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File metadata and controls

468 lines (429 loc) · 18.5 KB

This file (after being compiled to JavaScript) can be loaded into a web page and allows the user to do several things related to the game-theoretic semantics for predicate logic.

It depends on a few basic functions for building logical expressions:

window.And = ( a, b ) -> [ 'And', a, b ]
window.Or = ( a, b ) -> [ 'Or', a, b ]
window.Not = ( a ) -> [ 'Not', a ]
window.Implies = ( a, b ) -> [ 'Implies', a, b ]
window.Iff = ( a, b ) -> [ 'Iff', a, b ]
window.Forall = ( a, b ) -> [ 'Forall', a, b ]
window.Exists = ( a, b ) -> [ 'Exists', a, b ]

First, you can create a new model in which to play games, as follows.

M = new Model( 'name', 'description', universe )

For example, you might call it "The Real Numbers" and then in the description (which can include basic HTML) you can describe in a few sentences which operators it includes, and so on. The third argument is a function that takes a single JavaScript datum as input and returns true or false, whether that thing is in the universe of the model. For example, for numbers, you might have ( x ) -> typeof( x ) is 'number'.

You can add new operators to the language of the model as follows.

Op1 = M.addOperator( latex, evaluate, precedence,
                     explanation, argNames )

LaTeX must be a function that takes as many arguments as the operator and creates a text representation of them in LaTeX format. Evaluate must be a function that computes the result of the operator, in JavaScript. And precedence, which is optional, must be a number; higher means higher precedence. If it is omitted, no parenthesization will be used. The result is a function that can be used to build expressions with that operator as the head. The explanation will be HTML/LaTeX text explaining the meaning of the operator applied to sample args named x, y, z. If you want to use other args, supply them as the final parameter. LaTeX delimiters are \( and \). Example:

gt = M.addOperator( ( ( a, b ) -> "#{a} > #{b}" ),
                    ( ( a, b ) -> a > b ),
                    '\\(x\\) is greater than \\(y\\),
                     \\(x > y\\)' )

You can add a constant the same way, but its LaTeX and value are both JavaScript constants, not functions. The first argument is how a user woult type it in when playing the game.

pi = M.addConstant( 'pi', '\\pi', Math.pi )

Finally, you can add games to the model by writing expressions (in prefix form, in JavaScript/CoffeeScript) and adding them to the model with the addGame method. All the predicate logic connectives are defined already as functions (And, Or, Not, Implies, Iff) and the quantifiers are as well (Forall, Exists). Variables should be strings (such as "x") and other literals or strings accepted by your model's universe function are acceptable.

M.addGame( Forall( 'x', Foo( Con, 'x' ) ) )
// and so on, as many games in topic t as you like
window.Model = class Model

    allModels: [ ]

    constructor: ( @name, @description, @universe ) ->
        Model::allModels.push @
        @operators = [ ]
        @constants = [ ]
        @expressions = [ ]

    addOperator: ( latex, evaluate, precedence, explanation,
                   exampleArgs = [ 'x', 'y', 'z' ] ) ->
            latex : latex
            evaluate : evaluate
            precedence : precedence
            exampleArgs : exampleArgs
            explanation : explanation
        head = "op#{@operators.length - 1}"
        ( args... ) -> [ head, args... ]

    addConstant: ( text, latex, value ) ->
            text : text
            latex : latex
            value : value
        "con#{@constants.length - 1}"

