2.0.0-beta.13 (2022-08-01)
- made cursor to pointer on slider hover (c4ba92b)
2.0.0-beta.12 (2022-08-01)
- #583 (776cc95)
- #610 (b6f4b4c)
- added cursor pointer on slider hover (70aefac)
- broken int test (93cab57)
- broken test (8749b3e)
- change css from LayoutEmbed.js instead of style.css (a4471f2)
- changed text content and text style for mobile (5dfd0b5)
- ci problem (a77e06d), closes /github.com/cypress-io/cypress/issues/1313#issuecomment-409342834
- cypress unit tests (c502d6d)
- drawer animation not working on embed (1a0d14b)
- drawer incorrect initial theme mode (7728124)
- drawer: not able to scroll to bottom content (9fbeb59)
- drawer: rounded border radius when docked (def4df3)
- drawer: unmount runtime error (56c440e)
- lowered zindex so button is below drawer.js (925f0c2)
- make css selector more specific #552 (16d33b1)
- nock persist (597a2be)
- passed isMobile prop from parent to the respective component (3957e10)
- playground: iframe border (ce5d618)
- playground: prop values incorrect on startup (2679e5a)
- playground: runtime error prop dark (3092fb6)
- playground: runtime error prop dark (b344819)
- playground: skip gradient validation (82bb7af)
- playground: spacing not in custom theme (f58af00)
- playground: temp theme #672 (2cf398e)
- playground: update tests according to new implementation (bc9a999)
- react prop warning (6bb838e)
- refactored code (193347c)
- removed cache from token page (84a504b)
- removed unnecarry styling and components (473562e)
- repeated forward slash in href (3ebc3c0)
- replaced unrelevant keys in unit tests (1b45b82)
- revalidation return (b2748b6)
- theme mode toggle (5239fa6)
- time override & add to top (520f537)
- tinkered style (c7cf925)
- tiny css problem #552 (31f6329)
- top cy (2d4362c)
- typo on link (6f2ad92)
- typos (96e64a3)
- unit test broken (f04459f)
- update lock (38d7a88)
- updated mobile view (23184b5)
- wallet cy (3a58a51)
- zoom buttons overlapping dialog (1907df7)
- updated toolTip style acc to theme (0ba074d)
- add change theme button (d3c6d04)
- add new zoom-in-out button on mobile (c7fd143)
- add tree info dialog (a6cb044)
- add tree info dialog test (ba4ddc9)
- added small map for wallet page (c24ff67)
- added tooltip to display planters/orgs name (967ea37)
- basic auth integration (4cb421b)
- be able to edit theme (510c944)
- be able to view theme (1f19d40)
- can change theme (6627e67)
- can load theme when open page (1062c3a)
- can mock instantly (1a5fbad)
- can save/load theme from db (16c4582)
- diabled slider buttons if user has reached extreme left or extreme right of the scroll area (a3d7031)
- disable cache (a49b3ce)
- disable config api loading by default (fd0f7dd)
- disable keycloak temp (02ea67a)
- hid scroll button(left,right) on mobile devices (a9d580d)
- implemented wallet page (f3c9217)
- implemted token page (664ef8b)
- info: center items vertically (fddd0aa)
- isr - resolves: #571 (d1b5857)
- playground: add basic color components (292b0ca)
- playground: add context provider (8792d1e)
- playground: add prop rules/validation (e36388e)
- playground: add square icon button (e848ce7)
- playground: add switch prop component (d2194bf)
- playground: add tests (77f8378)
- playground: basic font customization (2b2dfb6)
- playground: basic typography components (54938b4)
- playground: load/store theme fonts from local storage (2d237fe)
- showed logo/avatar of the planter on tree page (2d723b8)
- showed continent name from planter data in planter page (b3146b3)
- showed planter info on top of tree page (4165068)
- showed planter info only if user came from planter page (1703d59)
- updated url when user moves map (90a1ac8)
- use axios mock (035c8aa)
- used image api for tree thumbnail images (83c300c)
2.0.0-beta.11 (2022-05-26)
- deploy test (b0805bd)
2.0.0-beta.10 (2022-05-26)
- deploy test (a7fbfb8)
2.0.0-beta.9 (2022-05-26)
- deploy test (c64782a)
2.0.0-beta.8 (2022-05-25)
- beta deployment channel (087c774)
2.0.0-beta.7 (2022-05-25)
- shortened gps location numbers (de93099)
2.0.0-beta.6 (2022-05-23)
- sharebutton: added onClick to CustomShareIcon (c2580e6)
