Core contains all the building blocks (page layout and the responsive grid) and fundamental styles (such as colours and typography) needed for NHS websites and services. These styles are required for all of the components to work.
Core also is the home of powerful sass
features such as variables, mixins, functions and maps.
<div class="nhsuk-width-container">
<main class="nhsuk-main-wrapper" id="maincontent">
<!-- Grid items -->
<div class="nhsuk-width-container-fluid">
<main class="nhsuk-main-wrapper" id="maincontent">
<!-- Grid items -->
<div class="nhsuk-grid-row">
<div class="nhsuk-grid-column-full">
<!-- Component -->
<div class="nhsuk-grid-row">
<div class="nhsuk-grid-column-three-quarters">
<!-- Component -->
<div class="nhsuk-grid-row">
<div class="nhsuk-grid-column-one-half">
<!-- Component -->
<div class="nhsuk-grid-row">
<div class="nhsuk-grid-column-two-thirds">
<!-- Component -->
<div class="nhsuk-grid-row">
<div class="nhsuk-grid-column-one-third">
<!-- Component -->
<div class="nhsuk-grid-row">
<div class="nhsuk-grid-column-one-quarter">
<!-- Component -->
<div class="nhsuk-grid-row">
<div class="nhsuk-grid-column-two-thirds">
<!-- Component -->
<div class="nhsuk-grid-row">
<div class="nhsuk-grid-column-one-half">
<!-- Component -->
<div class="nhsuk-grid-column-one-half">
<!-- Component -->
<!-- Header -->
<div class="nhsuk-width-container">
<main class="nhsuk-main-wrapper" id="maincontent">
<div class="nhsuk-grid-row">
<div class="nhsuk-grid-column-three-quarters">
<!-- Components -->
<!-- Footer -->
Automatically clear an elements child elements.
<div class="nhsuk-u-clear"></div>
<p class="nhsuk-u-font-weight-bold"></p>
By default all grid elements will go to 100% width on screen sizes below tablet. These utilities can force custom widths on all screen sizes.
<div class="nhsuk-grid-column-one-half nhsuk-u-one-half"></div>
<p class="nhsuk-u-font-weight-normal"></p>
<p class="nhsuk-u-secondary-text-color"></p>
Add a maximum width to large pieces of content, to improve readability.
<div class="nhsuk-u-reading-width">
<!-- Component -->
<h1 class="nhsuk-u-margin-bottom-0"></h1>
<h1 class="nhsuk-u-margin-0"></h1>
<h1 class="nhsuk-u-margin-top-1"></h1>
Prevent long anchor links from line breaking on smaller screens.
<a class="nhsuk-u-nowrap"></a>
Visually hidden
Hide elements visually but keep it in the DOM, useful for screen readers.
<span class="nhsuk-u-visually-hidden"></span>
<h1>Live Well</h1>
<p class="nhsuk-lede-text">Advice, tips and tools to help you make the best choices about your health and wellbeing.</p>
The default @font-face
, "Frutiger", is loaded from
. The host for the fonts can be
overridden or disabled entirely.
NHS England has a licence for the Frutiger webfont that the NHS website team can use. All other NHS England teams and other NHS organisations must have their own licence with Monotype.
: base URL to load fonts from (e.g./fonts/
; trailing slash required)$nhsuk-include-font-face
: set to false to disable the inclusion of the@font-face
definition entirely
mobile: 320px
tablet: 641px
desktop: 769px
large-desktop: 990px
Media queries (using sass-mq)
is a Sass mixin that helps you compose media queries in an elegant way.
takes up to three optional parameters:
: inclusivemin-width
: exclusivemax-width
: additional custom directives
.nhsuk-example {
// Apply styling to mobile and upwards
@include mq($from: mobile) {
color: $color_nhsuk-red;
// Apply styling up to devices smaller than tablets (exclude tablets)
@include mq($until: tablet) {
color: $color_nhsuk-blue;
// Same thing, in landscape orientation
@include mq($until: tablet, $and: '(orientation: landscape)') {
color: $color_nhsuk-green;
// Apply styling to print media
@include mq($media-type: print) {
color: $color_nhsuk-orange;
$color_nhsuk-blue: #005eb8;
$color_nhsuk-white: #ffffff;
$color_nhsuk-black: #212b32;
$color_nhsuk-green: #007f3b;
$color_nhsuk-red: #da291c;
$color_nhsuk-yellow: #ffeb3b;
$color_nhsuk-purple: #330072;
$color_nhsuk-pale-yellow: #fff9c4;
$color_nhsuk-warm-yellow: #ffb81C;
$color_nhsuk-aqua-green: #00A499;
$color_nhsuk-grey-1: #425563;
$color_nhsuk-grey-2: #768692;
$color_nhsuk-grey-3: #aeb7bd;
$color_nhsuk-grey-4: #d8dde0;
$color_nhsuk-grey-5: #f0f4f5;