- Issue #15787 - Creates VADCP-B functions and adds them into according VADCP-B streams
- Issue #15948 - Adds PHSEN-GH stream and appropriate parameter definitions
- Issue #15920 - Updates PRTSZ-A stream and definitions
- Issue #15165 - Use new botpt predicted tide tables
- Issue #15854 - Update preload_database.sql for use by stream_engine utility scripts
- Issue #15739 - Fix new MAB instruments in preload.
- Issue #15717 - Adds prtsz_a_instrument, turbd_a_instrument, and plims_a_hdr_instrument streams, along with appropriate new parameters.
Issue #14376 - typo in trhph_sample data stream
Issue #15493 - Implementation of Asset Management updates to enable METBK-CT recovered-instr ingestion and data products
Issue #15341 - Incorrect Units for Heading, Pitch and Roll
Issue #15438 - Scale VEL3D velocity based on bit 1 of status_code
- Issue #15268 - Remove presf dcl wave burst streams
Issue #15558 - Add PCO2W/PHSEN voltage calculations
Issue #15559 - Fix PCO2W ratio values exceeding the max for a signed 16 bit integer
Issue #15072 - Address ADCP in the Sky
- Issue #15463 - Reinstate function map for DO in cabled deep profiler optode streams (#122)
- Fix D1000 parameter names
- Issue #15445 - Review and correction of preload values by preload working group - pass #1
- Correct overwrite of pressure by pressure_depth
- Issue #15445 - Review and correction of preload values by preload working group - pass #1
Issue #15354 - Add dissolved oxygen param from do_fast_sample to ctdpf_sbe43_sample stream
Issue #15072 - Adjust parameters for adcps_jln_stc_instrument_recovered stream
Issue #15387 - Fix FLORDG recovered_inst ingestion issues
- Issue #TBD - Converts unit string from uM to umol L-1 for downstream systems
- Issue #14986 - Adds corrected dissolved oxygen concentration (umol kg^-3) to the dosta_abcdjm_ctdbp_p_dcl_instrument and recovered streams
- Issue #15167 - adds sref input argument to PD2750 (#104)
- Issue #14993 - Use calphase to calculate cabled DOSTA data
Issue #15118 - Incorrect calculation of depth parameter from pressure
Issue #14945 - Adjust bin sizes for new Cassandra cluster
Issue #14261 - Add pressure depth to parad_k__stc_imodem_instrument and recovered streams
Issue #14654 - Create interp_lat,lon parameters
- Use them to derive other parameters
- Add them to the glider_gps_position stream
Issue #14787 - Use pressure_depth when applicable for dosta calculations
Issue #14675 - Compute depth from pressure parameters
Issue #14852 - Dissolved oxygen calculation is missing the two-point calibration data
- Issue #13369 - Add supply_voltage to pco2a_a_dcl_instrument_air,water_recovered streams
- Issue #14278 - Add netcdf_name column to parameter column and default to name
- Issue #13402 - FDCHP derived product algorithm corrections
- Updated FDCHP parameter dimensions to use L1/L2 aux parameters
- Renamed fdchp_a_tmpatur display/long names
- Corrected fdchp_a_tmpatur sonicT source parameter from 1053 to 3474
- Issue #14643 - Pass pressure to botpt 15s stream timestamp function in preload
- Issue #14609 - Remove inductive_id from metbk_ct_dcl_instrument stream
- Issue #14486 - Change lat/lon function inputs to use DR lat/lon values
- Issue #14589 - Preload changes for ADCP 3 beam solution
Issue #14304 - Add parameters for new METBK CT DCL parser
Issue #14524 - Use CTD pressure if needed for bin_depths in adcp_velocity_earth stream.
Issue #14531 - pco2_co2flux calculation appears to be inverting the flux direction
Issue #14542 - Add bin_depth parameter to ADCP pd12 streams
- Issue #14170 - Added support for new Seabird version of PARAD_A.
Issue #11399 - Bin depths for adcp_velocity_beam and vadcp_velocity_beam streams
Issue #13182 - Added m_lat,m_lon parameters to glider_gps_position stream
- Issue #13369 - Added supply_voltage parameter to pco2a_a_dcl_instrument_air/water streams
- Issue #12435 - Deprecated consolidated FLOR streams and time parameters
Issue #13303 - Fixed the creation of stream Cassandra Table using auto-generated Java class.
Issue #13127 - Added deprecation comments for pco2_pco2wat calibration arguments
Issue #9365 - Updated PFID48's data product identifier "PHWATER_L1" to "PHWATER_L2".
Issue #11056 - Updated PD2606's attributes.
Issue #13228 - Fix incorrectly defined function args for PFID59
Issue #13288 - Added SUNA to Dictionary.
Issue #2693 - Updated parameter units for consistency.
Issue #13221 - Added
function to determine parameters required to resolve derived parameter. -
Issue #11419 - Added table ctdav_auv_data for the new Neil Brown CTD.
- Issue #13114 - Corrected FLORT stream content name
- Issue #13025 OPTAA add wavelength dimensional parameter
- add new derived wavelength parameter for calculating wavelength from a and c wavelength calibration constant data
- update existing optaa parameters to use shared wavelength dimension
- Issue #9950 - VADCP missing expected parameters and failed creation of true upward velocity
- Added parameter PD3822 (error_seawater_velocity) in stream "vadcp_velocity_beam"
- Note:previous changes to ParameterDefs.csv, adding "Science Data" to the temperature parameters
- dataproducttype column, were not updated in preload_database.sql.