- updated package.json (91d10f1)
- window protect, image url fix (b14f6b2)
2.0.0-beta.5 (2022-05-14)
- #537 (943bc95)
- #559 (1c167b4)
- image height in embded (915adcc)
- missing flags for 2 countries added back (338bcb0)
- pages layout for drawer (58a4a5e)
- remove underline below planter name (13b7769)
- typo in README.md (abfe36b)
- udpate drawer titles (d1f2786)
- add drawertitle (2f2ab7a)
- drawer component (8c6704f)
- fixed the title area drawer mobile (08a4f74)
- new darwer for mobile (baa3e84)
- share box (25b158d)
- update drawer title (33a9ec2)
2.0.0-beta.4 (2022-04-23)
- mapname domain problem (b25e895)
2.0.0-beta.3 (2022-04-23)
- mapname domain problem (0dc6bbd)
2.0.0-beta.2 (2022-04-23)
- ambassidor + next path problem (d3b4916)
2.0.0-beta.1 (2022-04-22)
- deploy test (40a9a99)
- beta
1.15.0-beta.2 (2022-04-22)
- deploy test \n\n BREAKING CHANGE: it breaks something (8c34ab0)
1.15.0-beta.1 (2022-04-22)
- #158 flash glitch (87a2b2c)
- #261 error on clicking tree icon (8cc07b6)
- 275: add test to requestAPI, and modify requestAPI to use axios instead of fetch (2ec8a73)
- action problem (cfb2a28)
- adapted PlanterQuote card for mobile (ab9db3f)
- add alignitems (3993fef)
- add async await (4234380)
- add google fonts link to Head (b7c0333)
- add infoWrapper (cd15cdd)
- add is-ci for husky prepare script (18a0cd8)
- add margin (662082f)
- add mask (3ece3ff)
- add styles (9101809)
- add tests (38a9b3e)
- add tree image component (24f88ca)
- add type text / calledWith (c9e5918)
- added --no-install to git hooks (241df92)
- added image domain setting for next/image (a9d7041)
- added image mocking to [organizationid].cy.js (76bbf6a)
- added missing font (68423e8)
- added PlanterQuote component to the organization's page (8b1caa4)
- auto-refreshing the page in dev mode #255 (a626d58)
- axios problem (36fb949)
- broken app component (b865327)
- broken component tests (3d637d7)
- broken cypress test routes (2ddaf91)
- broken tests (01e17f6)
- build github actions (e737566)
- c solve conflicts (3ec8aa1)
- c solve top.js conflicts (efc2149)
- can not run cypress successfully (0c965c2)
- change api route (24c9cd5)
- change font style to italic (58ffd97)
- change iconSuite parameter (b9ff50f)
- change names variables & function (5b0f8c0)
- change top e2e test url to relative (d41f0c3)
- change tss-1shtwbt-year to muitypography-h6 (028c458)
- change tss-rvai9x-container to tss-19g14hs-container (baeb304)
- changed layout root to flex based (d9f2b57)
- changes to mobile logo click event (3c0a640)
- changes to zoom on mobile issue (c516ab7)
- client side render (7d0757e)
- commented out updateUrl( ) (136eaf6)
- component test Navbar.cy.js passes (f7d0f52)
- component test Share.cy.js passes (7e544ad)
- configured cypress for next w/ webpack 5 (22ebe97)
- conflicts resolved (be6bb2a)
- correct button text color (99a51d9)
- correct letter spacing value format (e1f079f)
- css: Change MUI theme default letter spacing to 0. Fixes issue #434 (53f6cc9)
- css: Use stylesOverride on global theme targeting the Typography component to set default letter spacing to 0. (bc87963), closes #434
- cypress now usable with next (0496f4b)
- cypress test error in FeaturedTreesSlider (27445f1)
- cypress-ct font loading (949ce10)
- delete duplicate test file (530d3d7)
- deleted duplicate leaderboard test file (47e34bb)
- deploy to prod add git config (313ab21)
- eslint errors (254e585)
- faied test (eacc51e)
- filter close by default (456fd22)
- fix BackButton styles (b2cf156)
- fix error caused by targetTouches[0] (eb63cd5)
- fix merge conflicts (722b2c4)
- fix to the ribbons margin (d0b4b1e)
- fix to the ribbons margin (0357b2c)
- fix to the ribbons margin (13b0207)
- fixed ssr mocking in organization page test (3324bf3)
- fixes CL issue with cypress (a51a73e)
- follow-redirects security warning (a02249a)
- follow-redirects security warning (00d2c79)
- full path pushed when URL updates (4fc870e)
- google font imports (5eebed0)
- home page styles (335906a)
- homepage padding (eb3d46b)
- homepage padding (98f1f69)
- homepage padding (c043035)
- homepage padding (b27c32a)
