We introduce a new blockchain architecture and concept that is practical in terms of operability, scalable and economically sensible. Novalex blockchain is a public EVM-compatible blockchain that focuses on maintaining an instantaneous confirmation time, high level of security and a sensible compensation scheme. We used a ranking proof of stake consensus for increased security and fast confrimation. Our ranking-bias voting mechanism provides a fair compensation scheme for our masternodes, thus encouraging each maternode to improve on its performance for maximum compensation. This benefits the entire ecosystem through healthy competition and high masternode engagement. Using our robust ecosystem, we eventually aim to built practical decentralised applications that will generate a revenue stream for our coin holders providing immediate dividends unlike an Equity underlying which normally pay quaterly dividends. This will greatly help the cryptocurrency ecosystem by conceptually bring it closer to mainstream business and finance and ultimately gaining institutional acceptance.
The cryptocurrency market has seen its share of bust and boom. The entire ecosystem have been littered with hacks and fraud giving it an undesired reputation. Critics have long profess that cryptocurrencies have no practical use, do not generate revenue and thus possess no intrinsic value. To address these issues, Novalex aims to create a new age blockchain that is pushing the boundaries of decentralisation. Our focus is not only on buiding the underlying blockchain technology. We also leverage the technology to build useful DApps that transcends the journey towards economic decentralisation where top and profitable business applications are built. We aim to build a blockchain that generates a revenue stream just like an conventional Equity underlying. [link][1]
graph TB
A(New epoch) -->|MOST-VOTED| B(First validator)
B --> |RANKING-RANDOMIZATION| C(Second validator)
B -.-> |Timeout| C1(Block reject)
C -.-> |Timeout| C1
C --> |Invalid block| C1
C --> |COMMIT| D(Committed)
D -.-> |Timeout| C1
D --> |Insert block| I{ }
I --> |Insertion fails| C1
I --> |Insertion succeeds| E(Final committed)
E --> |NEXT SLOT| R((Repeated 600 slots))
class A,E roundedClass
Block is created by block producer, namely masternode. First block creator is most voted one and the other is randomized with ranking to help confirm a block with 2 signatures. With randomization, we can reducing risks comming from paired masternodes trying to commit malicous blocks.
First validator: we pick the most-voted masternode as the first validator, to produce the block.
Second validator: in Proof of Stake, much like Proof of Authority, one block creator done, next masternode in the ring may be dishonest and then confirm it and create a next block. That is why we will pick the second one based on factors: random number ∗ ranking coefficient. Ranking coefficient is based on the total amount of deposit tokens that a note is voted for.
$$ [v_1]= \begin{bmatrix} V_{1.1}^e \ V_{1.2}^e \ \vdots \ V_{1.n-1}^e \ V_{1.n}^e \end{bmatrix} $$
Let m be the number of masternodes, n be the number of slots in an epoch. in order to randomly generate the block verifier for the next epoch e + 1, the process is perform as the following steps:
Step 1: Random number generation: At the beginning of epcho e, each masternode
$V_i$ will securely create an array of n + 1 special random numbers$Recommend_i$ =$[r_{i.1},r_{i.2},...,r_{i.n},\theta_{i}]$ where$r_{i,k} \in [1,...,m]$ indicating the recommendation of ordered list of block verifiers for the next epoch of$V_i$ , and$\theta_i \in \lbrace -1,0,1 \rbrace$ is used for increasing the unpredictability of the random numbers. Then each masternode has to encrypt the array$Recommend_i$ using a secret key$SK_i$ , say$Secret_i = Encrypt(Recommend_i, SK_i)$ as the encrypted array. Next each masternode forms a "lock" message that contains the encrypted array, signs off this message with its blockchain's private key along with the corresponding epoch index. By doing this, every masternode can check who created this lock message through ECDSA verification scheme. Finally each node sends their lock message with its signature and public key to the smart contract stored in blockchain, so that each masternode can collect and know the locks from all other masternodes. -
Step 2: Recovery Phase: The recovery phase is for every node to reveal its previous lock message so that other nodes can get to know the secret array it has sent before. This happens when all masternodes have sent their lock messages or a certain timeout event occurs. Each masternode then opens its lock message by sending unlock message to the smart contract. Eventually a masternode has both locks and unlocks of others. If some electors are adversaries which might publish it's lock but intend not to send the corresponding unlock, other masternodes can ignore by simple setting all its random values to 1 as default.
