- Modified Oceanic Color Scheme and Light Solarized based on their latest repo changes
- You can now use Active Guide with these schemes, just add:
"indent_guide_options": [ "draw_normal", "draw_active" ],
- You can now use Active Guide with these schemes, just add:
- Added other color schemes to Agila Family :)
- Based on default Oceanic Next Color Scheme
"theme": "Agila Origin.sublime-theme", "color_scheme": "Packages/Agila Theme/Agila Origin Oceanic Next.tmTheme",
- Based on Dracula Color Scheme
"theme": "Agila Dracula.sublime-theme", "color_scheme": "Packages/Agila Theme/Agila Dracula.tmTheme",
- Based on Monokai Extended Scheme
"theme": "Agila Monokai.sublime-theme", "color_scheme": "Packages/Agila Theme/Agila Monokai Extended.tmTheme",
- Based on default Oceanic Next Color Scheme
- Added theme override options
- overrides default theme sidebar, scrollbars and tab background based on theme scheme background
"theme_agila_camouflage": true,
- overrides default theme sidebar and tab background only based on theme scheme background
"theme_agila_camouflage_semi": true,
- overrides default theme sidebar, scrollbars and tab background based on theme scheme background
- Modified scrollbar thinness options and default
- default changed from width: 3 --> width: 4
"theme_agila_vertical_scrollbar_thickest": true, //width: 6 "theme_agila_horizontal_scrollbar_thickest": true, "theme_agila_vertical_scrollbar_thicker": true, //width: 5 "theme_agila_horizontal_scrollbar_thicker": true, "theme_agila_vertical_scrollbar_thinner": true, //width: 3 "theme_agila_horizontal_scrollbar_thinner": true, "theme_agila_vertical_scrollbar_thinnest": true, //width: 2 "theme_agila_horizontal_scrollbar_thinnest": true, "theme_agila_vertical_scrollbar_invisible": true, //width: 0 "theme_agila_horizontal_scrollbar_invisible": true,
- default changed from width: 3 --> width: 4
- Fixed code completion and quick panel selection and hover state highlight
- Fixed sidebar tree structure (major UI changes)
- Added sidebar tree structure compact option (no parent-child folder indentation)
"theme_agila_compact_sidebar": true,
- Added sidebar file icons - lighter shade option
"theme_agila_sidebar_light_icons": true,
- Fixed selection highlight
- Added code completion and quick panel color options
"theme_agila_auto_complete_white": true, "theme_agila_auto_complete_gray": true, "theme_agila_auto_complete_lightblue": true, "theme_agila_auto_complete_yellow": true, "theme_agila_auto_complete_pink": true,
- Added sidebar heading color options - thanks to davidmatas
"theme_agila_sidebar_heading_white": true, "theme_agila_sidebar_heading_gray": true, "theme_agila_sidebar_heading_lightblue": true, "theme_agila_sidebar_heading_yellow": true, "theme_agila_sidebar_heading_pink": true,
- Reduced default tab height
- Added tab height compact option (smaller than the default tab height)
"theme_agila_compact_tab": true
- Modified default scrollbars color: distraction-free color choice based on theme
- Fixed tab element font size and dirty marker tint issues seen in a Windows machine.
- Fixed Error Loading Scheme path error experienced during installation via Package Control