- i've removed a useeffect that we don't need (4abbad0)
- image wrapper component uses format date string (d69d736)
- implement the filter dates (87a28ce)
- increase test timeout for CustomImageWrapper (dc5220c)
- installed missing eslint-react-plugin (1c21716)
- issue #254 revocer nearest tree feature (42c920a)
- issue #305 mount the component with theme (9b6d332)
- issue #317 navbar disappeared (703b0dc)
- issue #359 makeStyles import error (bc3cbe6)
- issue #366 org image stretched (fc465e2)
- issue #392 Miscellaneous minor errors/warnings (2f2b7f8)
- issue #421 world map should not be clickable (f64f247)
- issue #449 broken flags (446369e)
- issue #469 missing title for slider image (e236da1)
- issue #484 duplicate section (fa8f10e)
- issue #495 move copyright panel behind drawer (3d8165f)
- issue #497 move theme button (dd2f7b5)
- issue # 250 broken cypress test (8df1fd7)
- issue with cypress CL commands (14af171)
- jump to contry (9b5900c)
- layout fixes and improvements (5cf0ebc)
- lint errors (37f39c4)
- lint-staged settings (96c4730)
- lint-staged settings (ddacd4b)
- lint-staged settings (7d6dafe)
- lint-staged settings (93dbb14)
- map container size problem (ad7cd43)
- map import (b84046b)
- merge conflict (54269f8)
- merge conflicts (b9990ce)
- merged conflicts (b79ed9f)
- mergin conflicts (ef137d1)
- navbar image imports (de8a411)
- next build (8865544)
- readme wsl instructions for cypress (a605a98)
- refine planter image #463 (8a6126f)
- reformat code (1348328)
- release test (499f7ee)
- release test (aeb6c4f)
- release test (9638de1)
- remove redundant test (3ab6ad7)
- remove formatDisplayDates (f28c94a)
- remove passhref prop (24e5a3b)
- remove scientific name from the card (e8e0311)
- remove setstartdate / setenddate (9c93a3c)
- remove title / typography (15d5cc5)
- remove top page fix (edf99b4)
- remove underscore style from Link component (3c48be7)
- remove unused styles (24300de)
- remove unused test (380cc0a)
- remove useless code (d492f36)
- remove useless code (3f8ed2d)
- remove yarn.lock file (52cb787)
- remove zoom control panel #93 (7eabb42)
- removed absolute positioning (606a683)
- removed useless style (1183877)
- rename treeimage to customimagewrapper (8997eca)
- rename treeimage to customimagewrapper (64b55e5)
- replace makestyles (fe0fbd1)
- replace string prop with date and format it (f08a9df)
- replace useStyles (045f426)
- replace withStyles (7a147f5)
- replaced mount with mountWithTheme (32ad800)
- replaced next/Link with custom Link (9785748)
- resolving conflict (8dc98b2)
- security audit (06bbf97)
- security warnings (f7ec996)
- share button styles and fix (ae618c9)
- solve conflicts (0e992f3)
- solving merge conflicts (bee0265)
- some fine tuning and fix test cases (e494c13)
- some page layout (3afaa7a)
- swipeabledrawer (369de38)
- swtich to https to install core (3163d07)
- test failed because of filter default status changed (8e09c82)
- theme changes (b307ef5)
- top page logic (f0d64b9)
- top.cy.js e2e test (019d0e7)
- tree icon can now highlight (2f92ddd)
- treeid page test (11db655)
- typo (3d3942e)
- update dates picker (bb836ef)
- update component positioning (43152b6)
- update FeaturedTreesSlider component name (0ba781f)
- update filter component (668823e)
- update informationCard CSS to match figma (2234034)
- update jest tests (e6fa736), closes #273
- update lint-staged package (e0e6c3f)
- update map core (45dc06f)
- update styles (5fff591)
- update styles (dc19a7b)
- update styles (9b5caf8)
- update styling as per Figma doc (9b13779)
- update unit tests (679b8ef)
- updated axios for audit (11ad013)
- updated husky and added lint-staged (aa3006d)
- updated source-map-explorer for audit (4509b47)
- use Link rather than Button (625f948)
- utils tests pass (20288c0)
- workflow cypress video path (bda9c10)
- wrong width on the left part of the page. (731a711)
- zoom on mobile issue (5e120e1)
- zoom on movile issue (9bbb7f5)
- a redesign to component has been made (583b005)
- adapt FeaturedTreesSlider to mobile device (2c02266)
- add featured trees component (c79a477)
- add featured trees component (f0556a5)
