This game is heavily influence by the unfinished Server Tycoon (
i.e. I wanted to see the guys behind Server Tycoon create and release their game, but apparently they stopped developping it. So I decided to tentatively create my own. And because I began to learn Go in march 2017, I tried to use Go to develop it.
- you need go version 1.8.x minimum
- Needs sws 0.5.1 library ( and especially grab sdl2 (see
- you should download dependancies with
go get -u ./...
- and finally you should compile with
Get Ubuntu 17.10, change the resolution for at least 1024x768 and execute:
sudo apt-get install git golang-go libsdl2{,-mixer,-image,-ttf,-gfx}-dev
export GOPATH=~/go
go get # there will be an error message "undefined Asset". Don't pay attention to it.
cd go/src/
brew install sdl2{,_image,_ttf,_mixer} pkg-config [email protected]
export GOPATH=~/go
go get # there will be an error message "undefined Asset". Don't pay attention to it.
cd go/src/
This software is covered by the GNU GPLv3 (see LICENCE file)
It use the Twitter Bootstrap v4 framework ( covered by the MIT licence
It used the "Font Awesome" ( covered by Creative Common BY 3.0