- Those changes are also being committed in this issue.
- Issue #12293 - Split CTD/DO Cabled Drivers
- Added do_stable_sample:
- Stable-response dissolved oxygen data
- Applies to ctdbp_no_sample, ctdpf_optode_sample
- Will replace (TBD) dosta_abcdjm_ctdbp_instrument_recovered
- Added do_fast_sample:
- Fast-response dissolved oxygen data
- Applies to ctdpf_sbe43_sample
- Will replace (TBD) dofst_k_wfp_instrument, dofst_k_wfp_instrument_recovered
- Added do_stable_sample:
Issue #12323 - Preload Database updated for ZPLSC Echograms
- Renamed zplsc_c_xxxx parameters to zplsc_xxxx
- Added the zplsc_echogram_data stream
Issue #12865 Preload Database Cleanup Of Deprecated Parameters and New Streams
- Deprecated PD1136 and PD1137 (date_string and time_string)
- Added PD1136 and PD1137 back into the flort_d_data_record
Issue #12435 FLOR - Consolidate Streams:
- Added FLOR stream called "flort_sample" and deprecated:
- flort_kn_stc_imodem_instrument
- flort_kn_stc_imodem_instrument_recovered
- flort_dj_dcl_instrument
- flort_dj_dcl_instrument_recovered
- flort_dj_cspp_instrument
- flort_dj_sio_instrument
- flort_dj_sio_instrument_recovered
- Added FLOR stream called "flort_m_sample" and deprecated:
- flort_m_glider_instrument
- flort_m_glider_recovered
- Added FLOR stream called "flort_kn_sample" and deprecated:
- flort_kn_auv_instrument
- flort_kn_auv_instrument_recovered
- Added FLOR stream called "flort_sample" and deprecated:
- Issue #12435 FLOR - Consolidate Streams:
- flort_sample now replaces:
- flort_kn_stc_imodem_instrument
- flort_kn_stc_imodem_instrument_recovered
- flort_dj_dcl_instrument
- flort_dj_dcl_instrument_recovered
- flort_dj_cspp_instrument
- flort_dj_sio_instrument
- flort_dj_sio_instrument_recovered
- flort_m_sample now replaces:
- flort_m_glider_instrument
- flort_m_glider_recovered
- flort_kn_sample now replaces:
- flort_kn_auv_instrument
- flort_kn_auv_instrument_recovered
- flort_sample now replaces:
- Update ADCP to use calibration depth for bin_depths (Redmine #9306).
- Made all zplsc_c dimensions unique due to possible channel bin count variance
- Set FillValue for all glider floating point variables to NaN
- Removed some non-standard standard names
- Added zplsc_c_is_averaged_data to zplsc_c_recovered stream
- Updated pco2_seawater calculation to use raw thermistor values. Removed two duplicate pco2_seawater params (Redmine #9113).
- Added flag for VELPT usage in metbk calculations (Redmine #12060).
- Added offset for CTD pressure calculations of optode_sample and ctdpf_sbe43_sample streams (Redmine #8655).
- Removed all unicode characters from ParameterDefs.csv.
- Added new counts parameters for the zplsc_c_recovered.
- Added the zplsc_c_recovered stream (Redmine #10398).
- Correct the pressure parameters for sci_abs_oxygen and sci_seawater_density from bar to dbar (Redmine #12136).
- Added affected.py
- Update to allow unicode processing by the list_stream utility.
- Correct parameter resolution for PRESF instrument streams (Redmine #12125).
- Correct parameter resolution for instruments on surface buoys (Redmine #12102).
- Updates to distinguish dissolved oxygen parameters coming from a buoy or collocated CTD (Redmine #4390).
- Updated version of ooi-data (0.0.5).
- Consolidated parameters producing dissolved oxygen (Redmine #4107).
- Consolidated parameters producing practical salinity.
- Added query by data product identifier to list_stream_data.py
- Consolidated parameters producing seawater density.
- Added columns for preload tool stream query
- Fixed unit test issue
- Deleted unused parameters / streams
- Created new parameter (PD4) for streams which produce TEMPWAT_L1 natively as "temperature"
- Fixed conda env to contain all needed packages
- Generated latest preload_database.sql
- Added precomputed botpt streams
- Fixed url handling in load_preload.py
- Moved model code into ooi-data module.
- Updated METBK hourly algoithm definitions (Redmine #9261).
- Updated nutnr_b_temp_sal_corrected_nitrate (Redmine #3308).
- Added camds_abc_dcl data parser.
- Updated load_preload.py to accept an sqlalchemy engine URI.
- Added new stream flort_o_glider_data and associated parameters.
- Fixed bug affecting setting binsize on Stream records.
- Improved incremental load performance by making fewer database queries.
- Changed column definition for Parameter.parameter_function_map to String (postgres compatibility).
- Removed size limit for NominalDepth.subsite, node and sensor columns.
- Removed google sheets caching code (data is cached as CSV now).
- CSV updates to include all common parameters in all streams (7,10,11,16,863).
- New stream dosta_abcdjm_ctdbp_p_instrument_recovered.
- New stream flord_g_ctdbp_p_instrument_recovered.
- Added more information for the list_stream_data.py tool.
- Added parameters to the dosta_abcdjm_ctdbp_p_instrument_recovered stream for L1/L2 calculations.