This project replaces color-theme with Emacs 24 theme framework.
Please request by issues if you want me to port your favarite theme of colorthemes.
Screenshots are here
# Download your favorite theme ~/.emacs.d
% cd ~/.emacs.d
% curl -O
And add theme configuration to you configuration file
(load-theme 'aalto-dark t t)
(enable-theme 'aalto-dark)
# Download all themes
% git clone
And add following code to your configuration file
;; Please set your themes directory to 'custom-theme-load-path
(add-to-list 'custom-theme-load-path
(file-name-as-directory "your cloned directory path"))
;; load your favorite theme
(load-theme 'aalto-dark t t)
(enable-theme 'aalto-dark)
- aalto-dark
- aalto-light
- aliceblue
- andreas
- arjen
- beige-diff
- beige-eshell
- bharadwaj-slate
- bharadwaj
- billw
- black-on-gray
- blippblopp
- blue-erc
- blue-eshell
- blue-gnus
- blue-mood
- blue-sea
- calm-forest
- charcoal-black
- clarity
- classic
- cobalt
- comidia
- dark-blue
- dark-blue2
- dark-erc
- dark-font-lock
- dark-gnus
- dark-green
- dark-info
- dark-laptop
- deep-blue
- desert
- digital-ofs1
- emacs-21
- emacs-nw
- euphoria
- feng-shui
- fischmeister
- gnome
- gnome2
- goldenrod
- gray1
- gray30
- greiner
- gtk-ide
- high-contrast
- hober
- infodoc
- jb-simple
- jedit-grey
- jonadabian-slate
- jonadabian
- jsc-dark
- jsc-light
- jsc-light2
- katester
- kingsajz
- late-night
- lawrence
- ld-dark
- lethe
- marine
- marquardt
- matrix
- midnight
- mistyday
- montz
- oswald
- parus
- pierson
- pok-wob
- pok-wog
- ramangalahy
- raspopovic
- renegade
- resolve
- retro-green
- retro-orange
- robin-hood
- rotor
- ryerson
- salmon-diff
- salmon-font-lock
- scintilla
- shaman
- simple-1
- sitaramv-nt
- sitaramv-solaris
- snow
- snowish
- standard-ediff
- standard
- subtle-blue
- subtle-hacker
- taming-mr-arneson
- taylor
- tty-dark
- vim-colors
- whateveryouwant
- wheat
- word-perfect
- xemacs
- xp