- add featured trees component (c0fd6b5)
- add featured trees component (5152e30)
- add greenstand logo png for light backgrounds (0d51050)
- add logic to the Back button #33 (b8528c5)
- add mock api cypress for one image tree (e7a4f5e)
- add reusuable component image (7249b65)
- add routes (02bfe5b)
- add SearchBoxMobile (087de06)
- add share button (3e3eb48)
- add slider on top page (3bf1030)
- add tag chips component and cypress component test (6bf3376)
- add tests (2051d4a)
- add tests to PR workflow (138974b)
- add tree image tests (bc9635b)
- add wallet api (495b53d)
- add zoomIn and zoomOut buttons and the logic for the Map component #332 (852e750)
- added a custom 404 page (63cc9c8)
- added api call (df1b738)
- added concurrently and dev:mock script (c807fcf)
- added facebook like button (2571ba2)
- added facebook like button (faa548a)
- added filter component (b4526fa)
- added link to navbar logo (e98be5a)
- added location component (f4d8272)
- added next js (3c6c6d6)
- added next router mocking for cypress (80ca905)
- added pin image from master (508550f)
- adding 404 svg image (dbe6473)
- adjust theme to match new web map site design (0f14286)
- api for wallet, token list, transaction list and so on (ce276c7)
- badge component #154 (5f6b5c8)
- be able to render logo in embed (6def0b6)
- can install core repo (45fa613)
- can mock api by prism (b786b0e)
- can render both side (891023d)
- can rewrite path (7afd194)
- can show org map (8dde4d6)
- can zoom in to single tree view on the map (943a0a2)
- change default state for continentTags and make API calls upon tag selection (157e55b)
- contry leader; jump to country; (52c02d9)
- create github pull_request_template.md (c2c6460)
- cypress open without nock (e16bd81)
- default bg image (30690d8)
- developed SearchButton (5fb0451)
- embed (47ff2d5)
- embed map (4cd7f5a)
- error/warning component #341 (1057148)
- error/warning component Grenstand#341 (ff7567b)
- filter/search pages (1b7db44)
- first feature of other release \n\n BREAKING CHANGE: it breaks something (f61fcc5)
- formatDateString util function (cb2786e)
- github pull request workflow (97c1ddb)
- i've worked on the review comments and added the test to mount the component (ce149c3)
- initial deployment (cfd7fe6)
- installed jest (e7d7280)
- issue #298 flag icons (4aa8920)
- issue #304 add world map component (1495bb5)
- issue #307 card component (45a7898)
- issue #309 tree species card component (f0eb526)
- issue #380 merge time and location component (2dcdc44)
- issue #475 add localstorage hook (3b0a720)
- issue #503 update designsandbox (fc77443)
- jsconfig for absolute import paths (b9baf45)
- k8s setting (66cfdf1)
- layout for home page is okay (eb8ce3a)
- leader board integrated (c1ef117)
- leaderboard component draft (cae5481)
- map be able to jump to planter view (b25d944)
- mobile drawer (74239fb)
- mobile drawer (9d6da6c)
- mock api for planter/tree in wallet app (57296c7)
- modify FeaturedTreesSlider to support display of small sized images (0562048)
- mount tag chip component to the top page (9a24cbe)
- mountWithTheme wrapper for cypress (ef4a8d3)
- navbar component (5dd63ce)
- new changes to the leaderboard component (5067fe0)
- next api mocking in cypress (2dc35ff)
- next integrated into app (bfe060d)
- next/Link wrapper component (478ffd0)
- organization page with several lists (3aec18b)
- organizations/[id] page (5b3371a)
- planter page (1294c43)
- refine mobile home page (ab18cb8)
- refine the home page desktop (f1791a4)
- release enable web map iste (f5cdbf9)
- remove useless files (5cb3704)
- replace menu icon (abb6805)
- ribbons component added and theme spacing is being used (ba6ec6d)
- run prettier on commit (5a43228)
- set zoom control position (934497d)
- share button (d5ed442)
- style tree age component; resolves #105 (2e5712a)
- switch to new core, be able to update url (15785c5)
- switch to new icons (698e823)
- switch to real api, top/tree/planter page (ad0ab90)
- the planter page (d1ba8fc)
- the tree, planter page(partial) (8eb0bae)
- treeid page development (a0e8565)
- trigger version (8b8503e)