Step 3: Assembled Matrix and Computation Phase: At the point of slot
$n^{th}$ of the epoch e, the secret arrays$Secret_i$ will be decrypted by each masternode and return the plain version of$Recommend_i$ . Each tuple of the first n numbers of each$V_i$ will be assembled as the$i^{th}$ column of an n x m matrix. All the last number$\theta_i$ forms a m x 1 matrix. Then each node will compute the block verifiers ordered list by some mathematical operations as explained below. The result is a matrix n x 1 indicating the order of block verifiers for the next epoch e + 1.
The Second Masternode/Block Verifier: Each node computes the common array
$v_2$ for the order of the block verifiers by the following steps as in Equation 1. Then,$v_2$ is obtained by modulo operation of element values of$v^{\prime}_2$ as in Equation 2.$$ \begin{alignedat}{1} [v^{\prime}{2}] = \begin{bmatrix} v{2.1}^{e+1} \ v_{2.2}^{e+1} \ \vdots \ v_{2.n-1}^{e+1} \ v_{2.n}^{e+1} \end{bmatrix} = \begin{bmatrix} r_{1.1} & r_{2.1} & \dots & r_{m.1} \ r_{1.2} & r_{2.2} & \ddots & \vdots \ r_{1.3} & \ddots & \ddots & r_{m.3} \ \vdots & \ddots & r_{m-1.n-1} & r_{m.n-1} \ r_{1.n} & \dots & r_{m-1.n} & r_{m.n} \end{bmatrix} \begin{bmatrix} \theta_1 \ \theta_2 \ \theta_3 \ \vdots \ \theta_m \end{bmatrix} ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;(1) \ ; \ ; \ [v_2] = [v^{\prime}{2} \space\space mod \space m] = \begin{bmatrix} |v{2.1}^{e+1}| & mod \space m \ |v_{2.2}^{e+1}| & mod \space m \ \vdots \ |v_{2.n}^{e+1}| & mod \space m \end{bmatrix} ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;(2) \end{alignedat} $$
The final randomized ranking list is as follow, with ti is the total deposit tokens of masternode i:
$$ r_i = \dfrac {t_i}{\textstyle\sum_{i=1}^n t_i} \ ; \ ; \ [v_2] = \begin{bmatrix} |v_{2.1}^{e+1}| \space \times \space r_1 \ |v_{2.2}^{e+1}| \space \times \space r_2 \ \vdots \ |v_{2.n}^{e+1}| \space \times \space r_n \end{bmatrix} $$
The algorithm is as following:
# chose a leader node by voting
def vote_leader_test(nodes):
#random array with length is number of canidate of leader
arr_random = np.random.rand(len(nodes)).tolist()
#select lead node
index_of_leader = -1
maximum = -1
arr_leader = []
for i in range(len(nodes)):
multi = nodes[i][NUMBER_OF_DEPOSIT] * arr_random[i]
if multi > maximum:
index_of_leader = i
maximum = arr_leader[i]
nodes[index_of_leader][LEADER_TEST] += 1
return index_of_leader
# Trust for each masternode
def trust(nodes, arr_speed, total_epoch):
trust_max = 0
speed_arg = sum(arr_speed)/len(nodes)
# weight for Trust algorithm
a,b,c,d = 0.25, 0.1, 0.3, 0.35
for i in range(len(arr_deposit_vote)):
# Trust algorithm
trust = a*(nodes[i][NUMBER_OF_EPOCH]/total_epoch) + b*(
nodes[i][SPEED]/speed_arg) + c*(
nodes[i][LEADER]/nodes[i][NUMBER_OF_EPOCH]) + d*(
nodes[i][TRUST] = trust
if trust > trust_max:
trust_max = trust
return trust_max
# Ranking for each masternode
def ranking(nodes, arr_deposit_vote, trust_max, deposit_max):
total_deposit = sum(arr_deposit_vote)
a = 0.25
for i in range(len(nodes)):
vote_deposit_avg = arr_deposit_vote[i] / deposit_max
trust_avg = nodes[i][TRUST] / trust_max
nodes[i][RANKING] = a * vote_deposit_avg + (1-a) * math.sqrt(trust_avg)
# Random validator base on Ranking of each node
def choose_validator_test(nodes, leader):
index_of_validator = -1
maximum = -1
arr_random = np.random.rand(len(nodes)).tolist()
for i in range(len(arr_random)):
if nodes[i][RANKING] == 0:
point = arr_random[i]
point = math.sqrt(nodes[i][RANKING]) * math.pow(arr_random[i],4)
if point > maximum:
maximum = point
if i != leader:
index_of_validator = i
nodes[index_of_validator][VALIDATOR_TEST] += 1
return index_of_validator
Start running
trust_max = trust(nodes, arr_speed, total_epoch)
ranking(nodes, arr_deposit_vote, trust_max, deposit_max)
for i in range(len(nodes)):
nodes[i][LEADER_TEST] = 0
nodes[i][VALIDATOR_TEST] = 0
for i in range(500000):
leader_test = vote_leader_test01(nodes)
validator_test = choose_validator_test(nodes, leader_test)
nodes.sort(key=lambda x: x[RANKING])
With 100 000 and 500 000 Epoch sample
participant E1 as Epoch (K - 1)
participant E2 as Epoch (K)
E1->>E2: Create, broadcast, validate, sign the blocks for Epoch K
E1->>E2: Randomly generate seeds, send message to Smart Contract
E1->>E2: Checkpoint
Because the order of block creation masternodes is pre-determined for each epoch, random/arbitrary forks are hardly happened. As long as the number of attackers is less than
The random order of masternode array is then multiply with a rank array to get the final ordered list. By applying ranking algorithm ( AI enhanced ) we can solve the most vexing limitation and increase TPS close to Visa.
