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178 lines (123 loc) · 5.23 KB

File metadata and controls

178 lines (123 loc) · 5.23 KB

Type definition

This gem provides declarative type checking. This part of the documentation will explain, how types are declared. Some types support inner types (e.g. arrays), so the definition can be nested.


Accepts exactly the defined value, if its string representation is identical. This is especially useful in combination with alternatives.


query_param :accept_terms, true, "The user's consent to the terms of service"

This would accept the values "true" or true and reject all others.


Accepts values that match at least one of the definitions.


query_param :gender, [:male, :female, :other], "User's gender"
query_param :date_or_timestamp, [DateTime, Integer], "Modification date"

The first example will match any of the values "male", "female", "other".

The second example will match any iso formatted date time string or a timestamp (e.g. seconds since 1970-01-01).


Accept any string or type which can be converted to a string, namely: String, Symbol, Numeric, Boolean. The value will be automatically converted to a string.


query_param :name, String, "The user's name"


Accepts an integer or a string which represents an integer. If a string is passed, which cannot be parsed to an integer, the value is rejected. If the string can be converted to an integer, this is done in any case, if the value is accepted, an integer is returned.


query_param :year_of_birth, Integer, "The year, the user was born"

In this case, params[:year_of_birth].is_a? Integer returns true.


Accepts an integer, float or a string which represents a float. If a string is passed, which cannot be parsed to a float, the value is rejected. If the string can be converted to a float, this is done in any case, if the value is accepted, a float is returned. Also integers are converted to floats.


query_param :radius, Float, "Search radius"

In this case, params[:radius].is_a? Float returns true.


Accepts a boolean or a string, which represents a boolean (either "true" or "false").


query_param :published, Boolean, "Indicate if a blog post is published"

In this case, params[:published].is_a?(TrueClass) || params[:published].is_a?(FalseClass) returns true.


Accepts a string or symbol in uuid v4 format. If the string does not match the correct format, it is rejected.


query_param :user_id, Uuid, "The user's ID"


Accepts a string or symbol, that matches a given RegExp pattern.


query_param :slug, /[a-z][a-z_0-9]+/, "Slug for the article as used in the URL"

Date & DateTime

Accept strings that represent valid dates or datetimes, e.g. "2020-02-28" (for dates) or "2020-02-28T12:13:14+01:00".


query_param :expiration_date, Date, "Date until the article will be available"

Optional Value

If a value is not passed, define a default value which is returned in this case. It can be used with any inner type. If the value is passed, it is validated. If it does not match, the value is rejected. If it is not specified at all, the default value is used.


query_param :public, Optional(Boolean, false), "Will the article be publicly available"
query_param :expiration_date, Optional(Date, -> { + 14.days }), "Date until the article will be available"

In the first example, the constant is false is returned if no value is specified.

In the second example, the Proc is evaluated whenever no data is passed for the parameter.


Accepts a list of values. Every value of the entry has to match the inner type.


body_param :tags, ArrayType(String), "Tags to assign to the article"

This can be combined with any inner type.


Accept an object with a defined list of keys. All properties have to match there definition.


body_param :article, { 
              title: String,
              body: String,
              expiration_date: Optional(Date, + 14.days),
              tags: ArrayType(String)
            }, "Article to store"


Accept an object with arbitrary keys. The values and the keys can be validated against a type definition.


body_param :settings, HashType(DateTime, /key_[a-z]/), "User settings"

In this case, all keys have to start with key_ and the rest may only consist of lower case letters. The values have to be date times.