CLI for managing peer-to-peer git repositories
npm i hypergit -g
USAGE: hypergit [command]
create Create a hypergit repo.
seed Actively share all local repos with peers.
fork Create a new remote 'fork' of the current repo.
web Host local web frontend.
The hypergit
cli lets you
- manage hypergit remotes, and
- lets you
git clone hypergit://...
hypergit wants to be a special git remote, like https://...
or ssh://...
except instead of pointing to a specific (centralized) server somewhere on the
internet, it points to a peer-to-peer-friendly database on your own computer.
When you 'push' to a hypergit remote, you're writing your changes to a local
hyperdb, which mirrors how git would lay itself out on the filesystem.
hyperdb's special power is the ability to sync itself with other peers over the internet and local network.
Creating a hypergit repo (hypergit create) adds a remote called swarm to your
.git/config, and creates a new unique id (it's actually a public key) that
identifies that new remote. Something like
When someone runs git clone hypergit://...
or hypergit seed
, the program
will connect to a distributed hash table and find other peers who are interested
in that identifier. The ID is hashed before you look for it, so users couldn't
discover the repo without knowing the original key. Connections are opened to
those peers and you exchange hyperdb state so that you both end up with the same
resulting state.
From here you could do a git fetch swarm to pull down those latest changes. The cool thing is that since the remote lives on your local filesystem, you can do push and pull and fetch even while offline, and your changes will sync to the rest of the peers involved in this repo once you're online again. You can even peer with just other users on the same local network as you and collaborate in offline environments.
This approach differs from federation, where users pick from a set of servers to host their git repositories. With hypergit all of the data lives on peers directly, so everyone with a laptop is a first-class citizen, and doesn't have to choose between hosted services that could go down at some point. By using hypergit seed you can, not unlike bittorrent, re-host git repos you like on servers and provide them greater availability.
This isn't a github replacement. hypergit wants to be a powerful primitive that enables social peer-to-peer coding. There are many ways to do coding with other humans, and heavy opinions on that don't feel like they ought to be tied in with the lower level pieces.
With hypergit, each project participant has their own hypergit repo. There is no "origin" central authority.
- @noffle:
- @wmhilton:
If you'd like your hypergit added, open a PR.
- @isomorphic-git:
If you'd like your hypergit added, open a PR.