- try to ssr (ceebc2c)
- ui-wip: added PlantQuote card component (6ba9624)
- ui-wip: added PlantQuote card component (72c5e2f)
- update to the component design (cab6747)
- upgrade core (ad0155d)
- upgrade core (29e2509)
- upgrade core (88a78fb)
- upgrade core (f76ac18)
- use base root (ede7036)
- use base root (34171ae)
- use default rerelease branches (ebc19b0)
- zoom controls (f4b6d13)
1.15.0-beta.1 (2022-04-22)
- #158 flash glitch (87a2b2c)
- #261 error on clicking tree icon (8cc07b6)
- 275: add test to requestAPI, and modify requestAPI to use axios instead of fetch (2ec8a73)
- action problem (cfb2a28)
- adapted PlanterQuote card for mobile (ab9db3f)
- add alignitems (3993fef)
- add async await (4234380)
- add google fonts link to Head (b7c0333)
- add infoWrapper (cd15cdd)
- add is-ci for husky prepare script (18a0cd8)
- add margin (662082f)
- add mask (3ece3ff)
- add styles (9101809)
- add tests (38a9b3e)
- add tree image component (24f88ca)
- add type text / calledWith (c9e5918)
- added --no-install to git hooks (241df92)
- added image domain setting for next/image (a9d7041)
- added image mocking to [organizationid].cy.js (76bbf6a)
- added missing font (68423e8)
- added PlanterQuote component to the organization's page (8b1caa4)
- auto-refreshing the page in dev mode #255 (a626d58)
- axios problem (36fb949)
- broken app component (b865327)
- broken component tests (3d637d7)
- broken cypress test routes (2ddaf91)
- broken tests (01e17f6)
- build github actions (e737566)
- c solve conflicts (3ec8aa1)
- c solve top.js conflicts (efc2149)
- can not run cypress successfully (0c965c2)
- change api route (24c9cd5)
- change font style to italic (58ffd97)
- change iconSuite parameter (b9ff50f)
- change names variables & function (5b0f8c0)
- change top e2e test url to relative (d41f0c3)
- change tss-1shtwbt-year to muitypography-h6 (028c458)
- change tss-rvai9x-container to tss-19g14hs-container (baeb304)
- changed layout root to flex based (d9f2b57)
- changes to mobile logo click event (3c0a640)
- changes to zoom on mobile issue (c516ab7)
- client side render (7d0757e)
- commented out updateUrl( ) (136eaf6)
- component test Navbar.cy.js passes (f7d0f52)
- component test Share.cy.js passes (7e544ad)
- configured cypress for next w/ webpack 5 (22ebe97)
- conflicts resolved (be6bb2a)
- correct button text color (99a51d9)
- correct letter spacing value format (e1f079f)
- css: Change MUI theme default letter spacing to 0. Fixes issue #434 (53f6cc9)
- css: Use stylesOverride on global theme targeting the Typography component to set default letter spacing to 0. (bc87963), closes #434
- cypress now usable with next (0496f4b)
- cypress test error in FeaturedTreesSlider (27445f1)
- cypress-ct font loading (949ce10)
- delete duplicate test file (530d3d7)
- deleted duplicate leaderboard test file (47e34bb)
- deploy to prod add git config (313ab21)
- eslint errors (254e585)
- faied test (eacc51e)
- filter close by default (456fd22)
- fix BackButton styles (b2cf156)
- fix error caused by targetTouches[0] (eb63cd5)
- fix merge conflicts (722b2c4)
- fix to the ribbons margin (d0b4b1e)
- fix to the ribbons margin (0357b2c)
- fix to the ribbons margin (13b0207)
- fixed ssr mocking in organization page test (3324bf3)
- fixes CL issue with cypress (a51a73e)
- follow-redirects security warning (a02249a)
- follow-redirects security warning (00d2c79)
- full path pushed when URL updates (4fc870e)
- google font imports (5eebed0)
- home page styles (335906a)
- homepage padding (eb3d46b)
- homepage padding (98f1f69)
- homepage padding (c043035)
- homepage padding (b27c32a)
- i've removed a useeffect that we don't need (4abbad0)
- image wrapper component uses format date string (d69d736)
- implement the filter dates (87a28ce)
- increase test timeout for CustomImageWrapper (dc5220c)
- installed missing eslint-react-plugin (1c21716)
- issue #254 revocer nearest tree feature (42c920a)
- issue #305 mount the component with theme (9b6d332)
- issue #317 navbar disappeared (703b0dc)
- issue #359 makeStyles import error (bc3cbe6)
- issue #366 org image stretched (fc465e2)
