diff --git a/l10n/nb.js b/l10n/nb.js index a04947af..f3547f29 100644 --- a/l10n/nb.js +++ b/l10n/nb.js @@ -3,8 +3,19 @@ OC.L10N.register( { "Brute-force settings" : "Innstillinger for rå makt", "Whitelist IPs" : "Hvitlist IP-adresser", + "Brute-force protection is meant to protect Nextcloud servers from attempts to\nguess account passwords in various ways. Besides the obvious \"*let's try a big\nlist of commonly used passwords*\" attack, it also makes it harder to use\nslightly more sophisticated attacks via the reset password form or trying to\nfind app password tokens.\n\nIf triggered, brute-force protection makes requests coming from an IP on a\nbrute-force protected controller with the same API slower for a 24 hour period.\n\nWith this app, the admin can exempt an IP address or range from this\nprotection which can be useful for testing purposes or when there are false\npositives due to a lot of accounts on one IP address." : "Rå-makt-beskyttelse er ment å beskytte Nextcloud-servere mot forsøk på å\ngjette kontopassord på forskjellige måter. Foruten det åpenbare \"* la oss prøve en stor\nliste over ofte brukte passord *\" angrep, det gjør det også vanskeligere å bruke\nlitt mer sofistikerte angrep via skjemaet for tilbakestilling av passord eller forsøk på å\nfinne app-passord-tokens.\n\nHvis den utløses, sender rå-makt-beskyttelsen forespørsler som kommer fra en IP på en\nrå-makt beskyttet kontroller med samme API tregere i en 24-timers periode.\n\nMed denne appen kan administratoren frita en IP-adresse eller rekkevidde fra denne\nbeskyttelsen som kan være nyttig for testformål eller når det er falske\npositiver på grunn av mange kontoer på én IP-adresse.", "Brute-force IP whitelist" : "Rå makt tillatte IP-addresser", + "To whitelist IP ranges from the brute-force protection specify them below. Note that any whitelisted IP can perform authentication attempts without any throttling. For security reasons, it is recommended to whitelist as few hosts as possible or ideally even none at all." : "For å hviteliste IP-områder fra rå-makt-beskyttelsen, spesifiser dem nedenfor. Vær oppmerksom på at alle hvitelistede IP-adresser kan utføre autentiseringsforsøk uten struping. Av sikkerhetsgrunner anbefales det å hviteliste så få verter som mulig eller ideelt sett ingen i det hele tatt.", + "Add a new whitelist" : "Legg til en ny hviteliste", + "IP address" : "IP-adresse", + "Mask" : "Maske", "Add" : "Legg til", + "Your remote address was identified as \"{remoteAddress}\" and is throttled at the moment by {delay}ms." : "Den eksterne adressen ble identifisert som \"{remoteAddress}\" og begrenses for øyeblikket med {delay}ms.", + "Your remote address was identified as \"{remoteAddress}\" and is bypassing brute-force protection." : "Den eksterne adressen din ble identifisert som \"{remoteAddress}\" og omgår beskyttelse mot rå-makt.", + "Your remote address was identified as \"{remoteAddress}\" and is not actively throttled at the moment." : "Den eksterne adressen ble identifisert som \"{remoteAddress}\" og strupes ikke aktivt for øyeblikket.", + "There was an error adding the IP to the whitelist." : "Det oppstod en feil ved å legge til IP-adressen i hvitelisten.", + "Delete entry for {subnet}" : "Slett oppføring for {subnet}", + "Brute Force Protection is meant to protect Nextcloud servers from attempts to\nguess account passwords in various ways. Besides the obvious \"*let's try a big\nlist of commonly used passwords*\" attack, it also makes it harder to use\nslightly more sophisticated attacks via the reset password form or trying to\nfind app password tokens.\n\nIf triggered, brute force protection makes requests coming from an IP on a\nbruteforce protected controller with the same API slower for a 24 hour period.\n\nWith this app, the admin can exempt an IP address or range from this\nprotection which can be useful for testing purposes or when there are false\npositives due to a lot of accounts on one IP address." : "Rå-makt-beskyttelse er ment å beskytte Nextcloud-servere mot forsøk på å\ngjette kontopassord på forskjellige måter. Foruten det åpenbare \"* la oss prøve en stor\nliste over ofte brukte passord *\" angrep, det gjør det også vanskeligere å bruke\nlitt mer sofistikerte angrep via skjemaet for tilbakestilling av passord eller forsøk på å\nfinne app-passord-tokens.\n\nHvis den utløses, sender rå-makt-beskyttelsen forespørsler som kommer fra en IP på en\nrå-makt beskyttet kontroller med samme API tregere i en 24-timers periode.\n\nMed denne appen kan administratoren frita en IP-adresse eller rekkevidde fra denne\nbeskyttelsen som kan være nyttig for testformål eller når det er falske\npositiver på grunn av mange kontoer på én IP-adresse.", "Add new whitelist" : "Legg til ny hvitlisting", "Delete" : "Slett" }, diff --git a/l10n/nb.json b/l10n/nb.json index b27d6b6a..63aa72f6 100644 --- a/l10n/nb.json +++ b/l10n/nb.json @@ -1,8 +1,19 @@ { "translations": { "Brute-force settings" : "Innstillinger for rå makt", "Whitelist IPs" : "Hvitlist IP-adresser", + "Brute-force protection is meant to protect Nextcloud servers from attempts to\nguess account passwords in various ways. Besides the obvious \"*let's try a big\nlist of commonly used passwords*\" attack, it also makes it harder to use\nslightly more sophisticated attacks via the reset password form or trying to\nfind app password tokens.\n\nIf triggered, brute-force protection makes requests coming from an IP on a\nbrute-force protected controller with the same API slower for a 24 hour period.\n\nWith this app, the admin can exempt an IP address or range from this\nprotection which can be useful for testing purposes or when there are false\npositives due to a lot of accounts on one IP address." : "Rå-makt-beskyttelse er ment å beskytte Nextcloud-servere mot forsøk på å\ngjette kontopassord på forskjellige måter. Foruten det åpenbare \"* la oss prøve en stor\nliste over ofte brukte passord *\" angrep, det gjør det også vanskeligere å bruke\nlitt mer sofistikerte angrep via skjemaet for tilbakestilling av passord eller forsøk på å\nfinne app-passord-tokens.\n\nHvis den utløses, sender rå-makt-beskyttelsen forespørsler som kommer fra en IP på en\nrå-makt beskyttet kontroller med samme API tregere i en 24-timers periode.\n\nMed denne appen kan administratoren frita en IP-adresse eller rekkevidde fra denne\nbeskyttelsen som kan være nyttig for testformål eller når det er falske\npositiver på grunn av mange kontoer på én IP-adresse.", "Brute-force IP whitelist" : "Rå makt tillatte IP-addresser", + "To whitelist IP ranges from the brute-force protection specify them below. Note that any whitelisted IP can perform authentication attempts without any throttling. For security reasons, it is recommended to whitelist as few hosts as possible or ideally even none at all." : "For å hviteliste IP-områder fra rå-makt-beskyttelsen, spesifiser dem nedenfor. Vær oppmerksom på at alle hvitelistede IP-adresser kan utføre autentiseringsforsøk uten struping. Av sikkerhetsgrunner anbefales det å hviteliste så få verter som mulig eller ideelt sett ingen i det hele tatt.", + "Add a new whitelist" : "Legg til en ny hviteliste", + "IP address" : "IP-adresse", + "Mask" : "Maske", "Add" : "Legg til", + "Your remote address was identified as \"{remoteAddress}\" and is throttled at the moment by {delay}ms." : "Den eksterne adressen ble identifisert som \"{remoteAddress}\" og begrenses for øyeblikket med {delay}ms.", + "Your remote address was identified as \"{remoteAddress}\" and is bypassing brute-force protection." : "Den eksterne adressen din ble identifisert som \"{remoteAddress}\" og omgår beskyttelse mot rå-makt.", + "Your remote address was identified as \"{remoteAddress}\" and is not actively throttled at the moment." : "Den eksterne adressen ble identifisert som \"{remoteAddress}\" og strupes ikke aktivt for øyeblikket.", + "There was an error adding the IP to the whitelist." : "Det oppstod en feil ved å legge til IP-adressen i hvitelisten.", + "Delete entry for {subnet}" : "Slett oppføring for {subnet}", + "Brute Force Protection is meant to protect Nextcloud servers from attempts to\nguess account passwords in various ways. Besides the obvious \"*let's try a big\nlist of commonly used passwords*\" attack, it also makes it harder to use\nslightly more sophisticated attacks via the reset password form or trying to\nfind app password tokens.\n\nIf triggered, brute force protection makes requests coming from an IP on a\nbruteforce protected controller with the same API slower for a 24 hour period.\n\nWith this app, the admin can exempt an IP address or range from this\nprotection which can be useful for testing purposes or when there are false\npositives due to a lot of accounts on one IP address." : "Rå-makt-beskyttelse er ment å beskytte Nextcloud-servere mot forsøk på å\ngjette kontopassord på forskjellige måter. Foruten det åpenbare \"* la oss prøve en stor\nliste over ofte brukte passord *\" angrep, det gjør det også vanskeligere å bruke\nlitt mer sofistikerte angrep via skjemaet for tilbakestilling av passord eller forsøk på å\nfinne app-passord-tokens.\n\nHvis den utløses, sender rå-makt-beskyttelsen forespørsler som kommer fra en IP på en\nrå-makt beskyttet kontroller med samme API tregere i en 24-timers periode.\n\nMed denne appen kan administratoren frita en IP-adresse eller rekkevidde fra denne\nbeskyttelsen som kan være nyttig for testformål eller når det er falske\npositiver på grunn av mange kontoer på én IP-adresse.", "Add new whitelist" : "Legg til ny hvitlisting", "Delete" : "Slett" },"pluralForm" :"nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);" diff --git a/l10n/zh_TW.js b/l10n/zh_TW.js index e61b7733..cf1d6da5 100644 --- a/l10n/zh_TW.js +++ b/l10n/zh_TW.js @@ -6,10 +6,14 @@ OC.L10N.register( "Brute-force protection is meant to protect Nextcloud servers from attempts to\nguess account passwords in various ways. Besides the obvious \"*let's try a big\nlist of commonly used passwords*\" attack, it also makes it harder to use\nslightly more sophisticated attacks via the reset password form or trying to\nfind app password tokens.\n\nIf triggered, brute-force protection makes requests coming from an IP on a\nbrute-force protected controller with the same API slower for a 24 hour period.\n\nWith this app, the admin can exempt an IP address or range from this\nprotection which can be useful for testing purposes or when there are false\npositives due to a lot of accounts on one IP address." : "防暴力攻擊是用來防止 Nextcloud 伺服器被嘗試\n用各種方式猜測帳號密碼。除了明顯的「*嘗試大量\n常用的密碼清單*」攻擊,它也讓較為複雜的攻擊像是藉由重設填密碼欄位或是試著\n找到應用程式密碼權杖較為困難。\n\n若啟動暴力保護,將會在24小時的時間內從暴力保護控制器的 IP 發出一個同樣的 API 需求變慢。\n\n使用此應用程式,管理員可以用來解除一個 IP 或是範圍的保護,因為這對於用來測試或是當有很多帳號在同一個 IP 位址而誤判的時候可能比較有用。", "Brute-force IP whitelist" : "暴力攻擊 IP 白名單", "To whitelist IP ranges from the brute-force protection specify them below. Note that any whitelisted IP can perform authentication attempts without any throttling. For security reasons, it is recommended to whitelist as few hosts as possible or ideally even none at all." : "在下面設定白名單 IP。請注意,在白名單中的 IP 可以不被限制進行驗證。基於安全性原因,建議僅設定少數來源 IP。", + "Add a new whitelist" : "新增白名單", + "IP address" : "IP 位址", + "Mask" : "遮罩", "Add" : "新增", "Your remote address was identified as \"{remoteAddress}\" and is throttled at the moment by {delay}ms." : "您的遠端地址被識別為「{remoteAddress}」,目前受到{delay}毫秒的限制。", "Your remote address was identified as \"{remoteAddress}\" and is bypassing brute-force protection." : "您的遠端地址被識別為「{remoteAddress}」,並繞過了暴力攻擊防護。", "Your remote address was identified as \"{remoteAddress}\" and is not actively throttled at the moment." : "您的遠端地址被識別為「{remoteAddress}」,目前未受限制。", + "There was an error adding the IP to the whitelist." : "新增 IP 至白名單時發生錯誤。", "Delete entry for {subnet}" : "刪除 {subnet} 的條目", "Brute Force Protection is meant to protect Nextcloud servers from attempts to\nguess account passwords in various ways. Besides the obvious \"*let's try a big\nlist of commonly used passwords*\" attack, it also makes it harder to use\nslightly more sophisticated attacks via the reset password form or trying to\nfind app password tokens.\n\nIf triggered, brute force protection makes requests coming from an IP on a\nbruteforce protected controller with the same API slower for a 24 hour period.\n\nWith this app, the admin can exempt an IP address or range from this\nprotection which can be useful for testing purposes or when there are false\npositives due to a lot of accounts on one IP address." : "暴力保護是用來防止 Nextcloud 伺服器被嘗試\n用各種方式猜測帳號密碼。除了明顯的「*嘗試大量\n常用的密碼清單*」攻擊,它也讓較為複雜的攻擊像是藉由重設填密碼欄位或是試著\n找到應用程式密碼權杖較為困難。\n\n若啟動暴力保護,將會在24小時的時間內從暴力保護控制器的 IP 發出一個同樣的 API 需求變慢。\n\n使用此應用程式,管理員可以用來解除一個 IP 或是範圍的保護,因為這對於用來測試或是當有很多帳號在同一個 IP 位址而誤判的時候可能比較有用。", "Add new whitelist" : "新增新的白名單", diff --git a/l10n/zh_TW.json b/l10n/zh_TW.json index 7d6fb539..506415b8 100644 --- a/l10n/zh_TW.json +++ b/l10n/zh_TW.json @@ -4,10 +4,14 @@ "Brute-force protection is meant to protect Nextcloud servers from attempts to\nguess account passwords in various ways. Besides the obvious \"*let's try a big\nlist of commonly used passwords*\" attack, it also makes it harder to use\nslightly more sophisticated attacks via the reset password form or trying to\nfind app password tokens.\n\nIf triggered, brute-force protection makes requests coming from an IP on a\nbrute-force protected controller with the same API slower for a 24 hour period.\n\nWith this app, the admin can exempt an IP address or range from this\nprotection which can be useful for testing purposes or when there are false\npositives due to a lot of accounts on one IP address." : "防暴力攻擊是用來防止 Nextcloud 伺服器被嘗試\n用各種方式猜測帳號密碼。除了明顯的「*嘗試大量\n常用的密碼清單*」攻擊,它也讓較為複雜的攻擊像是藉由重設填密碼欄位或是試著\n找到應用程式密碼權杖較為困難。\n\n若啟動暴力保護,將會在24小時的時間內從暴力保護控制器的 IP 發出一個同樣的 API 需求變慢。\n\n使用此應用程式,管理員可以用來解除一個 IP 或是範圍的保護,因為這對於用來測試或是當有很多帳號在同一個 IP 位址而誤判的時候可能比較有用。", "Brute-force IP whitelist" : "暴力攻擊 IP 白名單", "To whitelist IP ranges from the brute-force protection specify them below. Note that any whitelisted IP can perform authentication attempts without any throttling. For security reasons, it is recommended to whitelist as few hosts as possible or ideally even none at all." : "在下面設定白名單 IP。請注意,在白名單中的 IP 可以不被限制進行驗證。基於安全性原因,建議僅設定少數來源 IP。", + "Add a new whitelist" : "新增白名單", + "IP address" : "IP 位址", + "Mask" : "遮罩", "Add" : "新增", "Your remote address was identified as \"{remoteAddress}\" and is throttled at the moment by {delay}ms." : "您的遠端地址被識別為「{remoteAddress}」,目前受到{delay}毫秒的限制。", "Your remote address was identified as \"{remoteAddress}\" and is bypassing brute-force protection." : "您的遠端地址被識別為「{remoteAddress}」,並繞過了暴力攻擊防護。", "Your remote address was identified as \"{remoteAddress}\" and is not actively throttled at the moment." : "您的遠端地址被識別為「{remoteAddress}」,目前未受限制。", + "There was an error adding the IP to the whitelist." : "新增 IP 至白名單時發生錯誤。", "Delete entry for {subnet}" : "刪除 {subnet} 的條目", "Brute Force Protection is meant to protect Nextcloud servers from attempts to\nguess account passwords in various ways. Besides the obvious \"*let's try a big\nlist of commonly used passwords*\" attack, it also makes it harder to use\nslightly more sophisticated attacks via the reset password form or trying to\nfind app password tokens.\n\nIf triggered, brute force protection makes requests coming from an IP on a\nbruteforce protected controller with the same API slower for a 24 hour period.\n\nWith this app, the admin can exempt an IP address or range from this\nprotection which can be useful for testing purposes or when there are false\npositives due to a lot of accounts on one IP address." : "暴力保護是用來防止 Nextcloud 伺服器被嘗試\n用各種方式猜測帳號密碼。除了明顯的「*嘗試大量\n常用的密碼清單*」攻擊,它也讓較為複雜的攻擊像是藉由重設填密碼欄位或是試著\n找到應用程式密碼權杖較為困難。\n\n若啟動暴力保護,將會在24小時的時間內從暴力保護控制器的 IP 發出一個同樣的 API 需求變慢。\n\n使用此應用程式,管理員可以用來解除一個 IP 或是範圍的保護,因為這對於用來測試或是當有很多帳號在同一個 IP 位址而誤判的時候可能比較有用。", "Add new whitelist" : "新增新的白名單",