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GitHub Actions Workflows for Multi-Platform App Development

GitHub GitHub Actions Github Pages Kotlin Android

© 2024 Mifos Initiative

Table of contents


Kotlin Multiplatform Project Setup Guide

Supported Platforms

  • Android
  • iOS
  • Desktop (Windows, macOS, Linux)
  • Web (Kotlin/JS, wasmJS)

Recommended Project Structure

├── buildLogic/            # Shared build configuration
├── gradle/                # Gradle wrapper and configuration
├── core/                  # Core business logic module
│   ├── common/            # Common code shared across platforms
│   ├── model/             # Model classes and data structures
│   ├── data/              # Data models and repositories
│   ├── network/           # Networking and API clients
│   ├── domain/            # Domain-specific logic
│   ├── ui/                # UI components and screens
│   ├── designsystem/      # App-wide design system
│   └── datastore/         # Local data storage
├── feature/               # Feature Specific module
│   ├── feature-a/         # Feature-specific logic
│   ├── feature-b/         # Feature-specific logic
│   └── feature-c/         # Feature-specific logic
├── androidApp/            # Android-specific implementation
├── iosApp/                # iOS-specific implementation
├── desktopApp/            # Desktop application module
├── webApp/                # Web application module
├── shared/                # Shared Kotlin Multiplatform code
│   ├── src/
│   │   ├── commonMain/    # Shared business logic
│   │   ├── androidMain/   # Android-specific code
│   │   ├── iosMain/       # iOS-specific code
│   │   ├── desktopMain/   # Desktop-specific code
│   │   ├── jsMain/        # Web-specific code
│       └── wasmJsMain/    # Web-specific code
├── Fastfile              # Fastlane configuration
├── Gemfile               # Ruby dependencies
└── fastlane/             # Fastlane configurations

Development Environment

  • JDK 17 or higher
  • Kotlin 1.9.x
  • Gradle 8.x
  • Android Studio Hedgehog or later
  • Xcode 15+ (for iOS development)
  • Node.js 18+ (for web development)

Required Github Secrets

In order to automate the build and deployment process, you need to configure the following secrets in your GitHub repository settings:

Platform Key Name Description Encoding/Format Required
Android ORIGINAL_KEYSTORE_FILE Base64 encoded release keystore Base64 Yes
Android ORIGINAL_KEYSTORE_FILE_PASSWORD Keystore password String Yes
Android ORIGINAL_KEYSTORE_ALIAS Keystore alias String Yes
Android ORIGINAL_KEYSTORE_ALIAS_PASSWORD Keystore alias password String Yes
Android UPLOAD_KEYSTORE_FILE Base64 encoded release keystore for upload Base64 Yes
Android UPLOAD_KEYSTORE_FILE_PASSWORD Upload keystore password String Yes
Android UPLOAD_KEYSTORE_ALIAS Upload keystore alias String Yes
Android UPLOAD_KEYSTORE_ALIAS_PASSWORD Upload keystore alias password String Yes
Google Services GOOGLESERVICES Google Services JSON content Base64 Yes
Play Console PLAYSTORECREDS Play Store service account credentials Base64 Yes
Firebase FIREBASECREDS Firebase App Distribution credentials Base64 Yes
iOS NOTARIZATION_APPLE_ID Apple ID for app notarization String Yes
iOS NOTARIZATION_PASSWORD Password for notarization process String Yes
iOS NOTARIZATION_TEAM_ID Apple Developer Team ID String Yes
Desktop (Windows) WINDOWS_SIGNING_KEY Signing key for Windows application String No
Desktop (Windows) WINDOWS_SIGNING_PASSWORD Password for Windows signing key String No
Desktop (Windows) WINDOWS_SIGNING_CERTIFICATE Certificate for Windows app signing String No
Desktop (MacOS) MACOS_SIGNING_KEY Signing key for MacOS application String No
Desktop (MacOS) MACOS_SIGNING_PASSWORD Password for MacOS signing key String No
Desktop (MacOS) MACOS_SIGNING_CERTIFICATE Certificate for MacOS app signing String No
Desktop (Linux) LINUX_SIGNING_KEY Signing key for Linux application String No
Desktop (Linux) LINUX_SIGNING_PASSWORD Password for Linux signing key String No
Desktop (Linux) LINUX_SIGNING_CERTIFICATE Certificate for Linux app signing String No

