This sub-repository describes the steps to reproduce M2D-AS pre-training from our following paper: create a metadata file containing labels and run the pre-training.
title = {{Masked Modeling Duo: Towards a Universal Audio Pre-training Framework}},
author = {Daisuke Niizumi and Daiki Takeuchi and Yasunori Ohishi and Noboru Harada and Kunio Kashino},
journal = {IEEE/ACM Trans. Audio, Speech, Language Process.},
year = {2024},
volume = {32},
pages = {2391-2406},
url = {},
doi = {10.1109/TASLP.2024.3389636}}
Make a list of AudioSet files as "data/files_audioset.csv" for the M2D pre-training by following "Example preprocessing steps (AudioSet)" in data/README.
In the M2D folder, create "data/files_as_weighted.csv" containing both sample path and labels (and also sample weights) as follows.
python util/
You should have a file data/files_as_weighted.csv
The exact pre-training command line we used is as follows:
OMP_NUM_THREADS=1 torchrun --nproc_per_node=4 -m audioset.train_as --input_size 80x608 --patch_size 16x16 --epochs 300 --batch_size 512 --accum_iter 1 --save_freq 50 --seed 3 --loss_off 1.
It requires 4x 48 GB GPU (for about two days), and the following should allow pre-training with 4x 24 GB GPU (3090Ti) within a week.
OMP_NUM_THREADS=1 torchrun --nproc_per_node=4 -m audioset.train_as --input_size 80x608 --patch_size 16x16 --epochs 300 --batch_size 256 --accum_iter 2 --save_freq 50 --seed 3 --loss_off 1.