''' Problem statement:
Write a program that display the following menu:
1.) Calcualte Circumference
2.) Calculate Area
Enter 1, 2 or 0 to exit
In the case of option 1 and 2, the program should then prompt the user for the radius of the circle, perform calculation, and output the result. Then the program should re-display the menu. When option 0 is choosen the program should exit.
Author: Nikesh Sapkota
Date: 09/11/2021
import sys
def main():
while (True):
#displaying option to the user
option = input("Please choose one of the option from here \n\n Enter 1 to Calculate the circumference of a circle \n Enter 2 to Calculate th Area of circle \n Enter 0 for Exit: \n\n Your Option: ")
option= float(option)
# selecting the values from users
if option == 1:
radius = input(" Enter the radius of circle: ")
#converting Str radius into float radius
radius= float(radius)
Circumference = 2* 3.14159* radius
print("The circumference of circle is: " , Circumference, "\n\n")
#Generating the condition and printing the values here
elif option == 2:
radius = input("Enter the radius of circle: ")
#converting Str radius into float radius
radius= float(radius)
Area = 3.14159* (radius **2)
print("The Area of circle is: ", Area, "\n\n")
elif option ==0: