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File metadata and controls

190 lines (128 loc) · 6.18 KB

This is a Beginner AWS lab covering a couple different concepts at a very surface level, but its point is to show how all of these concepts, technologies and skills can be used together. It's also to better learn the developer side of cloud deployment and Infrastructure as Code. It starts with a primer into the AWS console and CLI, covering IAM accounts, how the cli is structured in your local workstation, and how it functions. Then we utilize some python scripts using the BOTO3 AWS SDK, covering what that means and why it is used. After that we cover Terraform, what infrastructure as Code is and how ours works to achieve what we want.

At the end, you won't have built a new Netflix Application But, you will have a web server, on the internet in the AWS cloud that is a running website (a hello world website but still a website), using Python and terraform in a way that allows you to stand it up and tear it down in minutes.

Project Structure:

├── statelock_works.PNG
├── python_code/
│   ├── s3_bucket.txt
│   ├──
│   ├──
├── terraform_code/
│   ├──
│   ├──
│   ├──
│   ├──
│   ├──
│   ├──
│   ├──

AWS Setup

  • Active AWS Account

    • This is all done through the AWS website and it does require a credit card on file, you can still complete this project on a free tier account.
  • AWS CLIv2 installed locally

  • Developer User and AccessKeys

    • This is done through the Identity Access Management (IAM) service inside of the AWS Console. You will first make a new user: Create an IAM user in your AWS account
      • ❗ You do not need Console Access, but you do need to assign the AdministratorAccess IAM policy to this user.
    • Then you have to create AccessKeys for programmatic Access for that user in the AWS console Make sure to download the CSV: Create new access keys for an IAM user
  • Now you need to use the terminal box in your vscode editor and enter

aws configure

# follow the prompts with this information
AccessKey: See CSV you downloaded earlier
SecretKey: See CSV you downloaded earlier
region: us-east-1
output: json

To validate you did this all correctly run the command

aws sts get-caller-identity

## you should see something like this:
    "Account": "123456789101",
    "Arn": "arn:aws:iam::123456789101:user/developer"

Python Setup

  • First we need to cover the prerequisites: You need to install python v3, Download Python, make sure you add the to PATH (the optional setting when installing python)
  • Verify python is installed:
python --version
Python 3.12.2
  • Install dependencies
# verify pip install
pip --version

# use pip to install other dependencies
pip install boto3
pip install botocore

Terraform Setup

#verify Terraform was installed
terraform --version

How to Use

Under the python folder run python, This will create and output the following:

  • S3 bucket for your remote backend state location
  • Dynamodb Table for State locking functionality
  • IAM user called "tf-user" with credentials

After you run the you have to copy and paste the new tf-user credentials and configs into the appropriate files (~/.aws/config and ~/.aws/credentials) and update the provider file in the terraform/ file.

#######  IAM TF-User information ##############

Copy this into the ~/user/.aws/credentials file

aws_access_key_id = EXAMPLELQ7VCRJVXP4VH6
aws_secret_access_key = EXAMPLEV7eY7iAOBCVWvyy4nmZqZhgnJX6YEW

Copy this under the ~/user/.aws/config file

region = us-east-1
output = json

#######  S3 Bucket Info ##############

Bucket Name: 1z5s9grnp8audqovsrnck2huz created successfully

Replace the backend resource block in the provider tab with:

  backend "s3" {
    bucket         = "1z5s9grnp8audqovsrnck2huz"
    key            = "tf-dev/terraform.tfstate"
    region         = "us-east-1"
    dynamodb_table = "terraform-state-locking"
    encrypt        = true

Now move into the terraform folder and run:

# Initialize your Terraform providers
terraform init

#Show what is going to be built
terraform plan

#Actually build the infrastructure
terraform apply -y

This will create the network infrastructure and systems for this project and will output the following values:

  • an SSH command you can copy and paste to get into the server
  • your Public IP address (for validation)
  • the url of the public website.


  1. In the terraform repo, run terraform destroy
  2. delete local terraform files from repo (.terraform and .terraform.lock.hcl)
  3. run the python python/ script
  4. delete the tf-user credentials and configs in your ~/.aws/config and ~/.aws/credentials folder
  5. In both python/s3_bucket.txt and in terraform/ replace the bucket string with

Useful Commands: curl -> Grab Public IP. (output as string)

Future release notes:

  • Cloudformation for initial IAM user creation
  • More secure custom policies instead of AdminAccess
  • Companion Video on Youtube
  • Companion Blog on Website