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terraform installed (brew(apt-get) install terraform)
enough permission on aws

##Set up instructions

  1. go to the folder dataorc_emr
  2. terraform init
  3. terraform plan

This terraform module is self contained meaning if you dont provide your own VPC/subnets or other resources it will create one with best of the practises

variables you might want to consider are mentioned in file

  • applications --> if want to include presto, add presto in applications (
  • subnet id if you have private one replace it module.subnets.private_subnet_ids[0] in below module same goes with vpc
  • core_instance_group_instance_type
  • master_instance_group_instance_type - keep this 3 if you want an ha set up
  • release_label - latest on is 5.28(hudi included)
provider "aws" {
  region = "us-east-2"

module "vpc" {
  source     = "git::"
  namespace  = var.namespace
  stage      = var.stage
  name       =
  cidr_block = ""

module "subnets" {
  source               = "git::"
  availability_zones   = var.availability_zones
  namespace            = var.namespace
  stage                = var.stage
  name                 =
  vpc_id               = module.vpc.vpc_id
  igw_id               = module.vpc.igw_id
  cidr_block           = module.vpc.vpc_cidr_block
  nat_gateway_enabled  = false
  nat_instance_enabled = false

module "s3_log_storage" {
  source        = "git::"
  region        = var.region
  namespace     = var.namespace
  stage         = var.stage
  name          =
  attributes    = ["logs"]
  force_destroy = true

module "aws_key_pair" {
  source              = "git::"
  namespace           = var.namespace
  stage               = var.stage
  name                =
  attributes          = ["ssh", "key"]
  ssh_public_key_path = var.ssh_public_key_path
  generate_ssh_key    = var.generate_ssh_key

module "emr_cluster" {
  source                                         = "git::"
  namespace                                      = var.namespace
  stage                                          = var.stage
  name                                           =
  master_allowed_security_groups                 = [module.vpc.vpc_default_security_group_id]
  slave_allowed_security_groups                  = [module.vpc.vpc_default_security_group_id]
  region                                         = var.region
  vpc_id                                         = module.vpc.vpc_id
  subnet_id                                      = module.subnets.private_subnet_ids[0]
  route_table_id                                 = module.subnets.private_route_table_ids[0]
  subnet_type                                    = "private"
  ebs_root_volume_size                           = var.ebs_root_volume_size
  visible_to_all_users                           = var.visible_to_all_users
  release_label                                  = var.release_label
  applications                                   = var.applications
  configurations_json                            = var.configurations_json
  core_instance_group_instance_type              = var.core_instance_group_instance_type
  core_instance_group_instance_count             = var.core_instance_group_instance_count
  core_instance_group_ebs_size                   = var.core_instance_group_ebs_size
  core_instance_group_ebs_type                   = var.core_instance_group_ebs_type
  core_instance_group_ebs_volumes_per_instance   = var.core_instance_group_ebs_volumes_per_instance
  master_instance_group_instance_type            = var.master_instance_group_instance_type
  master_instance_group_instance_count           = var.master_instance_group_instance_count
  master_instance_group_ebs_size                 = var.master_instance_group_ebs_size
  master_instance_group_ebs_type                 = var.master_instance_group_ebs_type
  master_instance_group_ebs_volumes_per_instance = var.master_instance_group_ebs_volumes_per_instance
  create_task_instance_group                     = var.create_task_instance_group
  log_uri                                        = format("s3://%s", module.s3_log_storage.bucket_id)
  key_name                                       = module.aws_key_pair.key_name

Makefile Targets

Available targets:

  help                                Help screen
  help/all                            Display help for all targets
  help/short                          This help short screen
  lint                                Lint terraform code


