import macros, future, intsets from sequtils import apply, map, zip, toSeq, applyIt, allIt, mapIt ## Classy ## ====== ## ## Provides ability to define and instantiate haskell-like typeclasses in Nim. ## ## Overview ## -------- ## ## This module consists of two macros. ``typeclass`` saves a parameterized AST to ## serve as a template (in an object of type ``Typeclass``). ``instance`` performs ## necessary substitutions in saved AST for provided arguments, and executes ## the resulting code. ## ## As an example, let's say we want to define a ``Functor`` typeclass: ## ## .. code-block:: nim ## typeclass Functor, F[_]: ## # proc fmap[A, B](fa: F[A], g: A -> B): F[B] ## proc `$>`[A, B](fa: F[A], b: B): F[B]= ## fmap(fa, (a: A) => b) ## ## This code does not declare any procs - only a compile-time variable ``Functor``. ## Notice that our code abstracts over type constructor - ``F`` is just a ## placeholder. ## ## Notice that ``fmap`` is not part of the typeclass. At the moment forward ## declarations don't work for generic procs in Nim. As we'll see, even if ## proc AST in our typeclass has no generic parameters, the generated proc ## can have some. So it is recommended to not define unimplemented procs ## inside typeclasses. This will probably change after this issue is closed: ## ## ## Now let's instantiate our typeclass. For example, let's define a ``Functor`` ## instance for all tuples of two elements, where the left value is ``SomeInteger``: ## ## .. code-block:: nim ## ## instance Functor, (C: SomeInteger) => (C, _) ## ## This generates the following proc definition: ## ## .. code-block:: nim ## ## proc `$>`[A, B, C: SomeInteger](fa: (C, A), b: B): (C, B)= ## fmap(fa, (a: A) => b) ## ## Here are the few things to notice: ## ## 1. All ocurrences of form ``F[X]`` were replaced with ``(C, X)`` ## 2. ``C``, the parameter of our instance, became the parameter of the generated ## definition, with its constraint preserved. ## 3. We're referring to a proc ``fmap``. So any procs, that are assumed to be ## present in typeclass body, should be defined with corresponding types ## before the typeclass is instantiated type Unit = tuple[] AbstractPattern = object ## Type/pattern placeholder for typeclass declaration. ## ## Has either form ``A`` (placeholder for a concrete type) or ``A[_,...]`` (for ## a type constructor). ## Doesn't have to evaluate to concrete type after parameter substitution - ## must be eliminated after typeclass instantiation. ident: NimIdent arity: Natural ## types with arity of zero are considered concrete, with corresponding ## matching rules ConcretePattern = object ## A tree with zero or more wildcards (_). ## ## Should evaluate to concrete type once all the wildcards are replaced with ## types. tree: NimNode arity: Natural Typeclass* = object # Only here for better error messaging. # Do not use for membership checks and such! name: string patterns: seq[AbstractPattern] body: NimNode TypeclassMember = object patterns: seq[ConcretePattern] params: seq[NimNode] ExportOptionsKind = enum eoNone, eoSome, eoAll ExportOptions = object case kind: ExportOptionsKind of {eoNone, eoAll}: discard of eoSome: patterns: seq[NimNode] MemberOptions = object # Idents of the top-level procs to be skipped skipping: seq[NimNode] exporting: ExportOptions TypeclassOptions = object exported: bool # GenTransformTuple[S] = object newNode: NimNode recurse: bool state: S TransformTuple = GenTransformTuple[Unit] const unit: Unit = () proc mkGenTransformTuple[S](newNode: NimNode, recurse: bool, state: S): auto = GenTransformTuple[S](newNode: newNode, recurse: recurse, state: state) proc mkTransformTuple(newNode: NimNode, recurse: bool): TransformTuple = mkGenTransformTuple(newNode, recurse, unit) template fail(msg: string, n: NimNode = nil) = let errMsg = if n != nil: msg & ": " & $toStrLit(n) else: msg when compiles(error("", nil.NimNode)): error(errMsg, n) else: # Nim 0.15.2 and older error(errMsg) proc arity(x: Typeclass): Natural {.compileTime.} = x.patterns.len proc arity(x: TypeclassMember): Natural {.compileTime.} = x.patterns.len proc replaceInBody( tree: NimNode, substs: seq[(AbstractPattern, ConcretePattern)], substIndices: IntSet ): tuple[tree: NimNode, substIndices: IntSet] proc transformDown[S]( tree: NimNode, f: (n: NimNode, s: S) -> GenTransformTuple[S], s: S ): (NimNode, S) {.compileTime.