Fastlane Setup

Install Fastlane

# Install Ruby (if not already installed)
brew install ruby

# Install Fastlane
gem install fastlane

# Create Gemfile
bundle init

# Add Fastlane to Gemfile
bundle add fastlane

Fastfile Configuration



platform :android do
  desc "Assemble debug APKs."
  lane :assembleDebugApks do |options|
      tasks: ["assembleDebug"],

  desc "Assemble Release APK"
  lane :assembleReleaseApks do |options|
    options[:storeFile] ||= "release_keystore.keystore"
    options[:storePassword] ||= "Mifospay"
    options[:keyAlias] ||= "key0"
    options[:keyPassword] ||= "Mifos@123"

    # Generate version
    generateVersion = generateVersion()

      taskName: "assemble",
      buildType: "Release",
      storeFile: options[:storeFile],
      storePassword: options[:storePassword],
      keyAlias: options[:keyAlias],
      keyPassword: options[:keyPassword],

  desc "Bundle Play Store release"
  lane :bundlePlayStoreRelease do |options|
    options[:storeFile] ||= "release_keystore.keystore"
    options[:storePassword] ||= "Mifospay"
    options[:keyAlias] ||= "key0"
    options[:keyPassword] ||= "Mifos@123"

    # Generate version
    generateVersion = generateVersion()

    # Generate Release Note
    releaseNotes = generateReleaseNotes(
      repoName: "mobile-wallet-testing",

    # Write the generated release notes to default.txt
    buildConfigPath = "metadata/android/en-GB/changelogs/default.txt"
    File.write(buildConfigPath, releaseNotes)

      taskName: "bundle",
      buildType: "Release",
      storeFile: options[:storeFile],
      storePassword: options[:storePassword],
      keyAlias: options[:keyAlias],
      keyPassword: options[:keyPassword],

  desc "Publish Release Play Store artifacts to Firebase App Distribution"
  lane :deploy_on_firebase do |options|
    options[:apkFile] ||= "mifospay-android/build/outputs/apk/prod/release/mifospay-android-prod-release.apk"
    options[:serviceCredsFile] ||= "secrets/firebaseAppDistributionServiceCredentialsFile.json"
    options[:groups] ||= "mifos-wallet-testers"

    # Generate Release Note
    releaseNotes = generateReleaseNotes(
      repoName: "mobile-wallet-testing",

      app: "1:64530857057:android:f8d67b786db1b844",
      android_artifact_type: "APK",
      android_artifact_path: options[:apkFile],
      service_credentials_file: options[:serviceCredsFile],
      groups: options[:groups],
      release_notes: "#{releaseNotes}",

  desc "Deploy internal tracks to Google Play"
  lane :deploy_internal do |options|
    options[:aabFile] ||= "mifospay-android/build/outputs/bundle/prodRelease/mifospay-android-prod-release.aab"
      track: 'internal',
      aab: options[:aabFile],
      skip_upload_metadata: true,
      skip_upload_images: true,
      skip_upload_screenshots: true,

  desc "Promote internal tracks to beta on Google Play"
  lane :promote_to_beta do
      track: 'internal',
      track_promote_to: 'beta',
      skip_upload_changelogs: true,
      skip_upload_metadata: true,
      skip_upload_images: true,
      skip_upload_screenshots: true,

  desc "Promote beta tracks to production on Google Play"
  lane :promote_to_production do
      track: 'beta',
      track_promote_to: 'production',
      skip_upload_changelogs: true,
      skip_upload_metadata: true,
      skip_upload_images: true,
      skip_upload_screenshots: true,

  desc "Generate artifacts for the given [build] signed with the provided [keystore] and credentials."
  private_lane :buildAndSignApp do |options|
    # Get the project root directory
    project_dir = File.expand_path('..', Dir.pwd)

    # Construct the absolute path to the keystore
    keystore_path = File.join(project_dir, 'keystores', options[:storeFile])

