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Default Keybinds

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⌨️ Neorg Keybinds ⌨️

A comprehensive list of all keys available in Neorg.

Further Reading

To find out how to rebind the available keys consult the core.keybinds wiki entry.

Preset neorg (default)

Available in all Files

Normal Mode

<LocalLeader>nn - Create a new .norg file to take notes in

  • Maps to: <Plug>(
  • Mnemonic: new note

Available in Norg Files Only

Insert Mode

<C-d> - Demote an object recursively

  • Maps to: <Plug>(

<C-t> - Promote an object recursively

  • Maps to: <Plug>(

<M-CR> - Create an iteration of e.g. a list item

  • Maps to: <Plug>(

<M-d> - Insert a link to a date at the current cursor position

  • Maps to: <Plug>(neorg.tempus.insert-date-insert-mode)
  • Mnemonic: date

Normal Mode

<, - Demote an object non-recursively

  • Maps to: <Plug>(

<< - Demote an object recursively

  • Maps to: <Plug>(

<C-Space> - Switch the task under the cursor between a select few states

  • Maps to: <Plug>(neorg.qol.todo-items.todo.task-cycle)

<CR> - Hop to the destination of the link under the cursor

  • Maps to: <Plug>(neorg.esupports.hop.hop-link)

<LocalLeader>id - Insert a link to a date at the given position

  • Maps to: <Plug>(neorg.tempus.insert-date)
  • Mnemonic: insert date

<LocalLeader>li - Invert all items in a list

Unlike <LocalLeader>lt, inverting a list will respect mixed list items, instead of snapping all list types to a single one.

  • Maps to: <Plug>(neorg.pivot.list.invert)
  • Mnemonic: list invert

<LocalLeader>lt - Toggle a list from ordered <-> unordered

  • Maps to: <Plug>(neorg.pivot.list.toggle)
  • Mnemonic: list toggle

<LocalLeader>ta - Mark the task under the cursor as "ambiguous"

  • Maps to: <Plug>(neorg.qol.todo-items.todo.task-ambiguous)
  • Mnemonic: mark task as ambiguous

<LocalLeader>tc - Mark the task under the cursor as "cancelled"

  • Maps to: <Plug>(neorg.qol.todo-items.todo.task-cancelled)
  • Mnemonic: mark task as cancelled

<LocalLeader>td - Mark the task under the cursor as "done"

  • Maps to: <Plug>(neorg.qol.todo-items.todo.task-done)
  • Mnemonic: mark task as done

<LocalLeader>th - Mark the task under the cursor as "on-hold"

  • Maps to: <Plug>(neorg.qol.todo-items.todo.task-on-hold)
  • Mnemonic: mark task as on hold

<LocalLeader>ti - Mark the task under the cursor as "important"

  • Maps to: <Plug>(neorg.qol.todo-items.todo.task-important)
  • Mnemonic: mark task as important

<LocalLeader>tp - Mark the task under the cursor as "pending"

  • Maps to: <Plug>(neorg.qol.todo-items.todo.task-pending)
  • Mnemonic: mark task as pending

<LocalLeader>tr - Mark the task under the cursor as "recurring"

  • Maps to: <Plug>(neorg.qol.todo-items.todo.task-recurring)
  • Mnemonic: mark task as recurring

<LocalLeader>tu - Mark the task under the cursor as "undone"

  • Maps to: <Plug>(neorg.qol.todo-items.todo.task-undone)
  • Mnemonic: mark task as undone

<M-CR> - Same as <CR>, except open the destination in a vertical split

  • Maps to: <Plug>(neorg.esupports.hop.hop-link.vsplit)

>. - Promote an object non-recursively

  • Maps to: <Plug>(

>> - Promote an object recursively

  • Maps to: <Plug>(

Visual Mode

< - Demote objects in range

  • Maps to: <Plug>(

> - Promote objects in range

  • Maps to: <Plug>(
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