- issue #392 Miscellaneous minor errors/warnings (2f2b7f8)
- issue #421 world map should not be clickable (f64f247)
- issue #449 broken flags (446369e)
- issue #469 missing title for slider image (e236da1)
- issue #484 duplicate section (fa8f10e)
- issue #495 move copyright panel behind drawer (3d8165f)
- issue #497 move theme button (dd2f7b5)
- issue # 250 broken cypress test (8df1fd7)
- issue with cypress CL commands (14af171)
- jump to contry (9b5900c)
- layout fixes and improvements (5cf0ebc)
- lint errors (37f39c4)
- lint-staged settings (96c4730)
- lint-staged settings (ddacd4b)
- lint-staged settings (7d6dafe)
- lint-staged settings (93dbb14)
- map container size problem (ad7cd43)
- map import (b84046b)
- merge conflict (54269f8)
- merge conflicts (b9990ce)
- merged conflicts (b79ed9f)
- mergin conflicts (ef137d1)
- navbar image imports (de8a411)
- next build (8865544)
- readme wsl instructions for cypress (a605a98)
- refine planter image #463 (8a6126f)
- reformat code (1348328)
- release test (499f7ee)
- release test (aeb6c4f)
- release test (9638de1)
- remove redundant test (3ab6ad7)
- remove formatDisplayDates (f28c94a)
- remove passhref prop (24e5a3b)
- remove scientific name from the card (e8e0311)
- remove setstartdate / setenddate (9c93a3c)
- remove title / typography (15d5cc5)
- remove top page fix (edf99b4)
- remove underscore style from Link component (3c48be7)
- remove unused styles (24300de)
- remove unused test (380cc0a)
- remove useless code (d492f36)
- remove useless code (3f8ed2d)
- remove yarn.lock file (52cb787)
- remove zoom control panel #93 (7eabb42)
- removed absolute positioning (606a683)
- removed useless style (1183877)
- rename treeimage to customimagewrapper (8997eca)
- rename treeimage to customimagewrapper (64b55e5)
- replace makestyles (fe0fbd1)
- replace string prop with date and format it (f08a9df)
- replace useStyles (045f426)
- replace withStyles (7a147f5)
- replaced mount with mountWithTheme (32ad800)
- replaced next/Link with custom Link (9785748)
- resolving conflict (8dc98b2)
- security audit (06bbf97)
- security warnings (f7ec996)
- share button styles and fix (ae618c9)
- solve conflicts (0e992f3)
- solving merge conflicts (bee0265)
- some fine tuning and fix test cases (e494c13)
- some page layout (3afaa7a)
- swipeabledrawer (369de38)
- swtich to https to install core (3163d07)
- test failed because of filter default status changed (8e09c82)
- theme changes (b307ef5)
- top page logic (f0d64b9)
- top.cy.js e2e test (019d0e7)
- tree icon can now highlight (2f92ddd)
- treeid page test (11db655)
- typo (3d3942e)
- update dates picker (bb836ef)
- update component positioning (43152b6)
- update FeaturedTreesSlider component name (0ba781f)
- update filter component (668823e)
- update informationCard CSS to match figma (2234034)
- update jest tests (e6fa736), closes #273
- update lint-staged package (e0e6c3f)
- update map core (45dc06f)
- update styles (5fff591)
- update styles (dc19a7b)
- update styles (9b5caf8)
- update styling as per Figma doc (9b13779)
- update unit tests (679b8ef)
- updated axios for audit (11ad013)
- updated husky and added lint-staged (aa3006d)
- updated source-map-explorer for audit (4509b47)
- use Link rather than Button (625f948)
- utils tests pass (20288c0)
- workflow cypress video path (bda9c10)
- wrong width on the left part of the page. (731a711)
- zoom on mobile issue (5e120e1)
- zoom on movile issue (9bbb7f5)
- a redesign to component has been made (583b005)
- adapt FeaturedTreesSlider to mobile device (2c02266)
- add featured trees component (c79a477)
- add featured trees component (f0556a5)
- add featured trees component (c0fd6b5)
- add featured trees component (5152e30)
- add greenstand logo png for light backgrounds (0d51050)
- add logic to the Back button #33 (b8528c5)
- add mock api cypress for one image tree (e7a4f5e)
- add reusuable component image (7249b65)
- add routes (02bfe5b)
- add SearchBoxMobile (087de06)
- add share button (3e3eb48)
- add slider on top page (3bf1030)
- add tag chips component and cypress component test (6bf3376)
- add tests (2051d4a)
- add tests to PR workflow (138974b)