    # Check if keystore exists
    unless File.exist?(keystore_path)
      UI.error "Keystore file not found at: #{keystore_path}"
      UI.error "Please ensure the keystore file exists at the correct location"
      exit 1  # Exit with error code 1

      task: options[:taskName],
      build_type: options[:buildType],
      properties: {
        "" => keystore_path,
        "" => options[:storePassword],
        "android.injected.signing.key.alias" => options[:keyAlias],
        "android.injected.signing.key.password" => options[:keyPassword],
      print_command: false,

  desc "Generate Version"
  lane :generateVersion do
    # Generate version file
    gradle(tasks: ["versionFile"])

    # Set version from file
    ENV['VERSION'] ="../version.txt").strip

    # Calculate and set version code
    commit_count = `git rev-list --count HEAD`.to_i
    tag_count = `git tag | grep -v beta | wc -l`.to_i
    ENV['VERSION_CODE'] = ((commit_count + tag_count) << 1).to_s


  desc "Generate release notes"
  lane :generateReleaseNotes do |options|
    branchName = `git rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD`.chomp()
    releaseNotes = changelog_from_git_commits(
      commits_count: 1,


platform :ios do
  desc "Build iOS application"
  lane :build_ios do |options|
    # Set default configuration if not provided
    options[:configuration] ||= "Debug"

    # automatic code signing
      use_automatic_signing: true,
      path: "mifospay-ios/iosApp.xcodeproj"
      project: "mifospay-ios/iosApp.xcodeproj",
      scheme: "iosApp",
      # Set configuration to debug for now
      configuration: options[:configuration],
      skip_codesigning: "true",
      output_directory: "mifospay-ios/build",
      skip_archive: "true"

  lane :increment_version do |options|
    options[:serviceCredsFile] ||= "secrets/firebaseAppDistributionServiceCredentialsFile.json"

    latest_release = firebase_app_distribution_get_latest_release(
      app: "1:728434912738:ios:86a7badfaed88b841a1dbb",
      service_credentials_file: options[:serviceCredsFile]
      xcodeproj: "mifospay-ios/iosApp.xcodeproj",
      build_number: latest_release[:buildVersion].to_i + 1

  desc "Upload iOS application to Firebase App Distribution"
  lane :deploy_on_firebase do |options|
    options[:serviceCredsFile] ||= "secrets/firebaseAppDistributionServiceCredentialsFile.json"
    options[:groups] ||= "mifos-wallet-testers"

    releaseNotes = generateReleaseNotes(
      repoName: "mobile-wallet-testing",
    release = firebase_app_distribution(
      app: "1:728434912738:ios:86a7badfaed88b841a1dbb",
      service_credentials_file: options[:serviceCredsFile],
      release_notes_file: "#{releaseNotes}",
      groups: options[:groups]


  desc "Generate release notes"
  lane :generateReleaseNotes do |options|
    branchName = `git rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD`.chomp()
    releaseNotes = changelog_from_git_commits(
      commits_count: 1,

Code Quality Checks

  • Static code analysis (Detekt)
  • Code formatting (Spotless)
  • Dependency guard
  • Unit and UI testing

Release Management

  • Semantic versioning
  • Automated beta deployments
  • Cross-platform release automation


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Multi-Platform App Build and Publish Workflow