    addGame: ( expression ) ->
        @expressions.push expression

    toLaTeX: ( expression, precedence ) ->
        # console.log 'toLaTeX', JSON.stringify( expression ),
        #     precedence
        if typeof( precedence ) is 'undefined'
            precedence = 'top' # but null is okay!!
        wrap = ( result ) ->
            if precedence is 'top'
                '\\(' + result + '\\)'
        if expression not instanceof Array
            if expression in \
            ( "con#{i}" for i in [0...@constants.length] )
                expression =
            # console.log 'atomic', expression
            return wrap expression
        expression = expression.slice()
        head = expression.shift()
        pattern = null
        if head is 'And'
            pattern = "A \\wedge B"
            prec = -990
        if head is 'Or'
            pattern = "A \\vee B"
            prec = -1000
        if head is 'Not'
            pattern = "\\neg A"
            prec = -900
        if head is 'Implies'
            pattern = "A \\Rightarrow B"
            prec = -1005
        if head is 'Iff'
            pattern = "A \\Leftrightarrow B"
            prec = -1010
        if head is 'Forall'
            pattern = "\\forall A, B"
            prec = -950
        if head is 'Exists'
            pattern = "\\exists A, B"
            prec = -950
        if pattern?
            # console.log 'pattern', pattern
            func = ( a, b ) ->
                pattern.replace( 'A', a )
                       .replace( 'B', b )
        else if head[...2] is 'op'
            func = @operators[head[2..]].latex
            prec = @operators[head[2..]].precedence
            # console.log head, @operators[head[2..]]
            func = -> '???'
        args = ( @toLaTeX expr, prec for expr in expression )
        # console.log 'func', func, 'args', args
        result = func args...
        if typeof precedence is 'number' \
        and prec < precedence
            result = "\\left(#{result}\\right)"
        # console.log 'result', result
        wrap result

    interpretations: ->
        result = '<table border=0 align=center
                   style="border-spacing: 20px;
                          border-collapse: separate;">'
        result += "<tr>
            <td align=right>UD:</td>
        for operator in @operators
            latex = operator.latex operator.exampleArgs...
            result += "<tr>
                <td align=right>\\(#{latex}\\)</td>
        for constant in @constants
            result += "<tr>
                <td align=right>\\(#{constant.latex}\\)</td>
                <td>#{constant.value}, which you type in as
        result + '</table>'

    gameLaTeX: ( index ) -> @toLaTeX @expressions[index]

    gameList: ->
        result = '<ol>'
        here = thisPageURL()
        for game, index in @expressions
            result += "<li><a href='#{here}&game=#{index}'
                >#{@gameLaTeX index}</a></li>"
        result + '</ol>'

    gameInputs: ( index ) ->
        seenForall = seenExists = no
        getVars = ( expression ) ->
            if expression not instanceof Array or \
               expression[0] not in [ 'Forall', 'Exists' ]
                return [ ]
            if expression[0] is 'Forall'
                seenForall = yes
                seenExists = yes
                name : expression[1]
                quantifier : expression[0]
            ].concat getVars expression[2]
        variables = getVars @expressions[index]
        result = '<form class="form-horizontal">'
        for variable, index in variables
            intro = if variables.length > 1
                if index is 0 then 'First, ' else 'Then, '
                'Only one step: '
            player = if variable.quantifier is 'Forall' \
                then 'Challenger' else 'Defender'
            result += "<div class='form-group'>
                <label for='bound_var_#{}'
                       class='col-sm-6 control-label'
                 >#{intro} the #{player} chooses the value
                  of #{}:</label>
                <div class='col-sm-4'>
                    <input type=text value=''
                     class='form-control player-input'
        if not seenForall
            if not seenExists
                result += '
                    <div class="col-sm-12 control-label"
                         style="text-align: center;">
                        Neither player makes a play in
                        this game; it has no quantifiers.
                result += '
                    <div class="col-sm-12 control-label"
                         style="text-align: center;">
                        The Challenger does not play in this
        else if not seenExists
            result += '
                <div class="col-sm-12 control-label"
                     style="text-align: center;">
                    The Defender does not play in this game.
        result + '</form>'

    evaluate: ( gameIndex ) ->
        getVar = ( name ) ->
            input = document.getElementById \
        recur = ( expr ) =>
            #console.log 'evaluating', JSON.stringify expr
            if expr not instanceof Array
                if expr in ( "con#{i}" \
                for i in [0...@constants.length] )
                    return @constants[expr[3..]].value
                if tryvar = getVar expr
                    return tryvar
                if @universe expr
                    return expr
                throw "Invalid value: #{expr}"
            expr = expr.slice()
            head = expr.shift()
            rest = ( recur subexpr for subexpr in expr )
            #console.log 'now back to applying', head, 'to',
            #    rest
            switch head
                when 'And' then return rest[0] and rest[1]
                when 'Or' then return rest[0] or rest[1]
                when 'Not' then return not rest[0]
                when 'Implies'
                    return not rest[0] or rest[1]
                when 'Iff' then return rest[0] is rest[1]
                when 'Forall', 'Exists' then return rest[1]
                    if head[...2] isnt 'op'
                        throw "Unknown operator: #{head}"
            #console.log 'looking up', head[2..], 'gives',
            #    @operators[head[2..]], 'which evaluates as',
            #    @operators[head[2..]].evaluate
            @operators[head[2..]]?.evaluate? rest...
        recur @expressions[gameIndex]

