This page will help you get up to speed as quickly as possible. You will learn how to get a copy of the repository, install the few dependencies required by the project, compile, run tests and check code coverage for the project.
- Install Dependencies
- Clone the Repository
- Install all NPM Packages
- Transpile the TypeScript for Building
- List All Gulp Tasks
- Execute All Unit Tests
- View Code Coverage Reports
- Build the Library
- See a Working Directive
This project has a few minimal dependencies that must be installed on your developer workstation in order to build and contribute to the project.
Node.js is used for building & testing the project. Install either the latest stable version of Node.js or the long-term support (LTS) version on your machine from
NOTE: The project has been tested with the 4.2.x LTS version & 5.x stable version.
NOTE: You can also use Node Version Manager (NVM) to install Node.js if you wish. NVM enables you to have multiple versions of Node.js installed on your machine and switch between them for testing on different versions. This is entirely optional:
- OSX: nvm
- Windows: nvm-windows
Installation of Node.js includes NPM, the package manager for Node.js.
Many parts of the project are implemented using TypeScript, but more importantly the build process is written in TypeScript. As such, you need to install one NPM package globally:
- typescript: main TypeScript compiler
$ npm install -g typescript
You need the code, so clone it locally:
$ git clone ng-officeuifabric
Once you have the codebase, you need to install the NPM packages the repository depends on. Run the following command to download & install all the packages to the local cloned repo:
$ npm install
Gulp is used to automate entire build & test process. All Gulp tasks are written in TypeScript. Because Node.js will not execute TypeScript, you first need to compile the TypeScript to JavaScript.
You can see this if you try to get a list of all the gulp tasks after cloning the repository... immediately after running gulp, you will get a strange error about not being able to find modules or files:
$ gulp
throw err;
Error: Cannot find module './build/gulp/config'
at Function.Module._resolveFilename (module.js:337:15)
at Function.Module._load (module.js:287:25)
at Module.require (module.js:366:17)
at require (module.js:385:17)
at Object.<anonymous> (/Users/ac/Dev/Scratch/ng-officeuifabric/gulpfile.js:3:16)
at Module._compile (module.js:425:26)
at Object.Module._extensions..js (module.js:432:10)
at Module.load (module.js:356:32)
at Function.Module._load (module.js:311:12)
at Module.require (module.js:366:17)
To fix this, you need to transpile the TypeScript to JavaScript. This is a one-time requirement and is not necessary to do this again unless:
- you update the build process such as changing or adding Gulp tasks
- you purge all JavaScript transpiled from TypeScript
Transpile all the TypeScript to JavaScript. The following command will download all type definitions & run the TypeScript compiler, tsc
, telling it to treat the folder (./
) as a project (-p
) by looking at the tsconfig.json
file in the root fo the folder:
# run this ...
$ npm run build:ts
# or run this ...
$ tsc -p ./
NOTE: If you get an error running this command, look at the version of
you are running. If it isn't at least v1.7, you aren't running the most current version. This commonly happens on Windows as thePATH
environment variable is likely set to use an order version of the TypeScript compiler. You can check this by inspecting thePATH
variable by executingecho %PATH%
on the command line. Notice it points to a version other than v1.7. To fix this, change thepath
environment variable to point to the correct version.This article explains the issue in more depth: Which Version of TypeScript is Installed...
Now you can run gulp:
$ gulp
[07:10:23] Using gulpfile ~/Dev/Scratch/ng-officeuifabric/gulpfile.js
[07:10:23] Starting 'help'...
gulp [TASK] [OPTIONS...]