- add tree image tests (bc9635b)
- add wallet api (495b53d)
- add zoomIn and zoomOut buttons and the logic for the Map component #332 (852e750)
- added a custom 404 page (63cc9c8)
- added api call (df1b738)
- added concurrently and dev:mock script (c807fcf)
- added facebook like button (2571ba2)
- added facebook like button (faa548a)
- added filter component (b4526fa)
- added link to navbar logo (e98be5a)
- added location component (f4d8272)
- added next js (3c6c6d6)
- added next router mocking for cypress (80ca905)
- added pin image from master (508550f)
- adding 404 svg image (dbe6473)
- adjust theme to match new web map site design (0f14286)
- api for wallet, token list, transaction list and so on (ce276c7)
- badge component #154 (5f6b5c8)
- be able to render logo in embed (6def0b6)
- can install core repo (45fa613)
- can mock api by prism (b786b0e)
- can render both side (891023d)
- can rewrite path (7afd194)
- can show org map (8dde4d6)
- can zoom in to single tree view on the map (943a0a2)
- change default state for continentTags and make API calls upon tag selection (157e55b)
- contry leader; jump to country; (52c02d9)
- create github pull_request_template.md (c2c6460)
- cypress open without nock (e16bd81)
- default bg image (30690d8)
- developed SearchButton (5fb0451)
- embed (47ff2d5)
- embed map (4cd7f5a)
- error/warning component #341 (1057148)
- error/warning component Grenstand#341 (ff7567b)
- filter/search pages (1b7db44)
- first feature of other release \n\n BREAKING CHANGE: it breaks something (f61fcc5)
- formatDateString util function (cb2786e)
- github pull request workflow (97c1ddb)
- i've worked on the review comments and added the test to mount the component (ce149c3)
- initial deployment (cfd7fe6)
- installed jest (e7d7280)
- issue #298 flag icons (4aa8920)
- issue #304 add world map component (1495bb5)
- issue #307 card component (45a7898)
- issue #309 tree species card component (f0eb526)
- issue #380 merge time and location component (2dcdc44)
- issue #475 add localstorage hook (3b0a720)
- issue #503 update designsandbox (fc77443)
- jsconfig for absolute import paths (b9baf45)
- k8s setting (66cfdf1)
- layout for home page is okay (eb8ce3a)
- leader board integrated (c1ef117)
- leaderboard component draft (cae5481)
- map be able to jump to planter view (b25d944)
- mobile drawer (74239fb)
- mobile drawer (9d6da6c)
- mock api for planter/tree in wallet app (57296c7)
- modify FeaturedTreesSlider to support display of small sized images (0562048)
- mount tag chip component to the top page (9a24cbe)
- mountWithTheme wrapper for cypress (ef4a8d3)
- navbar component (5dd63ce)
- new changes to the leaderboard component (5067fe0)
- next api mocking in cypress (2dc35ff)
- next integrated into app (bfe060d)
- next/Link wrapper component (478ffd0)
- organization page with several lists (3aec18b)
- organizations/[id] page (5b3371a)
- planter page (1294c43)
- refine mobile home page (ab18cb8)
- refine the home page desktop (f1791a4)
- release enable web map iste (f5cdbf9)
- remove useless files (5cb3704)
- replace menu icon (abb6805)
- ribbons component added and theme spacing is being used (ba6ec6d)
- run prettier on commit (5a43228)
- set zoom control position (934497d)
- share button (d5ed442)
- style tree age component; resolves #105 (2e5712a)
- switch to new core, be able to update url (15785c5)
- switch to new icons (698e823)
- switch to real api, top/tree/planter page (ad0ab90)
- the planter page (d1ba8fc)
- the tree, planter page(partial) (8eb0bae)
- treeid page development (a0e8565)
- trigger version (8b8503e)
- try to ssr (ceebc2c)
- ui-wip: added PlantQuote card component (6ba9624)
- ui-wip: added PlantQuote card component (72c5e2f)
- update to the component design (cab6747)
- upgrade core (ad0155d)
- upgrade core (29e2509)
- upgrade core (88a78fb)
- upgrade core (f76ac18)
- use base root (ede7036)
- use base root (34171ae)
- use default rerelease branches (ebc19b0)
- zoom controls (f4b6d13)
1.14.0 (2021-09-15)
- add information card component (2eec513)
1.13.0 (2021-09-13)
- add link share icon (76cef14)
1.12.0 (2021-08-26)
