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A collection of Java (8+) utilities.

General Utilities

  • Chance: Utility functions for random number generation based on a private Random instance.
  • Concurrency: Utility functions dealing with concurrency and asynchronicity (futures etc).
  • IO: Utility functions for input/output.
  • NFiles: Utility funcitons for dealing with files and paths.
  • Predicates: Utilities for dealing with predicate functions.
  • Strings: Utility functions dealing with strings and string builders.
  • Vanilla: Utility functions for Vanilla Java collections.
  • Util: Miscellaneous utility functions.
  • NArrays: Utility functions dealing with arrays. (Other array functions of interest are defined in Vanilla.)
  • OperatingSystem: Operating system detection.

Data Structures

(data.structures package)

  • ArrayStack: A stack implementation that extends ArrayList.
  • ArrayListInt: Pendant of ArrayList specialized for int, with a small stack interface.
  • ArrayListLong: Pendant of ArrayList specialized for long, with a small stack interface.
  • multimap (package): defines the MultiMap<K, V> that extends Map<K, Collection<V>>, as well as implementations thereof. A multimap is a map where multiple values can be bound to a single key.

Data Wrappers

(data.wrappers package)

  • Indexed: A pair made out of an integer and a value.
  • Maybe: Better alternative to java.util.Optional that notably supports null values.
  • Pair: A simple type for a pair of values.
  • Slot: A simple wrapper for a single value, useful when dealing with lambda capture and mutation.

Functional Interfaces

(data.functions package)

  • Indexed<XXX>: A variant of java.util.funciton.<XXX> functional interface that accepts an int index as first argument.


(exception package)

  • Exceptional: Either wraps a value or an exception.
  • NoStackException: A RuntimeException that does not fill the stack trace.
  • Throwing{Runnable, Consumer, Supplier}: Just like java.lang.Runnable / java.util.function.{Consumer, Supplier}, but allowed to throw exceptions.
  • Exceptions: Utility functions dealing with exceptions and stack traces.


(reflection package)

  • Reflection: Reflection-related utilities.
  • Subtyping: Enables subtyping checks between instances of java.lang.reflect.Type.
  • GenericType: Minimal implementation of java.lang.reflect.ParameterizedType, useful with Subtyping.

Visitors & Tree Walkers

(visitors package)

  • Visitor: a simple map-based visitor.
  • ValuedVisitor: a variant of Visitor that support returning a value from the visitor method.
  • Walker: a visitor variant that can be used to perform a depth-first tree walk in pre-, post- or in-order (multiple orders can be used during the same walk).


  • TestFixture: A base class for test classes that implements some handy assertion methods. Compatible at least with TestNG.


Versions are M.m.p

  • Major (M) is incremented when significant changes are made to the library. It might take non-trivial time to migrate.
  • Minor (m) is incremented when new features are added, or existing features are modified. The main contract here is that migration should be quick, and a clear migration path exists.
  • Patch (p) is incremented for hotfixes, or tiny / quality-of-life improvements. Patch never introduce breaking changes, excepted under the guise of bug-fixes.