flowchart TB
    %% Main workflow trigger
    Start[/"Workflow Trigger"/]
    %% Android section
    subgraph Android["Android Pipeline"]
        direction TB
        A_Build["Build Android App"]
        A_Build --> A_Firebase["Deploy to Firebase"]
        A_Build --> A_Check{"Publish to\nPlay Store?"}
        A_Check -->|Yes| A_Play["Publish to Play Store"]
        A_Check -->|No| A_Skip["Skip Play Store"]
    %% iOS section
    subgraph iOS["iOS Pipeline"]
        direction TB
        I_Build["Build iOS App"]
        I_Build --> I_Firebase["Deploy to Firebase"]
        I_Build --> I_Check{"Publish to\nApp Store?"}
        I_Check -->|Yes| I_Store["Publish to App Store"]
        I_Check -->|No| I_Skip["Skip App Store"]
    %% Desktop section
    subgraph Desktop["Desktop Pipeline"]
        direction TB
        D_Build["Initialize Desktop Build"]
        D_Build --> D_Win["Windows Build"]
        D_Build --> D_Mac["macOS Build"]
        D_Build --> D_Linux["Linux Build"]
    %% Web section
    subgraph Web["Web Pipeline"]
        direction TB
        W_Build["Build Web App"]
        W_Build --> W_Deploy["Deploy to GitHub Pages"]
    %% GitHub Release section
    subgraph Release["Release Pipeline"]
        direction TB
        R_Version["Generate Version"]
        R_Notes["Generate Release Notes"]
        R_Artifacts["Collect Artifacts"]
        R_Create["Create GitHub Release"]
        R_Version --> R_Notes
        R_Notes --> R_Artifacts
        R_Artifacts --> R_Create
    %% Main workflow connections
    Start --> Android
    Start --> iOS
    Start --> Desktop
    Start --> Web
    Android --> Release
    iOS --> Release
    Desktop --> Release
    Web --> Release
    %% Styling
    classDef trigger fill:#2C3E50,color:#fff,stroke:#2C3E50
    classDef pipeline fill:#34495E,color:#fff,stroke:#2C3E50
    classDef process fill:#ECF0F1,stroke:#34495E,color:#2C3E50
    classDef conditional fill:#E74C3C,stroke:#C0392B,color:#fff
    classDef deployment fill:#27AE60,stroke:#229954,color:#fff
    classDef release fill:#3498DB,stroke:#2980B9,color:#fff
    class Start trigger
    class Android,iOS,Desktop,Web pipeline
    class A_Build,I_Build,D_Build,W_Build process
    class A_Check,I_Check conditional
    class A_Firebase,I_Firebase,A_Play,I_Store,W_Deploy deployment
    class R_Version,R_Notes,R_Artifacts,R_Create release
    class D_Win,D_Mac,D_Linux process
    class A_Skip,I_Skip process


This GitHub Actions workflow provides a comprehensive solution for building and publishing multi-platform applications, supporting:

  • Android (APK and Play Store)
  • iOS (App Store and Firebase Distribution)
  • Desktop (Windows, macOS, Linux)
  • Web (GitHub Pages)


Repository Setup

  1. Ensure your project is organized with separate modules for each platform:
  • Android module
  • iOS module
  • Desktop module
  • Web module
  1. Required configuration files:
  • fastlane/ directory with deployment configurations
  • Gradle build files
  • GitHub Secrets configuration

Required GitHub Secrets

Configure the following secrets in your repository settings:

Android Secrets

  • ORIGINAL_KEYSTORE_FILE: Base64 encoded release keystore
  • ORIGINAL_KEYSTORE_ALIAS_PASSWORD: Keystore alias password
  • UPLOAD_KEYSTORE_FILE: Base64 encoded release keystore
  • UPLOAD_KEYSTORE_ALIAS: Keystore alias
  • UPLOAD_KEYSTORE_ALIAS_PASSWORD: Keystore alias password
  • GOOGLESERVICES: Base64 encoded Google Services JSON content
  • PLAYSTORECREDS: Base64 encoded Play Store service account credentials
  • FIREBASECREDS: Base64 encoded Firebase App Distribution credentials

iOS Secrets

  • Notarization Credentials:

Workflow Inputs

The workflow supports the following configuration inputs:

Release Configuration

  • release_type:
    • Default: 'internal'
    • Options: 'internal', 'beta'
  • target_branch:
    • Default: 'dev'
    • Specifies the branch for release

Platform Package Names

  • android_package_name: Name of Android project module
  • ios_package_name: Name of iOS project module
  • desktop_package_name: Name of Desktop project module
  • web_package_name: Name of Web project module

Publishing Toggles

  • publish_android: Publish to Play Store (Default: false)
  • build_ios: Build iOS App (Default: false)
  • publish_ios: Publish to App Store (Default: false)
  • publish_desktop: Publish Desktop Apps (Default: false)
  • publish_web: Publish Web App (Default: true)

Workflow Jobs

1. Release Information Generation

  • Generates version number
  • Creates release notes
  • Prepares changelog artifacts

2. Platform-Specific Build Jobs


  • Builds signed APK
  • Uploads to Firebase App Distribution
  • Optionally publishes to Play Store


  • Builds iOS application
  • Uploads to Firebase App Distribution
  • Prepares for App Store submission