Available tasks
build-lib Builds ngOfficeUiFabric library files Aliases: b, B
--dev Create unminified version of the library with source maps & comments (otherwise, production
bundle created)
--verbose Output all TypeScript files being compiled & JavaScript files included in the external library
--version Version number to set build library (if omitted, version from package.json is used)
clean Removes all transpiled TypeScript files Aliases: c
--verbose Output all files being removed
clean-build Removes all generated JavaScript from TypeScript used in the build
--verbose Output all TypeScript files being removed
clean-lib Removes all generated JavaScript from TypeScript used in the app
--verbose Output all TypeScript files being removed
help Display this help text.
live-dev Watches for changes in source files and automatically runs vet, build, test
Aliases: ld, LD [validate-build]
--debug Affects 'test' task, sets karma log level to DEBUG
--dev Affects 'build-lib' task, creates unminified version of the library with source maps & comments
(otherwise, production bundle created)
--serve Automatically reloads connected browsers when sources for demo changed. Starts static server at
http://localhost:3000/. To connect browser you need to explicitly open your demo with url,
such as http://localhost:3000/src/components/icon/demo/index.html
--specs Affects 'test' task, outputs all tests being run
--verbose Affects 'test' and 'build-lib' tasks, outputs all TypeScript files being compiled & JavaScript
files included in the external library, set karma log level to INFO
--version Affects 'build-lib' task, version number to set build library (if omitted, version from
package.json is used)
test Executes all tests against the directives Aliases: t, T [transpile-ts]
--debug Set karma log level to DEBUG
--file Changed file to filter tests down to just that file
--specs Output all tests being run
--verbose Output all TypeScript files being built & set karma log level to INFO
--watch Adds Chrome browser and start listening on file changes for easier debugging
transpile-ts Builds all TypeScript as JavaScript Aliases: tts
--verbose Output all TypeScript files being built
validate-build Validates the build runs 'vet', 'transpile-ts', 'build-lib' and 'test' in a sequence
Aliases: vb, VB
--debug Affects 'test' task, sets karma log level to DEBUG
--dev Create unminified version of the library with source maps & comments (otherwise, production
bundle created)
--specs Affects 'test' task, outputs all tests being run
--verbose Affects 'test' and 'build-lib' tasks, outputs all TypeScript files being compiled & JavaScript
files included in the external library, set karma log level to INFO
--version Affects 'build-lib' task, version number to set build library (if omitted, version from
package.json is used)
vet Vets all built files Aliases: v, V [vet-build-ts, vet-lib-ts]
--noExit Flag if failed vetting should not emit error this terminating the process
--verbose Output all TypeScript files being vetted
vet-build-ts Run code quality & style analysis on all build-realted TypeScript (code used to build &
maintain project)
--noExit Flag if failed vetting should not emit error this terminating the process
--verbose Output all TypeScript files being vetted
vet-lib-ts Run code quality & style analysis on all library TypeScript (source code for the directives)
--noExit Flag if failed vetting should not emit error this terminating the process
--verbose Output all TypeScript files being vetted
[07:10:23] Finished 'help' after 1.56 ms
[07:10:23] Starting 'default'...
[07:10:23] Finished 'default' after 4.61 μs
To execute all unit tests using Karma with the headless browser PhantomJS on the project, execute the following command:
$ gulp test --specs
[18:28:28] Using gulpfile ~/repos/ac-ng-officeuifabric/gulpfile.js
[18:28:28] Starting 'transpile-ts'...
[18:28:28] Transpiling app TypeScript files to JavaScript
[18:28:32] Finished 'transpile-ts' after 3.45 s
[18:28:32] Starting 'test'...
[18:28:32] Testing code with Karma
iconDirective: <uif-icon />
✓ should render correct HTML
✓ should render correct Office UI Fabric CSS classes
✓ should render correct aria-hidden attribute
PhantomJS 1.9.8 (Mac OS X 0.0.0): Executed 3 of 3 SUCCESS (0.004 secs / 0.021 secs)
[18:28:34] Karma test run completed
[18:28:34] Finished 'test' after 2.93 s
Karma always generates a code coverage report showing the percentages & lines of code that were covered by unit tests. To view the report, locate the following file and open it in the browser:
ng-officeuifabric/coverage/PhantomJS 1.9.8 (Mac OS X 0.0.0)/lcov-report/index.html
Build the library in dev mode so you can try one of the examples:
$ gulp build-lib --dev
To see a working directive, open the following file in a browser to see the <uif-icon />
directive in action:
$ open src/components/icon/demo/index.html
TADA!!! Minimal Path to Awesome!