File tree
2,262 files changed
lines changed- build/test/cpp/linux64-gcc/release
- arguments
- allow_implicit_arrays/gen/allow_implicit_arrays
- implicit_array_bit8
- implicit_array_float16
- implicit_array_int24
- implicit_array_uint64
- implicit_array_uint8
- lengthof_with_implicit_array
- table_with_implicit_array
- set_cpp_allocator
- gen_complex_allocation/complex_allocation
- allocation_choice
- allocation_struct
- allocation_struct_optional
- allocation_union
- gen_pubsub_allocation/pubsub_allocation
- gen_service_allocation/service_allocation
- gen_sql_allocation/sql_allocation
- set_top_level_package/gen/company/appl
- set_top_level_package
- constant
- enumeration
- with_range_check_code/gen/with_range_check_code
- bit4_range_check
- choice_bit4_range_check
- dynamic_bit_range_check
- dynamic_int_range_check
- int4_range_check
- int7_array_range_check
- int8_range_check
- optional_bit31_range_check
- uint8_range_check
- union_int4_range_check
- varint16_range_check
- varint32_range_check
- varint64_range_check
- varint_range_check
- varsize_range_check
- varuint16_range_check
- varuint32_range_check
- varuint64_range_check
- varuint_range_check
- with_reflection_code/gen/with_reflection_code
- with_sources_amalgamation
- gen
- ___
- _imported_tile_
- with_sources_amalgamation
- gen_default_package
- with_type_info_code/gen/with_type_info_code
- with_validation_code/gen/with_validation_code
- blob_table_validation
- column_type_validation
- constraint_table_validation
- control_validation
- depend_table_validation
- full_range_table_validation
- simple_table_validation
- virtual_table_validation
- without_cross_extension_check
- gen_java/invalid_in_java
- gen_python/invalid_in_python
- without_pubsub_code/gen/without_pubsub_code
- without_service_code/gen/without_service_code
- without_sql_code/gen/without_sql_code
- without_writer_code/gen/without_writer_code
- language
- alignment/gen/alignment
- auto_optional_member_alignment
- bit_alignment
- optional_member_alignment
- array_types/gen/array_types
- arrays_mapping
- auto_array_bitfield_param
- auto_array_struct_recursion
- auto_array_subtyped_uint8
- auto_array_uint8
- fixed_array_uint8
- packed_arrays_mapping
- packed_auto_array_bitfield_param
- packed_auto_array_empty_compounds
- packed_auto_array_removed_enum_item
- packed_auto_array_struct_recursion
- packed_auto_array_struct_with_bytes
- packed_auto_array_struct_with_extern
- packed_auto_array_struct_with_unpacked_field
- packed_auto_array_uint8
- packed_fixed_array_uint8
- packed_variable_array_struct
- packed_variable_array_struct_recursion
- packed_variable_array_uint8
- packing_interface_optimization
- variable_array_struct_cast_int8
- variable_array_struct_cast_varuint
- variable_array_subtyped_struct
- variable_array_ternary_operator
- bitmask_types/gen/bitmask_types
- bitfield_bitmask
- bitfield_const_bitmask
- bitmask_defined_by_constant
- bitmask_used_by_bitmask
- bitmask_without_none
- uint64_bitmask
- uint8_bitmask
- varuint_bitmask
- builtin_types/gen/builtin_types
- all_builtin_types
- bitfield_function_length
- bitfield_uint64_length
- choice_types/gen/choice_types
- bitmask_param_choice
- bool_param_choice
- choice_compatibility_check
- choice_with_array
- default_empty_choice
- empty_choice
- empty_choice_with_case
- empty_choice_with_default
- enum_param_choice
- enum_with_removed_item_param_choice
- expression_selector_choice
- full_bitmask_param_choice
- full_enum_param_choice
- function_returning_literal_selector_choice
- function_selector_choice
- uint16_param_choice
- uint32_param_choice
- uint64_param_choice
- comments/gen/comments
- classic_doc
- bitmask_comments
- choice_comments
- constant_comments
- enum_comments
- pubsub_comments
- service_comments
- sql_database_comments
- sql_table_comments
- struct_comments
- struct_template_comments
- subtype_comments
- union_comments
- unknown_tag
- unknown_tag_matching_prefix
- markdown_doc
- bitmask_comments
- choice_comments
- constant_comments
- duplicate_id
- enum_comments
- indented_comments
- invalid_tags_comments
- linked_markdown
- links_in_comments
- pubsub_comments
- service_comments
- sql_database_comments
- sql_table_comments
- struct_comments
- struct_template_comments
- subtype_comments
- union_comments
- mixed_doc/struct_comments
- constants/gen/constants
- constraints/gen/constraints
- array_lengthof_constraint
- choice_constraints
- literal_constraint
- structure_bitmask_constraints
- structure_constraints
- union_constraints
