diff --git a/src/driver/compile.ml b/src/driver/compile.ml
index 1eace17a98..893110dd07 100644
--- a/src/driver/compile.ml
+++ b/src/driver/compile.ml
@@ -225,7 +225,7 @@ let sherlodoc_index_one ~output_dir (index : Odoc_unit.index) =
Sherlodoc.index ~format:`js ~inputs ~dst ();
-let html_generate output_dir linked =
+let html_generate ~occurrence_file output_dir linked =
let tbl = Hashtbl.create 10 in
let _ = OS.Dir.create output_dir |> Result.get_ok in
Sherlodoc.js Fpath.(output_dir // Sherlodoc.js_file);
@@ -235,7 +235,10 @@ let html_generate output_dir linked =
({ pkg_args = { pages; libs }; output_file; json; search_dir = _ } as
index :
Odoc_unit.index) =
- let () = Odoc.compile_index ~json ~output_file ~libs ~docs:pages () in
+ let () =
+ Odoc.compile_index ~json ~occurrence_file ~output_file ~libs ~docs:pages
+ ()
+ in
sherlodoc_index_one ~output_dir index
match Hashtbl.find_opt tbl index.output_file with
diff --git a/src/driver/compile.mli b/src/driver/compile.mli
index 772e5cfee6..e7809b89cb 100644
--- a/src/driver/compile.mli
+++ b/src/driver/compile.mli
@@ -18,4 +18,4 @@ type linked
val link : compiled list -> linked list
-val html_generate : Fpath.t -> linked list -> unit
+val html_generate : occurrence_file:Fpath.t -> Fpath.t -> linked list -> unit
diff --git a/src/driver/odoc.ml b/src/driver/odoc.ml
index 9fe020cab3..846dc4709b 100644
--- a/src/driver/odoc.ml
+++ b/src/driver/odoc.ml
@@ -138,13 +138,20 @@ let link ?(ignore_output = false) ~input_file:file ?output_file ~includes ~docs
add_prefixed_output cmd link_output (Fpath.to_string file) lines)
-let compile_index ?(ignore_output = false) ~output_file ~json ~docs ~libs () =
+let compile_index ?(ignore_output = false) ~output_file ?occurrence_file ~json
+ ~docs ~libs () =
let docs = doc_args docs in
let libs = lib_args libs in
let json = if json then Cmd.v "--json" else Cmd.empty in
+ let occ =
+ match occurrence_file with
+ | None -> Cmd.empty
+ | Some f -> Cmd.(v "--occurrences" % p f)
+ in
let cmd =
- !odoc % "compile-index" %% json %% v "-o" % p output_file %% docs %% libs)
+ !odoc % "compile-index" %% json %% v "-o" % p output_file %% docs %% libs
+ %% occ)
let desc =
Printf.sprintf "Generating index for %s" (Fpath.to_string output_file)
@@ -212,11 +219,15 @@ let support_files path =
let desc = "Generating support files" in
Cmd_outputs.submit desc cmd None
-let count_occurrences output =
+let count_occurrences ~input ~output =
let open Cmd in
- let cmd = !odoc % "count-occurrences" % "-I" % "." % "-o" % p output in
+ let input = Cmd.of_values Fpath.to_string input in
+ let output_c = v "-o" % p output in
+ let cmd = !odoc % "count-occurrences" %% input %% output_c in
let desc = "Counting occurrences" in
- Cmd_outputs.submit desc cmd None
+ let lines = Cmd_outputs.submit desc cmd None in
+ Cmd_outputs.(
+ add_prefixed_output cmd generate_output (Fpath.to_string output) lines)
let source_tree ?(ignore_output = false) ~parent ~output file =
let open Cmd in
diff --git a/src/driver/odoc.mli b/src/driver/odoc.mli
index 6c45f940b6..acf7aa19af 100644
--- a/src/driver/odoc.mli
+++ b/src/driver/odoc.mli
@@ -42,6 +42,7 @@ val link :
val compile_index :
?ignore_output:bool ->
output_file:Fpath.t ->
+ ?occurrence_file:Fpath.t ->
json:bool ->
docs:(string * Fpath.t) list ->
libs:(string * Fpath.t) list ->
@@ -76,6 +77,6 @@ val html_generate_source :
val support_files : Fpath.t -> string list
-val count_occurrences : Fpath.t -> string list
+val count_occurrences : input:Fpath.t list -> output:Fpath.t -> unit
val source_tree :
?ignore_output:bool -> parent:string -> output:Fpath.t -> Fpath.t -> unit
diff --git a/src/driver/odoc_driver.ml b/src/driver/odoc_driver.ml
index ec032ffc4e..e01bdee765 100644
--- a/src/driver/odoc_driver.ml
+++ b/src/driver/odoc_driver.ml
@@ -577,7 +577,14 @@ let run libs verbose packages_dir odoc_dir odocl_dir html_dir stats nb_workers
let linked = Compile.link compiled in
- let () = Compile.html_generate html_dir linked in
+ let occurrence_file =
+ let output =
+ Fpath.( / ) odoc_dir "occurrences-all.odoc-occurrences"
+ in
+ let () = Odoc.count_occurrences ~input:[ odoc_dir ] ~output in
+ output
+ in
+ let () = Compile.html_generate ~occurrence_file html_dir linked in
let _ = Odoc.support_files html_dir in