} = let tup = f(tree.copyNimTree, s) var resNode = tup.newNode var resState = tup.state if tup.recurse: for i in 0..<resNode.len: var resSub: NimNode (resSub, resState) = transformDown(resNode[i], f, resState) resNode[i] = resSub (resNode, resState) proc transformDown( tree: NimNode, f: (n: NimNode) -> TransformTuple ): NimNode {.compileTime.} = proc fs(n: NimNode, s: Unit): GenTransformTuple[Unit] {.closure.} = f(n) transformDown[tuple[]]( tree = tree, f = fs, s = unit )[0] proc asTree(p: AbstractPattern): NimNode {.compileTime.} = ## Restore `p`'s tree form ## ## Only useful for error messages - use fields for matching. if p.arity == 0: result = newIdentNode(p.ident) else: result = newTree( nnkBracketExpr, newIdentNode(p.ident) ) for i in 1..p.arity: result.add(newIdentNode("_")) proc getArity(tree: NimNode): int {.compileTime.} = ## Counts all underscore idents in ``tree`` if tree.eqIdent("_"): result = 1 else: result = 0 for child in tree: proc matchesPattern( tree: NimNode, pattern: AbstractPattern ): bool {.compileTime.} = ## Checks whether ``tree`` is an occurence of ``pattern`` ## ## Returns ``true`` if the patern matches, ``false`` otherwise. ## Raises if the arity does not match! if tree.eqIdent($pattern.ident): # TODO: This should happen at instantiation! # We should not allow invalid class body. if pattern.arity > 0: fail("Constructor pattern cannot be used without arguments", tree) # Concrete type - does not require brackets true elif tree.kind == nnkBracketExpr and tree.len > 0 and tree[0].eqIdent($pattern.ident): # Constructor - check arity let arity = tree.len - 1 if arity != pattern.arity: let msg = "Wrong number of type arguments in expression " & "(expected " & $pattern.arity & ")" fail(msg, tree) true else: false proc instantiateConstructor( concrete: ConcretePattern, abstract: AbstractPattern, tree: NimNode, processParam: NimNode -> NimNode ): NimNode {.compileTime.} = proc replaceUnderscores( tree: NimNode, args: seq[NimNode] ): (NimNode, seq[NimNode]) = var argsNew = args # Traverse ``tree`` and replace all underscore identifiers # with nodes from ``args`` in order. let treeNew = transformDown(tree) do (sub: NimNode) -> auto: if sub.eqIdent("_"): let res = argsNew[0].copyNimTree argsNew.delete(0) mkTransformTuple(res, false) else: mkTransformTuple(sub, true) (treeNew, argsNew) tree.expectKind(nnkBracketExpr) # First one is the constructor itself var args = toSeq(tree.children) args.delete(0) # we can have recursion in type arguments! args.apply(processParam) (result, args) = replaceUnderscores(concrete.tree, args) doAssert: args.len == 0 proc instantiate( concrete: ConcretePattern, abstract: AbstractPattern, tree: NimNode, processParam: NimNode -> NimNode ): NimNode {.compileTime.} = if abstract.arity > 0: concrete.instantiateConstructor(abstract, tree, processParam) else: # Members without parameters do not have brackets concrete.tree.copyNimTree when declared(nnkTupleConstr): const TupleConstrKinds = {nnkPar, nnkTupleConstr} else: const TupleConstrKinds = {nnkPar} proc parseMemberParams( tree: NimNode ): seq[NimNode] = ## parse instance parameters in following forms: ## ``A``, ``(A, B)``, ``(A: T1, B)`` etc. if tree.kind in TupleConstrKinds: result = toSeq(tree.children) else: result = @[tree] for i in 0..<len(result): let n = result[i] if n.kind == nnkExprColonExpr: result[i] = newIdentDefs(n[0], n[1]) else: result[i] = newIdentDefs(n, newEmptyNode()) proc parseAbstractPattern( tree: NimNode ): AbstractPattern {.compileTime.} = ## Parses abstract pattern in forms ``A`` and ``A[_,...]`` let wildcard = newIdentNode("_") let isValid = tree.kind == nnkIdent or ( tree.kind == nnkBracketExpr and tree.len > 1 and tree[0].kind == nnkIdent and (toSeq(tree.children))[1..tree.len-1].allIt(it == wildcard) ) if not isValid: fail("Illegal typeclass parameter expression", tree) if tree.kind == nnkBracketExpr: AbstractPattern( ident: tree[0].ident, arity: tree.len - 1 ) else: AbstractPattern(ident: tree.ident, arity: 0) proc parseAbstractPatterns( tree: NimNode ): seq[AbstractPattern] {.compileTime.} = let patternNodes = (block: if tree.kind == nnkBracket: toSeq(tree.children) else: @[tree] ) proc replace(n: NimNode, subst: seq[(NimNode, NimNode)]): NimNode {.compileTime.