    gameResults: ( index ) ->
        "<form class='form-horizontal'>
            <div class='form-group'>
                <label for='judge_button'
                       class='col-sm-6 control-label'
                >After all plays have been made:</label>
                <div class='col-sm-6'>
                    <button type='submit' id='judge_button'
                            class='btn btn-default'
                    >Judge winner</button>
        <div class='alert alert-warning'
            id='game_result' role='alert'
            style='text-align: center;'>
            (The result of the game will be shown here.)

Then your HTML file can mark a specific element with the id modelList, and the library will auto-populate it with a list of all defined models, each as a link.

The links will go to this same HTML file, but with the query string saying ?model=<index>.

$ ->
    here = thisPageURL()
    if fillMe = document.getElementById 'modelList'
        fillMe.innerHTML = '<ul></ul>'
        for index, model of Model::allModels
            item = document.createElement 'li'
            item.innerHTML = "<a
                >#{}</a> (#{model.description})"
            fillMe.childNodes[0].appendChild item

The library, if it notices that the query string has that format, will replace the entire body of the page with the definition of that topic and the list of all games in it.

Each game in that list will also be a link to the same HTML file, but with the query string saying ?model=<index>&game=<index>.

    return unless ( mark = here.indexOf '?' ) > -1
    queryString = here.substring mark + 1
    withoutQS = here.substring 0, mark
    params = { }
    for param in queryString.split '&'
        halves = param.split '='
        params[halves[0]] = halves[1]
    { model, game } = params
    return unless model?
    halfQS = "#{withoutQS}?model=#{model}"
    model = Model::allModels[model]
    if not game?
        newBody = "
            <div class='container'>
                <div class='jumbotron'>
                    <h2>Model: #{}</h2>
                    <h2>Games listed below.</h2>
                    <p><a href='#{withoutQS}'>&larr;
                        Return to main page</a></p>
                <div class='panel panel-info'>
                    <div class='panel-heading'>
                    <div class='panel-body'>
                <div class='panel panel-success'>
                    <div class='panel-heading'>
                        <h3>Games on this model</h3>
                    <div class='panel-body'>

The library, if it notices that the query string has that format, will replace the entire body of the page with the game UI.

        newBody = "
            <div class='container'>
                <div class='jumbotron'>
                    <h2>Model: #{}</h2>
                    <h2>Game: #{model.gameLaTeX game}</h2>
                    <p><a href='#{halfQS}'>&larr;
                        Return to game
                        list for this model</a></p>
                    <p><a href='#{withoutQS}'>&larr;
                        Return to main page</a></p>
                <div class='panel panel-info'>
                    <div class='panel-heading'>
                    <div class='panel-body'>
                <div class='panel panel-success'>
                    <div class='panel-heading'>
                        <h3>Game Play</h3>
                    <div class='panel-body'>
                        #{model.gameInputs game}
                <div class='panel panel-warning'>
                    <div class='panel-heading'>
                        <h3>Game Results</h3>
                    <div class='panel-body'>
                        #{model.gameResults game}
    document.body.innerHTML = newBody
    judgeButton = document.getElementById 'judge_button'
    gameResult = document.getElementById 'game_result'
    if judgeButton? and gameResult?
        ( $ judgeButton ).on 'click', ->
                inputs = document.getElementsByClassName \
                for input in inputs
                    if not model.universe input.value
                        varname =[10..]
                        player = input.getAttribute \
                        other = if player is 'Challenger'
                        gameResult.innerHTML =
                            "<h4>The #{player}'s input for
                            the variable #{varname} was
                            invalid, so the #{other}
                        return no
                gameResult.innerHTML = if model.evaluate game
                    '<h4>The expression is true.
                     The Defender wins!</h4>'
                    '<h4>The expression is false.
                     The Challenger wins!</h4>'
            catch e
                console.log e
            return no

Thus the library could be loaded from GitHub as if it were a CDN, and the page itself would simply contain some HTML introducing model games, and the JS/CS defining the topics and their games.

A utility function:

thisPageURL = ->
    window.location.href.replace( "'", escape "'" )
                         .replace( "<", escape "<" )
                         .replace( ">", escape ">" )