- default_values/gen/default_values/structure_default_values
- enumeration_types/gen/enumeration_types
- bitfield_const_enum
- bitfield_enum
- deprecated_enum_item
- enum_defined_by_constant
- enum_used_by_enum
- multiple_removed_enum_items
- removed_enum_item
- uint64_enum
- uint8_enum
- varuint_enum
- explicit_parameters/gen/explicit_parameters
- explicit_bitmask_param
- explicit_blob_param
- explicit_enum_param
- explicit_same_as_field
- explicit_simple_param
- multiple_explicit_params
- multiple_with_same_name
- expressions/gen/expressions
- array_type
- bitmask_type
- cast_uint64_to_uint8
- cast_uint8_to_uint64
- const_type
- enumeration_type
- field_type
- field_type_with_clash
- float_type
- full_const_type
- full_enumeration_type
- function_type
- index_operator
- isset_operator
- lengthof_operator
- modulo_operator
- negation_operator
- numbits_operator
- parameter_type
- parameterized_array_type
- parenthesis
- question_mark
- string_type
- uint64_type
- used_before_type
- valueof_operator
- extended_members/gen/extended_members
- extended_choice_field
- extended_compound_field
- extended_empty_structure
- extended_field_in_template
- extended_indexed_offsets
- extended_optional_parameterized_field
- extended_simple_field
- extended_unaligned_field
- multiple_extended_fields
- multiple_extended_fields_various_types
- functions/gen/functions
- choice_array
- structure_array
- structure_array_param
- structure_bytes
- structure_extern
- structure_optional
- structure_param
- structure_parent_child_value
- structure_string
- structure_value
- union_array
- identifiers/gen/identifiers
- bitmask_name_clashing_with_java
- structure_name_clashing_with_java
- indexed_offsets/gen/indexed_offsets
- auto_indexed_offset_array
- bit5_indexed_offset_array
- bool_indexed_offset_array
- compound_indexed_offset_array
- empty_indexed_offset_array
- int14_indexed_offset_array
- optional_indexed_offset_array
- optional_nested_indexed_offset_array
- packed_auto_indexed_offset_array
- packed_indexed_offset_array_holder
- varint32_indexed_offset_array
- literals/gen/literals
- member_access/gen/member_access/access_within_type
- offsets/gen/offsets
- auto_array_offset
- bit_offset
- nested_offset
- optional_member_offset
- packed_auto_array_offset
- parameter_offset
- ternary_operator_offset
- uint64_offset
- optional_members/gen/optional_members
- auto_optional
- optional_array
- optional_array_recursion
- optional_expression
- optional_expression_with_removed_enum_item
- optional_recursion
- packages
- gen_default_package
- default_package_import/top
- gen_index/index_workaround/index
- gen_package_name_conflict/package_name_conflict
- package_name_conflict
- gen_packages
- ambiguous_imports
- first_colour
- second_colour
- top
- cyclic_imports
- bottom
- middle
- top
- import_name_conflict
- colour
- top
- package_import
- first
- second
- top
- single_import_conflict
- imported
- top
- single_import_precedence
- pkg
- single
- top
- gen_reader/reader
- parameterized_types/gen/parameterized_types
- array_element_param
- array_element_param_with_optional
- bytes_param
- dynamic_bitfield_param
- extern_param
- fixed_and_variable_param
- grand_child_param
- nested_parameterized_field
- packed_array_element_param
- param_with_optional
- parameterized_inner_classes_clashing
- parameterized_param
- simple_param
- subtyped_bitfield_param
- pubsub_types/gen/pubsub_types/simple_pubsub
- rules/gen/rules/pkg_rules
- service_types/gen/service_types
- complex_types_service
- simple_service
- sql_constraints/gen/sql_constraints
- constraint_imports
- field_constraints
- table_constraints
- sql_databases/gen/sql_databases
- db_with_relocation
- simple_db
- sql_tables/gen/sql_tables
- blob_field_with_children_initialization_table
- blob_offsets_param_table
- blob_param_table
- column_param_table
- complex_table
- const_param_table
- dynamic_bit_field_enum_field_table
- multiple_pk_table
- subtyped_bitmask_field_table
- subtyped_bool_field_table
- subtyped_enum_field_table
- subtyped_table
- without_pk_table
- sql_types/gen/sql_types
- sql_virtual_columns/gen/sql_virtual_columns
- simple_virtual_columns
- sql_virtual_tables/gen/sql_virtual_tables
- fts3_virtual_table
- fts5_virtual_table
- sql_without_rowid_tables/gen/sql_without_rowid_tables
- rowid_and_without_rowid_tables
- simple_without_rowid_table
- structure_types/gen/structure_types
- empty_structure
- empty_structure_with_parameter
- field_constructor_clashing
- one_string_structure