  • Builds for Windows, macOS, and Linux
  • Packages executables and installers


  • Builds web application
  • Deploys to GitHub Pages

3. GitHub Release

  • Creates a pre-release with all built artifacts
  • Includes detailed changelog

Workflow Usage Example

name: Multi-Platform Build and Publish

        type: choice
          - internal
          - beta
        default: internal
        description: Release Type

        type: string
        default: 'dev'
        description: 'Target branch for release'

        type: boolean
        default: false
        description: Publish Android App On Play Store

        type: boolean
        default: false
        description: Build iOS App

        type: boolean
        default: false
        description: Publish iOS App On App Store

  contents: write
  id-token: write
  pages: write

  group: "reusable"
  cancel-in-progress: false

    name: Multi-Platform Build and Publish
    uses: openMF/mifos-mobile-github-actions/.github/workflows/multi-platform-build-and-publish.yaml@main
      release_type: ${{ inputs.release_type }}
      target_branch: ${{ inputs.target_branch }}
      android_package_name: 'mifospay-android' # <-- Change this to your android package name
      ios_package_name: 'mifospay-ios' # <-- Change this to your ios package name
      desktop_package_name: 'mifospay-desktop' # <-- Change this to your desktop package name
      web_package_name: 'mifospay-web'   # <-- Change this to your web package name
      publish_android: ${{ inputs.publish_android }}
      build_ios: ${{ inputs.build_ios }}
      publish_ios: ${{ inputs.publish_ios }}
      tester_groups: 'mifos-wallet-testers'
      original_keystore_file: ${{ secrets.ORIGINAL_KEYSTORE_FILE }}
      original_keystore_file_password: ${{ secrets.ORIGINAL_KEYSTORE_FILE_PASSWORD }}
      original_keystore_alias: ${{ secrets.ORIGINAL_KEYSTORE_ALIAS }}
      original_keystore_alias_password: ${{ secrets.ORIGINAL_KEYSTORE_ALIAS_PASSWORD }}

      upload_keystore_file: ${{ secrets.UPLOAD_KEYSTORE_FILE }}
      upload_keystore_file_password: ${{ secrets.UPLOAD_KEYSTORE_FILE_PASSWORD }}
      upload_keystore_alias: ${{ secrets.UPLOAD_KEYSTORE_ALIAS }}
      upload_keystore_alias_password: ${{ secrets.UPLOAD_KEYSTORE_ALIAS_PASSWORD }}

      notarization_apple_id: ${{ secrets.NOTARIZATION_APPLE_ID }}
      notarization_password: ${{ secrets.NOTARIZATION_PASSWORD }}
      notarization_team_id: ${{ secrets.NOTARIZATION_TEAM_ID }}

      windows_signing_key: ${{ secrets.WINDOWS_SIGNING_KEY }}
      windows_signing_password: ${{ secrets.WINDOWS_SIGNING_PASSWORD }}
      windows_signing_certificate: ${{ secrets.WINDOWS_SIGNING_CERTIFICATE }}

      macos_signing_key: ${{ secrets.MACOS_SIGNING_KEY }}
      macos_signing_password: ${{ secrets.MACOS_SIGNING_PASSWORD }}
      macos_signing_certificate: ${{ secrets.MACOS_SIGNING_CERTIFICATE }}

      linux_signing_key: ${{ secrets.LINUX_SIGNING_KEY }}
      linux_signing_password: ${{ secrets.LINUX_SIGNING_PASSWORD }}
      linux_signing_certificate: ${{ secrets.LINUX_SIGNING_CERTIFICATE }}

      google_services: ${{ secrets.GOOGLESERVICES }}
      firebase_creds: ${{ secrets.FIREBASECREDS }}
      playstore_creds: ${{ secrets.PLAYSTORECREDS }}
      token: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}

Important Considerations

  1. Ensure all platform-specific build configurations are correctly set up
  2. Test the workflow in a staging environment first
  3. Manage secrets securely
  4. Keep Fastlane and Gradle configurations up to date


  • Check GitHub Actions logs for detailed error messages
  • Verify all secrets are correctly configured
  • Ensure Gradle and Fastlane dependencies are compatible
  • Validate platform-specific build scripts


  • Requires comprehensive platform-specific build configurations
  • Some manual setup needed for each platform
  • Depends on external services (Play Store, App Store, Firebase)

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Kotlin/JS Web Application GitHub Pages Deployment Workflow

  theme: neo-dark
  look: neo
  layout: dagre
flowchart TD
%% Trigger Stage
    A([fa:fa-code-branch Push to Dev / Manual Trigger]) --> 
    B{{"fa:fa-server Checkout Repository"}}

