$global:version = "1.0.0" $ascii = @" .____ .__ .____ ___. _________ __ | | ____ ____ _____ | | | | _____ \_ |__ / _____/ _____/ |_ __ ________ | | / _ \_/ ___\\__ \ | | ______ | | \__ \ | __ \ \_____ \_/ __ \ __\ | \____ \ | |__( <_> ) \___ / __ \| |__ /_____/ | |___ / __ \| \_\ \/ \ ___/| | | | / |_> > |_______ \____/ \___ >____ /____/ |_______ (____ /___ /_______ /\___ >__| |____/| __/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ |__| ~ Created with <3 by @nickvourd ~ Version: $global:version ~ Type: SeBackupPrivilege "@ Write-Host $ascii`n $backupUser = "ncv" $backupPass = "Passw0rd!" Write-Host "[+] Creating a new user`n" $SecurePassword = ConvertTo-SecureString -String $backupPass -AsPlainText -Force $userParams = @{ Name = $backupUser Password = $SecurePassword Description = "SeBackupPrivilege User" PasswordNeverExpires = $true } New-LocalUser @userParams Write-Host "[+] Adding the new user to Remote Management Users group`n" Add-LocalGroupMember -Group "Remote Management Users" -Member $backupUser Write-Host "[+] Enabling WinRM Service`n" Enable-PSRemoting -Force Write-Host "[+] Installing PSPrivilege module`n" Install-PackageProvider -Name NuGet -Force Install-Module -Name PSPrivilege -Force Write-Host "[+] Importing PSPrivilege module`n" Import-Module PSPrivilege Write-Host "[+] Granting SeBackupPrivilege to the new user`n" Add-WindowsRight -Name SeBackupPrivilege -Account (Get-LocalUser -Name $backupUser).Sid Write-Host "[+] New user's credentials" Write-Host "Username: $backupUser" Write-Host "Password: $backupPass`n"