasets. For example, values like "1.5 thousand metre" and "1.5 kilometre" are both converted to "1,500". Thereby, both values are represented in the respective base unit metre.

Data Value Normalization

WInte.r supports the parsing of data values with various data types: boolean, link, coordinate, date, numeric, and string. Input data values can be parsed, converted into the respective Java type, and normalised with the ValueNormalizer class.

For the data type numeric, further parsing of quantities (thousand, million) and units of measurement (km, squareMile, joule) are supported. During normalisation, these quantities and units of measurement are handled by multiplying the numeric value with the respective factors. For quantities this simply means scaling the value, i.e., normalising 1.5 million to 1,500,000. For units, the value is converted into an SI base unit, i.e., the data value 1.5 km is converted to 1,500, which represents the value in metres. All supported units are listed in the table below.

All value normalisations can be executed using the ValueNormalizer's normalize() method. The method takes as input the data value as well as the desired data type and unit category.

ValueNormalizer valueNormalizer = new ValueNormalizer();
Double value = (Double) valueNormalizer.normalize("1.5 thousand km", DataType.numeric, UnitCategoryParser.getUnitCategory("Distance"));

In this data value normalization example, the data value 1.5 thousand km is normalized to the value 1,500,000, which represents the original value in the base unit metre. First the data value's quantity thousand is detected, which results in a multiplication of the numeric value by 1,000. Then the unit km is recognized, which results in another multiplication by 1,000 when converting the numeric value to the base unit metre. Afterwards, the quantity and unit are removed from the original value and a double-precision floating point number (Java's Double type) is returned.

A user can define the desired unit conversion by specifying a unit category such as Distance or Area. The ValueNormaliser then checks for any unit belonging to this category and converts the value to the corresponding base unit. The following table provides an overview of the supported units and their unit categories:

Unit Category Units Base Unit
Area squareMetre, squareMillimetre, squareCentimetre, squareDecimetre, squareDecametre, squareHectometre, squareKilometre, hectare, squareInch, squareFoot, squareYard, acre, squareMile, squareNauticalMile squareMetre
Density kilogramPerCubicMetre, kilogramPerLitre, gramPerCubicCentimetre, gramPerMillilitre kilogramPerCubicMetre
ElectricCurrent ampere, kiloampere, milliampere, microampere ampere
Energy joule, kilojoule, erg, milliwattHour, wattHour, kilowattHour, megawattHour, gigawattHour, terawattHour, millicalorie, calorie, kilocalorie, megacalorie, inchPound, footPound joule
FlowRate cubicMetrePerSecond, cubicFeetPerSecond, cubicMetrePerYear, cubicFeetPerYear cubicMetrePerSecond
Force newton, nanonewton, millinewton, kilonewton, meganewton, giganewton, tonneForce, megapond, kilogramForce, kilopond, gramForce, pond, milligramForce, millipond, poundal newton
Frequency hertz, millihertz, kilohertz, megahertz, gigahertz, terahertz hertz
FuelEfficiency kilometresPerLitre kilometresPerLitre
InformationUnit byte, bit, kilobit, megabit, kilobyte, megabyte, gigabyte, terabyte byte
Distance metre, nanometre, micrometre, millimetre, centimetre, decimetre, decametre, hectometre, kilometre, megametre, gigametre, inch, hand, foot, yard, fathom, rod, chain, furlong, mile, nautialMile, astronomicalUnit, lightYear, kilolightYear metre
LinearMassDensity gramPerKilometre gramPerKilometre
Mass gram, milligram, kilogram, tonne, stone, pound, ounce, grain, carat gram
PopulationDensity inhabitantsPerSquareKilometre, inhabitantsPerSquareMile inhabitantsPerSquareKilometre
Power watt, kilowatt, milliwatt, megawatt, gigawatt, horsepower, pferdestaerke, brakeHorsepower watt
Pressure pascal, millipascal, hectopascal, kilopascal, megapascal, millibar, decibar, bar, standardAtmosphere, poundPerSquareInch pascal
Speed kilometrePerHour, metrePerSecond, kilometrePerSecond, milePerHour, footPerSecond, footPerMinute, knot kilometrePerHour
Time second, millisecond, microsecond, nanosecond, minute, hour, day second
Torque newtonMetre, newtonMillimetre, newtonCentimetre, poundFoot newtonMetre
Voltage volt, megavolt, kilovolt, millivolt, microvolt volt
Volume cubicMetre, cubicMillimetre, cubicCentimetre, cubicDecimetre, cubicDecametre, cubicHectometre, cubicKilometre, microlitre, millilitre, centilitre, decilitre, litre, hectolitre, kilolitre, megalitre, gigalitre, cubicMile, cubicYard, cubicFoot, cubicInch, imperialBarrel, usBarrel, imperialBarrelOil, usBarrelOil, imperialGallon, usGallon cubicMetre

Examples for Data Normalization

Two code examples on how to use the ValueNormalizer can be found in the Country use-case folder. The examples show how data normalization is apploed to a country data set during the loading of the data set.