} = transformDown(n) do (sub: NimNode) -> auto: for pair in subst: if sub == pair[0]: return mkTransformTuple(pair[1], false) return mkTransformTuple(sub, true) proc containsSubtree(n: NimNode, sub: NimNode): bool = var q = @[n] while q.len > 0: let cur = q.pop if cur == sub: return true else: for child in cur: q.add(child) return false # Ugly workaround for Nim bug: # # TODO: remove this the second the bug is fixed var cnt {.compileTime.} = 0 proc genIdent( s: string ): NimNode {.compileTime.} = inc cnt newIdentNode(s & "_classy_" & $cnt) proc genSymParams( inParams: seq[NimNode], inPattern: NimNode ): tuple[params: seq[NimNode], pattern: NimNode] {.compileTime.} = ## Replace instance parameters with unique symbols var substitutions = newSeq[(NimNode, NimNode)]() result.params = inParams for i in 0..<len(result.params): let def = result.params[i] def.expectKind(nnkIdentDefs) let id = def[0] id.expectKind({nnkIdent, nnkSym}) let newId = genIdent($id.ident & "_") result.params[i][0] = newId substitutions.add((id, newId)) result.pattern = inPattern.replace(substitutions) proc parseMember( tree: NimNode ): TypeclassMember {.compileTime.} = ## Parse typeclass member patterns in one of following forms: ## - ``(A: T1, B..) => [Constr[A, _, ...], Concrete, ...]`` ## - ``(A: T1, B..) => Constr[A, _, ...]`` ## - ``A => Constr[A, _, ...]`` ## - ``Constr[_, ...]`` ## - ``Concrete`` let hasParams = tree.kind == nnkInfix and tree[0].eqIdent("=>") let (params0, pattern0) = (block: if hasParams: (parseMemberParams(tree[1]), tree[2]) else: (@[], tree) ) # Make sure parameters don't clash with anything in body let (params, patternsTree) = genSymParams(params0, pattern0) # Strip possible brackets around patterns let patternNodes = (block: if patternsTree.kind == nnkBracket: toSeq(patternsTree.children) else: @[patternsTree] ) let patterns = => ConcretePattern(tree: n, arity: getArity(n)) ) TypeclassMember( params: params, patterns: patterns ) proc stripAccQuoted(n: NimNode): NimNode = case n.kind: of nnkAccQuoted: n[0] else: n proc parseMemberOptions( args: seq[NimNode] ): MemberOptions = ## Parse following instance options: ## - ``skipping(foo)`` - skips ``foo`` definition ## - ``skipping(foo, bar)`` - skips ``foo`` and ``bar`` ## - ``exporting(_)`` - export all symbols ## - ``exporting(foo, bar)`` - export ``foo`` and ``bar`` result = MemberOptions( skipping: newSeq[NimNode](), exporting: ExportOptions(kind: eoNone) ) for a in args: if a.kind == nnkCall and a[0].eqIdent("skipping"): # Don't check for duplicate symbols for i in 1..<a.len: a[i].expectKind({nnkIdent, nnkAccQuoted}) result.skipping.add(stripAccQuoted(a[i])) elif a.kind == nnkCall and a[0].eqIdent("exporting"): if result.exporting.kind != eoNone: fail("Duplicate exporting clause", a) var acc = newSeq[NimNode]() for i in 1..<a.len: a[i].expectKind({nnkIdent, nnkAccQuoted}) if a[i].eqIdent("_") and a.len > 2: # Can't mix wildcard with other exporting fail("Invalid exporting clause", a) acc.add(stripAccQuoted(a[i])) if acc.len == 1 and acc[0].eqIdent("_"): result.exporting = ExportOptions(kind: eoAll) else: result.exporting = ExportOptions(kind: eoSome, patterns: acc) else: fail("Invalid instance option", a) proc parseTypeclassOptions( args: seq[NimNode] ): TypeclassOptions = result = TypeclassOptions(exported: false) for a in args: if a.eqIdent("exported"): if result.exported: fail("Duplicate exported clause", a) else: result.exported = true else: fail("Illegal typeclass option: ", a) # Global for reuse in ``replaceInProcs`` proc mkBodyWorker( substs: seq[(AbstractPattern, ConcretePattern)] ): (n: NimNode, s: IntSet) -> GenTransformTuple[IntSet] = proc worker(sub: NimNode, substIndices0: IntSet): GenTransformTuple[IntSet] = var substIndices = substIndices0 for ix, subst in substs: let (abstract, concrete) = subst if sub.matchesPattern(abstract): substIndices.incl(ix) proc processParam(n: NimNode): NimNode = let replaced = n.replaceInBody(substs, substIndices) substIndices = replaced.substIndices replaced.tree let newSub = concrete.instantiate( abstract, sub, processParam ) return mkGenTransformTuple(newSub, false, substIndices) return mkGenTransformTuple(sub.copyNimTree, true, substIndices) worker