(fun () -> render_stats env nb_workers)
diff --git a/src/driver/test/config_file/test_odoc_driver/test_odoc_driver.opam b/src/driver/test/config_file/test_odoc_driver/test_odoc_driver.opam
index b296c11175..75de6b8893 100644
--- a/src/driver/test/config_file/test_odoc_driver/test_odoc_driver.opam
+++ b/src/driver/test/config_file/test_odoc_driver/test_odoc_driver.opam
@@ -1,14 +1,5 @@
# This file is generated by dune, edit dune-project instead
opam-version: "2.0"
-synopsis: "A short synopsis"
-description: "A longer description"
-maintainer: ["Maintainer Name"]
-authors: ["Author Name"]
-license: "LICENSE"
-tags: ["topics" "to describe" "your" "project"]
-homepage: "https://github.com/username/reponame"
-doc: "https://url/to/documentation"
-bug-reports: "https://github.com/username/reponame/issues"
depends: [
"dune" {>= "3.16"}
@@ -28,4 +19,3 @@ build: [
"@doc" {with-doc}
-dev-repo: "git+https://github.com/username/reponame.git"
diff --git a/src/odoc/bin/main.ml b/src/odoc/bin/main.ml
index 6e1e686884..bafb996fb0 100644
--- a/src/odoc/bin/main.ml
+++ b/src/odoc/bin/main.ml
@@ -1438,16 +1438,10 @@ end
module Occurrences = struct
open Or_error
- let has_occurrences_prefix input =
- input |> Fs.File.basename |> Fs.File.to_string
- |> Astring.String.is_prefix ~affix:"occurrences-"
let dst_of_string s =
let f = Fs.File.of_string s in
- if not (Fs.File.has_ext ".odoc" f) then
- Error (`Msg "Output file must have '.odoc' extension.")
- else if not (has_occurrences_prefix f) then
- Error (`Msg "Output file must be prefixed with 'occurrences-'.")
+ if not (Fs.File.has_ext ".odoc-occurrences" f) then
+ Error (`Msg "Output file must have '.odoc-occurrences' extension.")
else Ok f
module Count = struct
@@ -1467,10 +1461,19 @@ module Occurrences = struct
let doc = "Include hidden identifiers in the table" in
Arg.(value & flag & info ~docs ~doc [ "include-hidden" ])
+ let input =
+ let doc =
+ "Directories to recursively traverse, agregating occurrences from \
+ $(i,impl-*.odocl) files. Can be present several times."
+ in
+ Arg.(
+ value
+ & pos_all (convert_directory ()) []
+ & info ~docs ~docv:"DIR" ~doc [])
+ in
const handle_error
- $ (const count $ odoc_file_directories $ dst $ warnings_options
- $ include_hidden))
+ $ (const count $ input $ dst $ warnings_options $ include_hidden))
let info ~docs =
let doc =
diff --git a/src/odoc/occurrences.ml b/src/odoc/occurrences.ml
index 696ab8c71d..bd8f91561a 100644
--- a/src/odoc/occurrences.ml
+++ b/src/odoc/occurrences.ml
@@ -1,18 +1,8 @@
open Or_error
-(* Copied from ocaml 5.0 String module *)
-let string_starts_with ~prefix s =
- let open String in
- let len_s = length s and len_pre = length prefix in
- let rec aux i =
- if i = len_pre then true
- else if unsafe_get s i <> unsafe_get prefix i then false
- else aux (i + 1)
- in
- len_s >= len_pre && aux 0
+open Astring
let handle_file file ~f =
- if string_starts_with ~prefix:"impl-" (Fpath.filename file) then
+ if String.is_prefix ~affix:"impl-" (Fpath.filename file) then
Odoc_file.load file |> function
| Error _ as e -> e
| Ok unit' -> (
diff --git a/test/occurrences/double_wrapped.t/run.t b/test/occurrences/double_wrapped.t/run.t
index 8a883e67a0..1f1e71d24e 100644
--- a/test/occurrences/double_wrapped.t/run.t
+++ b/test/occurrences/double_wrapped.t/run.t
@@ -50,11 +50,11 @@ and a hashtable for each compilation unit.
$ mv impl-main__A.odocl main__A
$ mv impl-main__B.odocl main__B
$ mv impl-main__C.odocl main__C
- $ odoc count-occurrences -I main -o occurrences-main.odoc
- $ odoc count-occurrences -I main__ -o occurrences-main__.odoc
- $ odoc count-occurrences -I main__A -o occurrences-main__A.odoc
- $ odoc count-occurrences -I main__B -o occurrences-main__B.odoc
- $ odoc count-occurrences -I main__C -o occurrences-main__C.odoc
+ $ odoc count-occurrences main -o main.odoc-occurrences
+ $ odoc count-occurrences main__ -o main__.odoc-occurrences
+ $ odoc count-occurrences main__A -o main__A.odoc-occurrences
+ $ odoc count-occurrences main__B -o main__B.odoc-occurrences
+ $ odoc count-occurrences main__C -o main__C.odoc-occurrences
The occurrences_print executable, available only for testing, unmarshal the file
and prints the number of occurrences in a readable format.