- link to greenstand when greenstand logo (0ea356d)
- greenstand logo is a link (5a65387)
1.11.2 (2021-08-26)
1.11.1 (2021-08-26)
1.11.0 (2021-08-10)
- support tile subdomain (c592a5c)
1.10.3 (2021-08-10)
- slash problem (63dfc79)
1.10.2 (2021-08-07)
- slash problem (6ba345e)
1.10.1 (2021-06-11)
- handle no tree case (cbd3d76)
1.10.0 (2021-06-10)
- tree name case can not zoom in (7dbe64c)
- can reqeust ?tree_name=xxx now (fe8a4e9)
1.9.0 (2021-06-09)
- support: freetown.treetracker.org (4a54e69)
1.8.2 (2021-05-29)
- 60 issue - show timeline icon when sidepanel is open (532bede)
1.8.1 (2021-05-23)
- sort out utf lib name; (75adc6a)
- sort out utf lib name; (779eebf)
- the aerial image would cover the cluster points (6bf609e)
- the aerial image would cover the cluster points (45eda86)
1.8.0 (2021-05-20)
- merge control the display of geojson in freetown, merge from old version (2df2ade)
- merge ocean black box fixing from old version to new (b7b8151)
1.7.2 (2021-05-12)
- fix files with ESLint and Prettier rules (c4ef7c2)
- fix files with ESLint and Prettier rules (46e4288)
1.7.1 (2021-05-05)
- change round to floor, to keep consistant with tile server (9848351)
1.7.0 (2021-04-30)
- restore village name (546b5e0)
- add fixture for cy (09beae1)
- add freetown special layer (e95f49f)
- can calculate org map initial view (3c35918)
- can click and show tree panel (89b09c4)
- can click cluster and zoom in (7a54536)
- can click cluster to zoom in (5d35578)
- can click next/prev (83fe63f)
- can dispay error message (c6c49d9)
- can display cluster highlight (e34eb79)
- can display first cluster tile (8e751f6)
- can display free highlight (a22c6b1)
- can display single tree (a8b37f0)
- can highlight cluster (3f5f055)
- can load bounds from url (322f40e)
- can load cluster (120b6d7)
- can load map(google) (f9a6780)
- can select the tree marker (b9eeaaa)
- can show nearest arrow, and click (eb1e4ab)
- can use zoome_target (15b85af)
- can zoom in by click cluster (ee1fb2c)
- can zoom in cluster (bb62de6)
- control (5f4979e)
- display two kind of cluster icon (6b4a911)
- moreEffect config (0115899)
- tile debugger (e879d4f)
1.6.6 (2021-04-14)
- restore city namp on the map (9f03928)
1.1.0 (2021-04-14)
- do not load tile server (863aba6)
- extra slash (6cdc0d0)
- incorrectly displaying icons in some zoomlevel (377b697)
- missed slash (1e8d6a4)
- remove the map bounds url update for now (87fda83)
- restore https://github.com/Greenstand/treetracker-web-map-api/pull/300/files (8f8cc8c)
- restore https://github.com/Greenstand/treetracker-web-map-api/pull/304/files (6c545c8)
- treeid=xxx fails (412f424)
- wrong selected icon position (32cf20e)
- can display map with leaflet, (new code) (d515804)
- can show selected tree icon (a55ddf4)
- fix two point problem (36b840b)
- freetown map use special tile (e25976c)
- freetown org name use tile server (44cbbf7)
- restored next/prev tree in tile version (3f1894e)
- solved the treeid=xxx problem (2b16855)
1.6.5 (2021-04-03)
- wrong selected icon position (32cf20e)
1.6.4 (2021-04-02)
- extra slash (6cdc0d0)
1.6.3 (2021-04-02)
- missed slash (1e8d6a4)
1.6.2 (2021-04-02)
- restore https://github.com/Greenstand/treetracker-web-map-api/pull/300/files (8f8cc8c)
- restore https://github.com/Greenstand/treetracker-web-map-api/pull/304/files (6c545c8)
1.6.1 (2021-04-01)
- remove the map bounds url update for now (87fda83)
1.6.0 (2021-04-01)
- fix two point problem (36b840b)
1.5.0 (2021-04-01)
- freetown map use special tile (e25976c)
1.4.2 (2021-04-01)
- incorrectly displaying icons in some zoomlevel (377b697)
1.4.1 (2021-03-31)
- do not load tile server (863aba6)
1.4.0 (2021-03-25)
- freetown org name use tile server (44cbbf7)
1.3.0 (2021-03-25)
- solved the treeid=xxx problem (2b16855)
1.2.0 (2021-03-25)
- can show selected tree icon (a55ddf4)
1.1.0 (2021-03-25)
- treeid=xxx fails (412f424)
- can display map with leaflet, (new code) (d515804)
- restored next/prev tree in tile version (3f1894e)
1.0.1 (2021-03-22)
- bug in the new repo structure, will lead to fail when start 'npm start' (40c1825)
- complete code migration (7e10770)