  1. The user-defined data model approach provides the user with an additional layer of abstraction.
  2. The default data model approach with data type detection denotes a light-weighted implementation suitable for rapid prototyping including a user-specific type detector.

In all examples, the following input from Countries.csv is normalised:

Index Name Population Area Speed Limit Date Latest Constitution
1 Federal Republic of Germany 82.6 million 357,386 km2 23.05.1949
2 French Republic 67,186,638 640,679 km2 130 km/h 04-Oct-1958
3 United States of America 325,719,178 3,796,742 sq mi 85 mph June 21 1788
4 People's Republic of China 1.4 billion 9,596,961 km2 120 km/h 04-Dec-1982
5 Russian Federation 144.52 million 17,098,246 km2 130 km/h 12-Dec-1993

User-defined Data Model

In this scenario, a user-defined data model is used. Thus, the records in the dataset represent objects of the user-defined Country class, instead of the default Record class. If the user defines her own data model, it is assumed that the attribute mapping as well as data type and unit of each column are already known. Therefore, attribute mapping, data type and unit information can be encapsulated within a dedicated CSVCountryReader, such that the data can be normalized while loading it from the csv-file:

// load data
DataSet<Country, Attribute> dataCountry = new HashedDataSet<>();
new CSVCountryReader().loadFromCSV(new File("usecase/country/input/countries.csv"), dataCountry);

The normalisation is implemented in the readLine() method of the CSVCountryReader, which receives the values of a line in the CSV file and creates a new Country object. If a column's value should be normalized, the ValueNormalizer class is used as explained above:

protected void readLine(File file, int rowNumber, String[] values, DataSet<Country, Attribute> dataset) {

	if (rowNumber == 0) {
	} else {
		// generate new record of type country
		Country r = new Country(values[0], file.getAbsolutePath());

		// set value without conversion (keep the original string)
		// convert data type and normalise value
		Object area = valueNormalizer.normalize(values[3], DataType.numeric, UnitCategoryParser.getUnitCategory("Area"));
		if (area != null) {
			r.setArea((Double) area);


This setup results in a dataset with normalised formats, units and quantities for the Population, Area, SpeedLimit, and DateLatestConstitution columns:

Id Name Population Area SpeedLimit DateLatestConstitution
1 Federal Republic of Germany 8.26E7 3.57386E11 1949-05-23T00:00
2 French Republic 6.7186E7 6.40679E11 130.0 1958-10-04T00:00
3 United States of America 3.2571E8 9.833516E12 136.7939 1788-06-21T00:00
4 People's Republic of China 1.4E9 9.596961E12 120.0 1982-12-04T00:00
5 Russian Federation 1.4452E8 1.7098246E13 130.0 1993-12-12T00:00

Default Data Model with Type Detection

In both scenarios using the default model, the data first has to be loaded into a dataset. Please check the Data Model page in this wiki for a detailed explanation on how to load a dataset into WInte.r utilizing the default data model.

// load data
DataSet<Record, Attribute> dataCountry = new HashedDataSet<>();
new CSVRecordReader(0).loadFromCSV(new File("usecase/country/input/countries.csv"), dataCountry);

Normalisation for a complete data set instead of single values can be performed with the DataSetNormalizer class. Additionally, WInte.r provides the PatternbasedTypeDetector, which can detect data types and units of measurement for a dataset using a large range of regular expressions. To trigger the data set normalization, pass the data set and the PatternbasedTypeDetector as parameters to the normaliseDataset(...) method:

// normalize dataset
new DataSetNormalizer<Record>().normalizeDataset(dataCountry, new PatternbasedTypeDetector());

This setup results in a dataset with normalised formats, units and quantities for the Population, Area, SpeedLimit, and DateLatestConstitution columns. Nevertheless, this is a default model, hence the columns headers are not detected. Please refer to the wiki page on Data Models for further details:

countries.csv_Col0 countries.csv_Col1 countries.csv_Col2 countries.csv_Col3 countries.csv_Col4 countries.csv_Col5
1 Federal Republic of Germany 8.26E7 3.57386E11 1949-05-23T00:00
2 French Republic 6.7186E7 6.40679E11 130.0 1958-10-04T00:00
3 United States of America 3.2571E8 9.833516E12 136.7939 1788-06-21T00:00
4 People's Republic of China 1.4E9 9.596961E12 120.0 1982-12-04T00:00
5 Russian Federation 1.4452E8 1.7098246E13 130.0 1993-12-12T00:00