%% Environment Setup
B --> C["fa:fa-coffee Setup Java Environment\n🔧 JDK Configuration"]

%% Build Process
C --> D["fa:fa-globe Build Kotlin/JS Web App\n🏗️ Compiling JavaScript"]

%% GitHub Pages Configuration
D --> E{"fa:fa-cogs Configure GitHub Pages\n⚙️ Static Site Generation"}

%% Artifact Upload
E --> F["fa:fa-upload Upload Static Web Files\n📦 Preparing Deployment Artifacts"]

%% Deployment Stage
F --> G{{"fa:fa-rocket Deploy to GitHub Pages"}}

%% Deployment Outcomes
G -->|Success| H["fa:fa-check-circle Update Deployment Environment\n✨ Environment Sync"]
G -->|Failure| I["fa:fa-undo Rollback Deployment\n🔙 Reverting Changes"]

%% Styling
classDef triggerNode fill:#2196F3,color:white,stroke:#1565C0,stroke-width:2px;
classDef processNode fill:#4CAF50,color:white,stroke:#2E7D32,stroke-width:2px;
classDef decisionNode fill:#FF9800,color:white,stroke:#EF6C00,stroke-width:2px;
classDef successNode fill:#8BC34A,color:white,stroke:#558B2F,stroke-width:2px;
classDef failureNode fill:#F44336,color:white,stroke:#C62828,stroke-width:2px;

class A triggerNode;
class B,C,D,F processNode;
class E,G decisionNode;
class H successNode;
class I failureNode;


This GitHub Actions workflow automates the build and deployment of a Kotlin/JS web application to GitHub Pages. It simplifies the process of publishing your web application by automatically handling the build and deployment steps whenever changes are merged into the development branch.


Before using this workflow, ensure you have the following:

Repository Setup

  1. A Kotlin Multiplatform/JS web application project using Gradle
  2. A Gradle configuration that supports jsBrowserDistribution task
  3. GitHub repository with GitHub Pages enabled

Build Configuration

  • Use Java 17
  • Kotlin/JS project with a web module
  • Gradle wrapper in the project root

Workflow Configuration

1. How to Setup the Workflow

This workflow is designed as a reusable workflow. You'll need to call it from another workflow file. Create a workflow file (e.g., .github/workflows/deploy.yml) that looks like this:

name: Build And Deploy Web App

# Trigger conditions for the workflow
    branches: [ "dev" ]
    types: [ closed ]

# Concurrency settings to manage multiple workflow runs
# This ensures orderly deployment to production environment
  group: "web-pages"
  cancel-in-progress: false

  contents: read  # Read repository contents
  pages: write    # Write to GitHub Pages
  id-token: write # Write authentication tokens
  pull-requests: write # Write to pull requests

    name: Build And Deploy Web App
    uses: openMF/mifos-mobile-github-actions/.github/workflows/build-and-deploy-site.yaml@main
    secrets: inherit
      web_package_name: 'mifospay-web'

Replace 'your-web-module-name' with the actual name of your web module in the Gradle project.

2. GitHub Pages Configuration

Repository Settings

  1. Go to your repository's "Settings" tab
  2. Navigate to "Pages" section
  3. Under "Source", select "GitHub Actions" as the deployment method

3. Gradle Configuration

Ensure your build.gradle.kts or build.gradle supports JavaScript distribution:

kotlin {
    js(IR) {
        browser {
            // Browser-specific configuration

Workflow Details As Per Above Example

Workflow Triggers

  • Automatically triggered on push to the dev branch
  • Can be manually triggered via GitHub Actions UI


  • Runs on Windows with Java 17
  • Uses Zulu OpenJDK distribution

Deployment Steps

  1. Checkout repository
  2. Setup Java environment
  3. Build web application using jsBrowserDistribution
  4. Configure GitHub Pages
  5. Upload build artifacts
  6. Deploy to GitHub Pages


Common Issues

  • Ensure Gradle wrapper is executable (chmod +x gradlew)
  • Verify web module name matches exactly in workflow configuration
  • Check that jsBrowserDistribution task works locally


  • Review workflow run logs in the "Actions" tab of your GitHub repository
  • Verify build artifacts are generated correctly
  • Check GitHub Pages settings