graph TB
a["<br/><span class='mediumLabel'>Deposit Vote</span><br/><br/>"]
b["<br/><span class='mediumLabel'>Trust</span><br/><br/>"]
c["<br/><span class='mediumLabel'>Ranking</span><br/><br/>"]
d["<br/><span class='mediumLabel'>Random matrix</span><br/><br/>"]
e["<br/><span class='mediumLabel'>Number of Epochs</span><br/><br/>"]
f["<br/><span class='mediumLabel'>CPU processing speed</span><br/><br/>"]
g["<br/><span class='mediumLabel'>Number of leader</span><br/><br/>"]
h["<br/><span class='mediumLabel'>Number of validator</span><br/><br/>"]
p["<br/><br/><span class='bigLabel'>Validator</span><br/><br/><br/>"]
style p fill:#9f5069
style a fill:#ff3333
style b fill:#ff3333
style c fill:#ff6f75
style d fill:#ff6f75
style e fill:#ffa64d
style f fill:#ffa64d
style g fill:#ffa64d
style h fill:#ffa64d
In the Novalex protocol blockchain, instead of using the random matrix to choose the masternode to be the validator, we use Ranking to select validator. Purpose to reduce the ability of the masternode which is less trusted to become validator. Our ranking builds based on two factors: Deposit amount and reliability of each masternode. Because we voted the leader based on the amount of deposit so we don't want the validator to depend too much on deposit and that should fo�cus on reliability. In order to calculate ranking for each masternode, the system use weighted for two variables and will normalize the parameters to the same scale as
Version 1: The line graph above compares the ranking and the number of validator of 150 masternode. Before comparing, we sort data follow the ranking in increasing direction. It is clear that the masternode has the opportunity to be the validator according to the ranking of it. On the other hand, our algorithm help the masternode which has low ranking still have change to be validator. We tested with 100000 and 50000 epoch sample, the result of line green and yellow are the same from the lowest to the highest and follow by the ranking.
Version 2: The line graph compares the ranking and the number of validator of 150 masternode. Before comparing, data is sorted in an upward pattern. It is clear that the masternode has the opportunity to be the validator according to its ranking. On the other hand, our algorithm helps the masternode, which has low ranking, to become a validator. We tested with 100000 and 50000 epoch samples, the result of line green and yellow are the same from the lowest to the highest and followed by the ranking.
Calculating Ranking
$$ \begin{alignedat}{1} R = \begin{bmatrix} r_{1} \ r_{2} \ \vdots \ r_{n-1} \ r_{n} \end{bmatrix} = \begin{bmatrix} v^{\prime}_1 & \sqrt{t^{\prime}_1} \ v^{\prime}2 & \sqrt{t^{\prime}2} \ \vdots & \vdots \ v^{\prime}{n-1} & \sqrt{t^{\prime}{n-i}} \ v^{\prime}_n & \sqrt{t^{\prime}_n} \end{bmatrix} \begin{bmatrix} \alpha & (1-\alpha) \ \end{bmatrix} ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;(1) \ ; \end{alignedat} $$
Normalization Vote Deposit
$v^{\prime}i$ = $\frac{VoteDeposit{i} - VoteDeposit_{min}}{VoteDeposit_{max}}$ where
Normalization Trust
$t^{\prime}i$ = $\frac{Trust{i} - Trust_{min}}{Trust_{max}}$ where
Calcurlating trust
ranking coefficient (r)
trust (t)
vote_deposit (v)
[1]: Ethereum White Paper [2]