This application is a Content Management System and Admin Panel for the SCSE Website
Run the following commands from the apps/cms
Start the database service with:
cd docker/development
docker compose up -d mongo
Start up your application by running:
yarn install
yarn dev
Build the image by running from the project's root directory:
docker build . -f ./apps/cms/docker/staging/Dockerfile \
-t website_cms_staging_test
Run the image with:
docker run -e "PAYLOAD_SECRET=some_secret" \
-e "MONGODB_URI=some_uri" \
-e "PAYLOAD_CONFIG_PATH=src/payload.config.ts" \
-p 3000:3000 website_cms_staging
Remember to change the secret var and the mongo URI.
Deployment will be triggered upon a successfully merged Pull Request on Github, based on this Github Workflow
Github Actions will build an image of the cms service, and push it to Github Container Registry (GHCR), and then deploy it to the staging environment.
You can view the image in GHCR, here: