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AWS CloudFormation CLI

Friendly AWS CloudFormation CLI.


awscfncli helps build and manage complex AWS CloudFormation stacks.


  • Manage stacks in different accounts & regions in a single YAML config file.
  • Organize stack using stages and operate on subset using unix globs.
  • Cross-stack parameter reference across account & region.
  • Automatically package and upload template resources.
  • Push button SAM support using stack sync command.
  • Display and tracking stack events in the console.


Install using pip from pypi:

pip install awscfncli2

To enable click supported auto-complete, add following line to .bachrc

eval "$(_CFN_CLI_COMPLETE=source cfn-cli)"



To view a list of available subcommands, use:

cfn-cli COMMAND --help


  • -f, --file: Specify an alternate config file, (default: cfn-cli.yml).
  • -s, --stack: Specify stacks to operate on, defined by STAGE_NAME.STACK_NAME, default value is *, which means all stacks in all stages.
  • --profile: Override AWS profile specified in the config.
  • --region: Override AWS region specified in the config.
  • --artifact-store: Override ArtifactStore (AWS bucket name) specified in the config.
  • --verbose: Be more verbose.

Options can also be specified using environment variables:

CFN_STACK=Default.Table1 cfn-cli stack deploy

By default, cfn-cli will try to locate cfn-cli.yml or cfn-cli.yaml file in current directory, override this behaviour using -f option.

Stack Selector

Individual stack can be selected using full qualified name:

cfn-cli -s Default.Table2 status

Unix globs is supported when selecting stacks:

cfn-cli -s Default.Table* status
cfn-cli -s Def*.Table1 status

If . is missing from stack selector, cfn-cli will assume stage name * is specfied, thus * is equivalent to *.*, which means all stacks in all stages.

Available Commands

Use --help to see help on a particular command.

  • drift - Drift detection.
    • detect - Detect stack drifts.
    • diff - Show stack resource drifts.
  • generate - Generate a sample configuration file.
  • stack - Stack operations.
    • sync - Create ChangeSet and execute it (required by SAM).
    • deploy - Deploy new stacks.
    • update - Update stacks.
    • describe - Describe stacks details (same as status)
    • tail - Print stack events.
    • delete - Delete stacks.
    • cancel - Cancel stack update.
  • status - Alias for stack describe.
  • validate - Validate templates

Automatic Packaging

If a template contains property which requires a S3 url or text block, Set Package parameter to True so the resource will be automatically upload to a S3 bucket, and S3 object location is inserted into the resource location.

This feature is particular useful when your property is a lambda source code, SQL statements or some kind of configuration.

By default, the artifact bucket is awscfncli-${AWS_ACCOUNT_ID}-${AWS_RERION}, and the bucket will be created automatically.

You can override the default bucket using ArtifactStore parameter

The following resource property are supported by awscfncli and official aws cloudformation package command:

  • BodyS3Location property for the AWS::ApiGateway::RestApi resource
  • Code property for the AWS::Lambda::Function resource
  • CodeUri property for the AWS::Serverless::Function resource
  • ContentUri property for the AWS::Serverless::LayerVersion resource
  • DefinitionS3Location property for the AWS::AppSync::GraphQLSchema resource
  • RequestMappingTemplateS3Location property for the AWS::AppSync::Resolver resource
  • ResponseMappingTemplateS3Location property for the AWS::AppSync::Resolver resource
  • DefinitionUri property for the AWS::Serverless::Api resource
  • Location parameter for the AWS::Include transform
  • SourceBundle property for the AWS::ElasticBeanstalk::ApplicationVersion resource
  • TemplateURL property for the AWS::CloudFormation::Stack resource
  • Command.ScriptLocation property for the AWS::Glue::Job resource

Config File

awscfncli uses a yaml config file to manage which stacks to deploy and how to deploy them. By default, it is cfn-cli.yml.


The config is composed of the following elements, Version, Stages and Blueprints.

  • Version (required): Version of cfn-cli config, support 2 and 3 now.
  • Stages (required): Definition of the stack to be deployed.
  • Blueprints (optional): Template of the stack.

The following is a simple example of a typical config:

Version: 3

      Template: DynamoDB_Table.yaml
      Region: us-east-1
        HashKeyElementName: id
      Template: DynamoDB_Secondary_Indexes.yaml
      Region: us-east-1
      StackPolicy: stack_policy.json
        - AWS::DynamoDB::Table
        ReadCapacityUnits: 10

A stage could have multiple stacks. In the above example, Stage Default have two stacks DDB and DDB2ndIdx. Stack name could be customized and should contain only alpha and numbers.

Each stack may have the following attributes.

  • Attributes introduced by awscfncli:
    • Profile: Profile name of your aws credential
    • Region: Eg. us-east-1
    • Package: Automatically package your template or not
    • ArtifactStore: Name of S3 bucket to store packaged files
    • Order: Deployment order of stacks
    • Extends: Extend a blueprint
  • Attributes introduced by boto3:

Blueprints and Inheritance

Blueprint serves as a template of a common stack. A stack could extends a stack and override its attributes with its own attributes.

  • Inheritance behaviors:

    • scalar value: replace
    • dict value: update
    • list value: extend
  • Special attributes:

    • Capabilities: replace

For example, please refer to Blueprints Example

Stages and Ordering

Stage and stacks could be deployed according to the order you specified. Order numbers are positive integers. cfn-cli will deploy stacks in stages with lower order first and in each stage stacks with lower order will be deployed first

  • Stage Order
  • Stack Order
            Order: 1
                Order: 1
                Order: 2
            Order: 2

For examples, please refer to Order Example

Cross Stack Reference

In config version 3, we support a new feature called cross stack reference. In many cases, stacks' input depends on outputs from other stacks during deployment, so this new feature will allow stacks collect their inputs as needed and be deployed without interruption.

An attribute could reference ouputs of another stack by using the following syntax:

        VpcId: ${StageName.StackName.OutputName}

For example, please refer to Cross Stack Example

Please Note: You should take care of the order of deployment yourself so that referenced stack is deployed first

Migrate from 2.0.x

Config File

If you are using new "cross stack reference" feature then version 3 is required:

Version: 3

Also NotificationARNs, ResourceTypes, RollbackConfiguration are supported now but no changes is required if old config file is not using them.

Migrate from 0.x

Config File

New configuration file supports mutilable stages and stacks, to convert an 0.x configure file to current version,

  1. Add following block to the head of conf file and indent properly:
Version: 2
    << old config file >>
  1. Change any TemplateURL or TemplateBody parameter to Template.

For example:


  Region:               us-east-1
  StackName:            SampleIAMUsersGroupsAndPolicies
  Capabilities:         [CAPABILITY_IAM]
    Password:           bob180180180
    project:            Bob


Version: 2
      Region:               us-east-1
      StackName:            SampleIAMUsersGroupsAndPolicies
      Capabilities:         [CAPABILITY_IAM]
        Password:           bob180180180
        project:            Bob


  • cfn is renamed to cfn-cli to avoid conflict with troposphere.
  • template command is removed.
  • changeset command is removed, but a new sync command is added.
  • Because config file supports mutilable stages and stacks, stack selector must be specified when you want to operate a subset of stacks.


New sync command combines aws cloudformation package and aws cloudformation deploy in one step:

cfn changeset create
cfn changeset execute

Is replaced by:

cfn-cli -s sam.api sync

sync uses ChangeSet internally which is usful when dealing with template transforms (eg: SAM or macros).