proc replaceInBody( tree: NimNode, substs: seq[(AbstractPattern, ConcretePattern)], substIndices: IntSet ): tuple[tree: NimNode, substIndices: IntSet] = ## Replace ``substs`` in a tree. ## Add indices of any matching substs to `substIndices` transformDown[IntSet]( tree, mkBodyWorker(substs), substIndices ) proc processProcParams( paramsTree: NimNode, substs: seq[(AbstractPattern, ConcretePattern)] ): tuple[tree: NimNode, substIndices: IntSet] = paramsTree.expectKind(nnkFormalParams) var substIndices = initIntSet() proc processType(tree: NimNode, substIndices: var IntSet): NimNode = let res = tree.replaceInBody(substs, substIndices) substIndices = res.substIndices res.tree var res = newNimNode(nnkFormalParams) res.add(paramsTree[0].processType(substIndices)) for i in 1..<paramsTree.len: let oldParam = paramsTree[i] var newParam = oldParam.copyNimTree newParam[1] = oldParam[1].processType(substIndices) res.add(newParam) (res, substIndices) proc replaceInProcs( tree: NimNode, instanceParams: seq[NimNode], substs: seq[(AbstractPattern, ConcretePattern)] ): NimNode {.compileTime.} = ## Traverse ``tree`` looking for top-level procs; inject ``instanceParams`` and ## replace ``substs`` in each one. ## Otherwise behaves the same as ``ReplaceInBody`` - replaces abstract ## patterns if encountered. proc worker(sub: NimNode): TransformTuple = case sub.kind of RoutineNodes: # This will be returned var res = sub # Replace in formal parameters let (newParams, substIndices0) = sub.params.processProcParams(substs) res.params = newParams # Replace in proc body let (newBody, substIndices1) = sub.body.replaceInBody(substs, substIndices0) res.body = newBody # Inject instance parameters to proc's generic param list var genParams = sub[2] expectKind(genParams, {nnkEmpty, nnkGenericParams}) if genParams.kind == nnkEmpty and instanceParams.len > 0: genParams = newNimNode(nnkGenericParams) var instanceParamIndices = initIntSet() for i, param in instanceParams: for j, subst in substs: if j in substIndices1 and subst[1].tree.containsSubtree(param[0]): instanceParamIndices.incl(i) break for i in instanceParamIndices: genParams.add(instanceParams[i].copyNimTree) res[2] = genParams # Do not recurse - we already replaced everything using ``replaceInBody`` mkTransformTuple(res, false) else: # Note that arguments of a replaced constructor are handled by # ``bodyWorker``, meaning any proc defs inside them don't get parameter # injection. This is probably the right thing to do, though. let substIndices = initIntSet() let genTup = mkBodyWorker(substs)(sub, substIndices) mkTransformTuple(genTup.newNode, true) transformDown(tree, worker) proc removeSkippedProcs( tree: NimNode, skipping: seq[NimNode] ): NimNode {.compileTime.} = ## Traverse ``tree`` looking for top-level procs with names ## in ``skipping`` and remove their definitions. proc worker(sub: NimNode): TransformTuple = case sub.kind of RoutineNodes: let nameNode = stripAccQuoted( if nameNode in skipping: mkTransformTuple(newEmptyNode(), false) else: mkTransformTuple(sub, false) else: mkTransformTuple(sub, true) transformDown(tree, worker) proc addExportMarks( tree: NimNode, exporting: ExportOptions ): NimNode {.compileTime.} = proc contains(opts: ExportOptions, n: NimNode): bool = case opts.kind of eoNone: false of eoAll: true of eoSome: opts.patterns.contains(n) proc stripExportMark(n: NimNode): NimNode = if n.kind == nnkPostfix: n.basename else: n proc withExportMark(n: NimNode, mark: bool): NimNode = if mark: n.postfix("*") else: n proc worker(sub: NimNode): TransformTuple = case sub.kind of RoutineNodes: let exported = exporting.contains( let res = sub.copyNimTree # Add or remove export mark # `name` proc strips quoting and postfixes - but we need them! res[0] = sub[0].stripExportMark.withExportMark(exported) # We're only processing top-level routines mkTransformTuple(res, false) of nnkIdentDefs: let name = sub[0].stripExportMark let exported = exporting.contains(name) let res = sub.copyNimTree res[0] = name.withExportMark(exported) # We're only processing top-level definitions # TODO: handle exports for object fields mkTransformTuple(res, false) else: mkTransformTuple(sub, true) transformDown(tree, worker) proc instanceImpl( class: Typeclass, member: TypeclassMember, options: MemberOptions ): NimNode {.compileTime.