Name Description Type Default Required
additional_info A JSON string for selecting additional features such as adding proxy information. Note: Currently there is no API to retrieve the value of this argument after EMR cluster creation from provider, therefore Terraform cannot detect drift from the actual EMR cluster if its value is changed outside Terraform string null no
applications A list of applications for the cluster. Valid values are: Flink, Ganglia, Hadoop, HBase, HCatalog, Hive, Hue, JupyterHub, Livy, Mahout, MXNet, Oozie, Phoenix, Pig, Presto, Spark, Sqoop, TensorFlow, Tez, Zeppelin, and ZooKeeper (as of EMR 5.25.0). Case insensitive list(string) - yes
attributes Additional attributes (e.g. "1") list(string) <list> no
bootstrap_action List of bootstrap actions that will be run before Hadoop is started on the cluster nodes object <list> no
configurations_json A JSON string for supplying list of configurations for the EMR cluster. See for more details string null no
core_instance_group_autoscaling_policy String containing the EMR Auto Scaling Policy JSON for the Core instance group string null no
core_instance_group_bid_price Bid price for each EC2 instance in the Core instance group, expressed in USD. By setting this attribute, the instance group is being declared as a Spot Instance, and will implicitly create a Spot request. Leave this blank to use On-Demand Instances string null no
core_instance_group_ebs_iops The number of I/O operations per second (IOPS) that the Core volume supports number null no
core_instance_group_ebs_size Core instances volume size, in gibibytes (GiB) number - yes
core_instance_group_ebs_type Core instances volume type. Valid options are gp2, io1, standard and st1 string gp2 no
core_instance_group_ebs_volumes_per_instance The number of EBS volumes with this configuration to attach to each EC2 instance in the Core instance group number 1 no
core_instance_group_instance_count Target number of instances for the Core instance group. Must be at least 1 number 1 no
core_instance_group_instance_type EC2 instance type for all instances in the Core instance group string - yes
create_task_instance_group Whether to create an instance group for Task nodes. For more info:, bool false no
custom_ami_id A custom Amazon Linux AMI for the cluster (instead of an EMR-owned AMI). Available in Amazon EMR version 5.7.0 and later string null no
delimiter Delimiter between namespace, stage, name and attributes string - no
ebs_root_volume_size Size in GiB of the EBS root device volume of the Linux AMI that is used for each EC2 instance. Available in Amazon EMR version 4.x and later number 10 no
enabled Set to false to prevent the module from creating any resources bool true no
keep_job_flow_alive_when_no_steps Switch on/off run cluster with no steps or when all steps are complete bool true no
key_name Amazon EC2 key pair that can be used to ssh to the master node as the user called hadoop string null no
log_uri The path to the Amazon S3 location where logs for this cluster are stored string null no
master_allowed_cidr_blocks List of CIDR blocks to be allowed to access the master instances list(string) <list> no
master_allowed_security_groups List of security groups to be allowed to connect to the master instances list(string) <list> no
master_dns_name Name of the cluster CNAME record to create in the parent DNS zone specified by zone_id. If left empty, the name will be auto-asigned using the format string null no
master_instance_group_bid_price Bid price for each EC2 instance in the Master instance group, expressed in USD. By setting this attribute, the instance group is being declared as a Spot Instance, and will implicitly create a Spot request. Leave this blank to use On-Demand Instances string null no
master_instance_group_ebs_iops The number of I/O operations per second (IOPS) that the Master volume supports number null no
master_instance_group_ebs_size Master instances volume size, in gibibytes (GiB) number - yes
master_instance_group_ebs_type Master instances volume type. Valid options are gp2, io1, standard and st1 string gp2 no
master_instance_group_ebs_volumes_per_instance The number of EBS volumes with this configuration to attach to each EC2 instance in the Master instance group number 1 no
master_instance_group_instance_count Target number of instances for the Master instance group. Must be at least 1 number 1 no
master_instance_group_instance_type EC2 instance type for all instances in the Master instance group string - yes
name Name of the application string - yes
namespace Namespace (e.g. eg or cp) string `` no
region AWS region string - yes
release_label The release label for the Amazon EMR release. string emr-5.25.0 no
route_table_id Route table ID for the VPC S3 Endpoint when launching the EMR cluster in a private subnet. Required when subnet_type is private string `` no
scale_down_behavior The way that individual Amazon EC2 instances terminate when an automatic scale-in activity occurs or an instance group is resized string null no
security_configuration The security configuration name to attach to the EMR cluster. Only valid for EMR clusters with release_label 4.8.0 or greater. See for more info string null no
slave_allowed_cidr_blocks List of CIDR blocks to be allowed to access the slave instances list(string) <list> no
slave_allowed_security_groups List of security groups to be allowed to connect to the slave instances list(string) <list> no
stage Stage (e.g. prod, dev, staging) string `` no
subnet_id VPC subnet ID where you want the job flow to launch. Cannot specify the cc1.4xlarge instance type for nodes of a job flow launched in a Amazon VPC string - yes
subnet_type Type of VPC subnet ID where you want the job flow to launch. Supported values are private or public string private no
tags Additional tags (e.g. { BusinessUnit : ABC }) map(string) <map> no
task_instance_group_autoscaling_policy String containing the EMR Auto Scaling Policy JSON for the Task instance group string null no
task_instance_group_bid_price Bid price for each EC2 instance in the Task instance group, expressed in USD. By setting this attribute, the instance group is being declared as a Spot Instance, and will implicitly create a Spot request. Leave this blank to use On-Demand Instances string null no
task_instance_group_ebs_iops The number of I/O operations per second (IOPS) that the Task volume supports number null no
task_instance_group_ebs_optimized Indicates whether an Amazon EBS volume in the Task instance group is EBS-optimized. Changing this forces a new resource to be created bool false no
task_instance_group_ebs_size Task instances volume size, in gibibytes (GiB) number 10 no
task_instance_group_ebs_type Task instances volume type. Valid options are gp2, io1, standard and st1 string gp2 no
task_instance_group_ebs_volumes_per_instance The number of EBS volumes with this configuration to attach to each EC2 instance in the Task instance group number 1 no
task_instance_group_instance_count Target number of instances for the Task instance group. Must be at least 1 number 1 no
task_instance_group_instance_type EC2 instance type for all instances in the Task instance group string null no
termination_protection Switch on/off termination protection (default is false, except when using multiple master nodes). Before attempting to destroy the resource when termination protection is enabled, this configuration must be applied with its value set to false bool false no
visible_to_all_users Whether the job flow is visible to all IAM users of the AWS account associated with the job flow bool true no
vpc_id VPC ID to create the cluster in (e.g. vpc-a22222ee) string - yes
zone_id Route53 parent zone ID. If provided (not empty), the module will create sub-domain DNS records for the masters and slaves string null no


Name Description
cluster_id EMR cluster ID
cluster_name EMR cluster name
master_host Name of the cluster CNAME record for the master nodes in the parent DNS zone
master_public_dns Master public DNS
master_security_group_id Master security group ID
slave_security_group_id Slave security group ID