Security Considerations

  • Workflow uses minimal required permissions
  • Concurrency settings prevent conflicting deployments

Version Compatibility

  • Tested with:
    • GitHub Actions: v4-v5
    • Java: 17
    • Kotlin/JS: Latest versions

Back To Top

Monthly Version Tagging Workflow

flowchart TD
    A([Workflow Starts]) --> B[Checkout Repository]
    B --> C[Get Current Timestamp]
    C --> D[Create Version Tag]
    D --> E[Tag Format: YYYY.MM.0]
    style A fill:#2196F3,color:white
    style B fill:#4CAF50,color:white
    style C fill:#FF9800,color:white
    style D fill:#9C27B0,color:white
    style E fill:#03A9F4,color:white


This GitHub Actions workflow automates the creation of monthly version tags for your repository. It follows a calendar-based versioning scheme, generating tags that represent the year and month of release.

Versioning Scheme

The workflow creates tags in the format: YYYY.MM.0

  • YYYY: Full four-digit year
  • MM: Two-digit month
  • .0: Initial release for the month (allows for potential patch releases)

Example Tags:

  • 2024.01.0 (January 2024's initial release)
  • 2024.12.0 (December 2024's initial release)


Repository Setup

  1. GitHub repository with write access to tags
  2. GitHub Actions enabled

Workflow Configuration

Create Workflow File

Create a new workflow file in .github/workflows/monthly-version-tag.yml:

name: Tag Monthly Release

  # Allow manual triggering of the workflow
  # Schedule the workflow to run monthly
    # Runs at 03:30 UTC on the first day of every month
    # Cron syntax: minute hour day-of-month month day-of-week
    - cron: '30 3 1 * *'

  group: "monthly-release"
  cancel-in-progress: false

    name: Tag Monthly Release
    uses: openMF/mifos-mobile-github-actions/.github/workflows/monthly-version-tag.yaml@main
    secrets: inherit

Workflow Details

Trigger Conditions

  • Automatic: First day of each month at 3:30 AM UTC
  • Manual: Can be triggered via GitHub Actions UI


  • Runs on Ubuntu latest
  • Uses GitHub Actions environment

Workflow Steps

  1. Checkout repository
  2. Retrieve current timestamp
  3. Create version tag based on current year and month

Third-Party Actions Used

1. josStorer/[email protected]

  • Provides current date and time information
  • Extracts year and month for tag creation

2. rickstaa/[email protected]

  • Creates Git tags in the repository
  • Supports custom tag naming

Customization Options

Modify Versioning Scheme

  • Adjust tag format in the tag parameter
  • Add additional logic for more complex versioning

Change Scheduling

  • Modify the cron schedule to suit your release cadence
  • Adjust timezone or specific day of the month

Security Considerations

  • Workflow uses minimal repository permissions
  • Runs on a trusted GitHub-hosted runner


Common Issues

  • Verify GitHub Actions permissions
  • Check repository branch protection rules
  • Ensure no existing tags conflict


  • Review workflow run logs in the "Actions" tab
  • Manually trigger workflow to test configuration

Version Compatibility

  • Tested with:
    • GitHub Actions: v4
    • Ubuntu: Latest
    • Third-party actions: Specified versions

Best Practices

  • Use this for consistent, predictable versioning
  • Consider combining with release notes or changelog generation
  • Review tags periodically to maintain clarity

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PR Check Workflow

flowchart TD
    A[Code Commit/PR] --> B[Static Analysis Checks]
    B --> C[Parallel Builds]
    C --> D1[Android App Build]
    C --> D2[Desktop App Build]
    C --> D3[Web App Build]
    C --> D4[iOS App Build]
    D1 --> E[Artifacts Generated]
    D2 --> E
    D3 --> E
    D4 --> E

    style A fill:#2196F3,color:white
    style B fill:#4CAF50,color:white
    style C fill:#FF9800,color:white
    style D1 fill:#9C27B0,color:white
    style D2 fill:#673AB7,color:white
    style D3 fill:#F44336,color:white
    style D4 fill:#03A9F4,color:white


This reusable GitHub Actions workflow provides a comprehensive Continuous Integration (CI) pipeline for multi-platform mobile and desktop applications, specifically designed for projects using Gradle and Kotlin Multiplatform (KMP).