@@ -65,18 +65,18 @@ Uses of C are not counted, since the canonical destination (Main.C, generated by
Uses of B.Z are not counted since they go to a hidden module.
Uses of values Y.x and Z.y (in b.ml) are not counted since they come from a "local" module.
- $ occurrences_print occurrences-main.odoc | sort
+ $ occurrences_print main.odoc-occurrences | sort
Main was used directly 0 times and indirectly 2 times
Main.A was used directly 1 times and indirectly 0 times
Main.B was used directly 1 times and indirectly 0 times
- $ occurrences_print occurrences-main__.odoc | sort
+ $ occurrences_print main__.odoc-occurrences | sort
A only uses "persistent" values: one it defines itself.
- $ occurrences_print occurrences-main__A.odoc | sort
+ $ occurrences_print main__A.odoc-occurrences | sort
"Aliased" values are not counted since they become persistent
- $ occurrences_print occurrences-main__B.odoc | sort
+ $ occurrences_print main__B.odoc-occurrences | sort
Main was used directly 0 times and indirectly 7 times
Main.A was used directly 2 times and indirectly 5 times
Main.A.(||>) was used directly 1 times and indirectly 0 times
@@ -85,7 +85,7 @@ A only uses "persistent" values: one it defines itself.
Main.A.x was used directly 1 times and indirectly 0 times
"Aliased" values are not counted since they become persistent
- $ occurrences_print occurrences-main__C.odoc | sort
+ $ occurrences_print main__C.odoc-occurrences | sort
Main was used directly 0 times and indirectly 2 times
Main.A was used directly 1 times and indirectly 1 times
Main.A.x was used directly 1 times and indirectly 0 times
@@ -93,13 +93,13 @@ A only uses "persistent" values: one it defines itself.
Now we can merge all tables
$ cat > files.map << EOF
- > occurrences-main__A.odoc
- > occurrences-main__B.odoc
- > occurrences-main__C.odoc
+ > main__A.odoc-occurrences
+ > main__B.odoc-occurrences
+ > main__C.odoc-occurrences
- $ odoc aggregate-occurrences occurrences-main.odoc occurrences-main__.odoc --file-list files.map -o occurrences-aggregated.odoc
+ $ odoc aggregate-occurrences main.odoc-occurrences main__.odoc-occurrences --file-list files.map -o aggregated.odoc-occurrences
- $ occurrences_print occurrences-aggregated.odoc | sort > all_merged
+ $ occurrences_print aggregated.odoc-occurrences | sort > all_merged
$ cat all_merged
Main was used directly 0 times and indirectly 11 times
Main.A was used directly 4 times and indirectly 6 times
@@ -111,14 +111,14 @@ Now we can merge all tables
Compare with the one created directly with all occurrences:
- $ odoc count-occurrences -I . -o occurrences-all.odoc
- $ occurrences_print occurrences-all.odoc | sort > directly_all
+ $ odoc count-occurrences . -o all.odoc-occurrences
+ $ occurrences_print all.odoc-occurrences | sort > directly_all
$ diff all_merged directly_all
We can also include hidden ids:
- $ odoc count-occurrences -I main__B -o occurrences-b.odoc --include-hidden
- $ occurrences_print occurrences-b.odoc | sort
+ $ odoc count-occurrences main__B -o b.odoc-occurrences --include-hidden
+ $ occurrences_print b.odoc-occurrences | sort
Main was used directly 0 times and indirectly 7 times
Main.A was used directly 2 times and indirectly 5 times
Main.A.(||>) was used directly 1 times and indirectly 0 times
@@ -129,8 +129,8 @@ We can also include hidden ids:
Main__.C was used directly 1 times and indirectly 1 times
Main__.C.y was used directly 1 times and indirectly 0 times
- $ odoc count-occurrences -I . -o occurrences-all.odoc --include-hidden
- $ occurrences_print occurrences-all.odoc | sort
+ $ odoc count-occurrences . -o all.odoc-occurrences --include-hidden
+ $ occurrences_print all.odoc-occurrences | sort
Main was used directly 0 times and indirectly 11 times
Main.A was used directly 4 times and indirectly 6 times
Main.A.(||>) was used directly 1 times and indirectly 0 times
@@ -149,7 +149,7 @@ We can use the generated table when generating the json output:
$ odoc link -I . main.odoc
- $ odoc compile-index --json -o index.json --occurrences occurrences-all.odoc main.odocl
+ $ odoc compile-index --json -o index.json --occurrences all.odoc-occurrences main.odocl
$ cat index.json | jq sort | jq '.[]' -c
{"id":[{"kind":"Root","name":"Main"}],"doc":"Handwritten top-level module","kind":{"kind":"Module"},"display":{"url":"Main/index.html","html":"mod
Handwritten top-level module