- simple_structure
- structure_inner_classes_clashing
- structure_with_removed_enum_item_field
- subtypes/gen/subtypes
- bitmask_subtype
- enum_subtype
- param_structure_subtype
- structure_subtype
- subtype_imported
- pkg
- uint16_subtype
- templates/gen/templates
- choice_templated_enum_selector
- choice_templated_field
- choice_templated_selector
- expression_bitmask_template_argument
- expression_enum_template_argument
- expression_enum_template_argument_conflict
- expression_full_template_argument
- import_color
- function_templated_return_type
- instantiate_clash_other_template
- instantiate_imported
- pkg
- instantiate_nested_template
- instantiate_not_imported
- pkg
- instantiate_only_nested
- pkg
- instantiate_simple
- instantiate_sql_table
- instantiate_template_argument
- instantiate_type_as_choice_field
- instantiate_type_as_parameter
- instantiate_type_as_sql_database_field
- instantiate_type_as_sql_table_field
- instantiate_type_as_struct_array_field
- instantiate_type_as_struct_field
- instantiate_type_as_template_argument
- instantiate_type_imported_as_struct_field
- pkg
- instantiate_type_on_parameterized_template
- instantiate_unused
- instantiate_via_import
- pkg
- instantiate_via_single_import
- pkg
- instantiate_vs_default
- pkg
- instantiate_with_instantiate_template_argument
- sql_table_templated_field
- struct_full_and_short_template_argument
- templated_struct
- struct_full_name_template_argument
- import_storage
- struct_long_template_argument
- struct_long_template_argument_clash
- struct_recursive_template
- struct_template_clash
- struct_template_clash_across_packages
- pkg1
- pkg2
- test_struct
- struct_template_clash_other_template
- struct_template_clash_other_type
- struct_template_in_template
- struct_templated_field
- struct_templated_template_argument
- struct_templated_type_argument
- subtype_template_argument
- subtype_template_with_builtin
- subtype_template_with_compound
- templated_struct_recursion
- union_templated_field
- union_types/gen/union_types
- empty_union
- empty_union_with_parameter
- simple_union
- union_compatibility_check
- union_with_array
- union_with_parameter
- union_with_parameterized_field
- others/gif/gen/gif
- gif_data
- gif_version
- rgb_color
- screen_descriptor
- signature
- warnings
- array_types_warning/gen/array_types_warning
- packed_array_choice_has_no_packable_field
- packed_array_struct_has_no_packable_field
- packed_array_template_has_no_packable_field
- packed_array_union_has_no_packable_field
- packed_array_unpackable_bool_element
- packed_array_unpackable_bytes_element
- packed_array_unpackable_extern_element
- packed_array_unpackable_float_element
- packed_array_unpackable_string_element
- choice_types_warning/gen/choice_types_warning/optional_references_in_selector
- comments_warning
- gen_comments/comments_warning
- doc_comment_format
- markdown_comment_with_wrong_terminator
- unresolved_markdown_see_tag_reference
- unresolved_see_tag_in_templated_struct
- unresolved_see_tag_reference
- unused_field_comments
- unused_struct_comment_by_id
- unused_struct_comment_multiple_comments
- gen_doc_comment_missing/doc_comment_missing_warning
- all_nodes
- documented
- compatibility_warning
- gen_root_with/compatibility_warning/subpackage
- gen_root_without/compatibility_warning/subpackage
- file_encoding_warning/gen/file_encoding_warning
- functions_warning/gen/functions_warning/optional_references_in_function
- not_handled_warning/gen/not_handled_warning
- optional_members_warning/gen/optional_members_warning
- optional_references_in_array_length
- optional_references_in_bitfield_length
- optional_references_in_constraint
- optional_references_in_offset
- optional_references_in_optional_clause
- optional_references_in_type_arguments
- packages_warning/gen/packages_warning
- package_import_overwrite_warning
- simple_database
- single_type_already_imported_warning
- sql_tables_warning/gen/sql_tables_warning
- bad_ordered_primary_key_warning
- duplicated_primary_key_warning
- multiple_primary_keys_warning
- no_primary_key_warning
- not_first_primary_key_warning
- not_null_primary_key_warning
- sql_without_rowid_tables_warning/gen/sql_without_rowid_tables_warning/integer_primary_key_warning
- templates_warning/gen/templates_warning
- default_instantiation_subpackage1
- default_instantiation_subpackage2
- default_instantiation_subpackage3
- default_instantiation_warning
- unused_type_warning/gen/unused_type_warning
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