Key Features

  • Automated code quality checks
  • Dependency management and verification
  • Cross-platform builds:
    • Android APK generation
    • Desktop application builds (Windows, Linux, MacOS)
    • Web application compilation
    • iOS app build support


  • Java 17
  • Gradle
  • Configured build scripts for:
    • Android module
    • Desktop module
    • Web module
    • iOS module
  • Installed Gradle plugins for code quality checks

Workflow Jobs

1. Static Analysis Checks

  • Runs initial code quality verification
  • Uses custom static analysis check action

2. Android App Build

  • Builds debug APK for the specified Android module
  • Runs on Ubuntu latest

3. Desktop App Build

  • Builds desktop applications for:
    • Windows
    • Linux
    • MacOS
  • Uses cross-platform build strategy

4. Web Application Build

  • Compiles web application
  • Runs on Windows latest

5. iOS App Build

  • Builds iOS application
  • Runs on MacOS latest

Configuration Parameters

Parameter Description Type Required
android_package_name Name of the Android project module String Yes
desktop_package_name Name of the Desktop project module String Yes
web_package_name Name of the Web project module String Yes
ios_package_name Name of the iOS project module String Yes

Workflow Trigger Conditions

  • Triggered on workflow call
  • Supports concurrency management
  • Cancels previous runs if a new one is triggered

Usage Example

name: PR Checks

    branches: [ dev, main ]

    name: PR Checks
    uses: openMF/mifos-mobile-github-actions/.github/workflows/pr-check.yaml@main
      android_package_name: 'mifospay-android'
      desktop_package_name: 'mifospay-desktop'
      web_package_name: 'mifospay-web'
      ios_package_name: 'mifospay-ios'

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Promote Release to Play Store Workflow

flowchart TD
    A([Workflow Starts]) --> B[Checkout Repository]
    B --> C[Configure Ruby Environment]

    C --> D[Install Fastlane\nand Plugins]
    D --> E[Inflate Play Store Secrets]

    E --> F[Promote Beta to\nProduction Play Store]

    style A fill:#2196F3,color:white
    style B fill:#4CAF50,color:white
    style C fill:#FF9800,color:white
    style D fill:#9C27B0,color:white
    style E fill:#FF5722,color:white
    style F fill:#03A9F4,color:white


This workflow automates the promotion of a beta release to the production environment on the Google Play Store.

Workflow Trigger

  • Callable workflow (can be invoked from other workflows)


  1. Ruby Environment
  • Requires Ruby setup (uses ruby/setup-ruby action)
  • Bundler version 2.2.27
  • Fastlane installed with specific plugins
  1. Required Plugins
  • firebase_app_distribution
  • increment_build_number

Configuration Steps

  1. Repository Setup
  • Ensure your repository is properly structured for Android app deployment
  • Have a Fastfile configured with promote_to_production lane
  1. Fastlane Configuration Create a Fastfile in your fastlane directory with a promote_to_production lane:

    lane :promote_to_production do
      # Your specific Play Store promotion logic
        track: 'beta',
        track_promote_to: 'production'
  2. GitHub Secrets

  • Ensure you have Play Store credentials configured in your repository secrets
  • Typically includes:
    • $PLAYSTORE_CREDS: Google Play Service Account JSON
    • Other authentication credentials as needed

Workflow Parameters

  • No direct input parameters
  • Uses environment variable SUPPLY_UPLOAD_MAX_RETRIES (default: 5)

Best Practices

  • Ensure your beta release is thoroughly tested before promotion
  • Use version tagging and semantic versioning
  • Keep Play Store credentials secure

Example Workflow

name: Promote Release to Play Store

# Workflow triggers:
# 1. Manual trigger with option to publish to Play Store
# 2. Automatic trigger when a GitHub release is published
        required: false
        default: false
        description: Publish to Play Store?
        type: boolean
    types: [ released ]

  group: "production-deploy"
  cancel-in-progress: false

  contents: write

  # Job to promote app from beta to production in Play Store
    name: Promote Beta to Production Play Store
    uses: openMF/mifos-mobile-github-actions/.github/workflows/promote-to-production.yaml@main
    if: ${{ inputs.publish_to_play_store == true }}
    secrets: inherit
      android_package_name: 'mifospay-android'

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