} = if class.arity != member.arity: let msg = "Incorrect number of arguments for typeclass " & fail(msg) let substs: seq[(AbstractPattern, ConcretePattern)] = for s in substs: let (abstract, concrete) = s if abstract.arity != concrete.arity: let msg = "Type or constructor does not match typeclass parameter (" & $toStrLit(asTree(abstract)) & ")" fail(msg, concrete.tree) result = class.body.copyNimTree result = result.removeSkippedProcs(options.skipping) result = result.replaceInProcs(member.params, substs) result = result.addExportMarks(options.exporting) # A hack to allow passing ``Typeclass`` values from the macro to # defined variables var tc {.compiletime.} : Typeclass macro typeclass*(id, patternsTree: untyped, args: varargs[untyped]): untyped = ## Define typeclass with name ``id``. ## ## This creates a compile-time variable with name ``id``. ## ## Call syntax: ## ## .. code-block:: nim ## ## typeclass Class, [A[_, ..], B,...], exported: ## <typeclass body> ## ## Typeclass can have zero or more parameters, each of which can be a type ## constructor with arity 1 and higher (like ``A`` in sample above), or be ## a concrete type (like ``B``). If a typeclass has exactly one parameter, ## the brackets around parameter list can be omitted. ## ## The ``exported`` option allows to export the typeclass from module. ## This marks corresponding variable with export postfix. Notice that in ## this case standard restrictions apply: the ``typeclass`` call should be ## in module's top scope. id.expectKind(nnkIdent) # Typeclass body goes last, before it - various options let argsSeq = toSeq(args) if argsSeq.len == 0: fail("Missing body for typeclass" & $id) let options = parseTypeclassOptions(argsSeq[0..^2]) let body = argsSeq[argsSeq.len - 1] let patterns = parseAbstractPatterns(patternsTree) let idTree = if options.exported: id.postfix("*") else: id # Pass the value through ``tc``. # I do not know of a cleaner way to do this. tc = Typeclass( name: $id, patterns: patterns, body: body ) let tcSym = bindSym("tc") quote do: let `idTree` {.compileTime.} = `tcSym` macro instance*( class: static[Typeclass], argsTree: untyped, options: varargs[untyped] ): untyped = ## Instantiate typeclass ``class`` with given arguments ## ## Call syntax: ## ## .. code-block:: nim ## ## instance Class, (K, L) => [AType[_, K,..], BType,...], ## skipping(foo, bar), ## exporting(_) ## ## ``instance`` does the following: ## 1. Replaces each of parameter forms in `typeclass` definition with ## corresponding argument form (like ``AType`` in code example). Parameter ## form list of ``typeclass`` and argument form lists of corresponding ## `instance` calls must have matching length, and corresponding forms ## should have the same arity. ## 2. Injects instance parameters (``K`` in the example) into top-level ## routines in typeclass body. ## 3. Transforms the body according to options. ## 4. Executes the body. ## ## Instance `parameters` can have constraints in the same form as in a generic ## definition. If no instance parameters are present, the corresponding list ## can be omitted. If exactly one instance parameter is present (without ## constraints), the parenthesis around parameter list can be omitted. ## ## Instance `argument` forms are trees with zero or more nodes replaced with ## wildcards (``_``), the number of wildcards in a tree corresponding to ## the form arity. A form can include existing types, as well as instance ## `parameters`. ## ## Here are few valid parameter-argument combinations: ## ## .. code-block:: nim ## ## [] ## int ## Option[_] ## [int, string] ## K => Option[K] ## (K: SomeInteger, L) => [(K, L, Option[_]), (L, int)] ## ## Supported instance options: ## 1. ``skipping(foo, bar...)`` - these definitions will be skipped. ## 2. ``exporting(foo, bar)`` - these generated definitions will have export ## marker. ## 3. ``exporting(_)`` - all generated definitions will have export marker. var opts = newSeq[NimNode]() for o in options: opts.add(o) result = instanceImpl(class, parseMember(argsTree), parseMemberOptions(opts)) # For debugging purposes when defined(classyDumpCode): echo toStrLit(result) when defined(classyDumpTree): echo treeRepr(result)