- blobs.app Create blob for your apps, website in SVG.
- svgsilh.com Collection of Absolutely free SVG
- pub.dev Find and use packages to build Dart↗ and Flutter↗ apps.
- Pylint
- PyChecker
- Pep8 - Guido's Original style guide
- Flakes8 - Integrate both pep8 and pyflakes
- Emacs
- Org Mode for emacs - Org mode is for keeping notes, maintaining TODO lists, planning projects, and authoring documents with a fast and effective plain-text system.
- cacert.pem from curl.haxx.se Click to download. More info
- Dropbox Engineering Blog
- Literate Programming
- Nate - about API, RPC, GraphQL
- [YT: les hazlewood rest api design]
- [YT: eric baer on graphql]
- phil stugeon on API Design, RPC, GraphQL