- improved support for subfield queries on BsonRecordField
- support for subfield queries on BsonRecordField
- added "matches" operator (for regexes) on StringFields with explicit index behavior expectations
- fixed some more broken logging
- sbt 0.10.0
- raw access do BasicDBObjectBuilder in query builder
- fixed some broken logging
- whereOpt support: Venue.whereOpt(uidOpt)(_.userid eqs _)
- Pass the query signature to the logging hook
- findAndModify support
- $or query support
- efficient .exists query method (thanks Jorge!)
- support for BsonRecordField and BsonRecordListField (thanks Marc!)
- type-safe foreign key condtions, e.g., Tip.where(_.venueid eqs venueObj) (thanks dtaylor!)
- blockingBulkDelete_!! which takes a WriteConcern
- more uniform query logging
- skipOpt query modifier
- use built-in interpreter for type checking tests
- .toString produces runnable javascript commands for mongodb console
- added tests for constructions that should not compile
- selectCase() builder method for select()ing via case class
- support for $nin (nin) and $ne (notcontains) on list fields
- unchecked warnings cleanup
- index hinting support
- support for selecting subfields (MongoMapField and MongoCaseClassField only; no support for MongoCaseClassListField)
- "between" convenience operator (numeric)
- scala 2.9.0 and 2.9.0-1 build support -- thanks eltimn!
- fixed ObjectId construction for date ranges by zeroing out machine, pid and counter fields
- support for $maxScan and $comment addSpecial parameters on find() queries
- always specify field names to return in the query; if select() was not specified, use all field names from the model
- some code cleanup (use case classes and copy() to save some typing)
- explain() method on BaseQuery (thanks tjulien!)
- support for select()ing up to 6 fields
- regression fix for 1.0.9
- added hooks for full query validation
- support for $type and $mod query operators
- query signatures: string version of a query without values
- support for indicating when a query clause is intended to hit an index (for runtime index checking, if you wish to implement it)
- extra logging around mongo exceptions
- support for empty (noop) modify queries
- fetchBatch now uses db cursors
- building against Lift snapshot (thanks Indrajit!)
- support for crossbuilding 2.8.0 & 2.8.1
- added tiny bit more type safety to unsafeField subfield selector
- bug fix: alwasy set _id in select() queries
- fixed setTo serialization
- eqs/neqs support for GeoQueryField
- support for querying sub-fields of a map
- added BasePaginatedQuery.setCountPerPage()