NetworkX was originally written by Aric Hagberg, Dan Schult, and Pieter Swart, and has been developed with the help of many others. Thanks to everyone who has improved NetworkX by contributing code, bug reports (and fixes), documentation, and input on design, features, and the future of NetworkX.
This section aims to provide a list of people and projects that have
contributed to networkx
. It is intended to be an inclusive list, and
anyone who has contributed and wishes to make that contribution known is
welcome to add an entry into this file. Generally, no name should be added to
this list without the approval of the person associated with that name.
Creating a comprehensive list of contributors can be difficult, and the list within this file is almost certainly incomplete. Contributors include testers, bug reporters, contributors who wish to remain anonymous, funding sources, academic advisors, end users, and even build/integration systems (such as TravisCI, coveralls, and readthedocs).
Do you want to make your contribution known? If you have commit access, edit this file and add your name. If you do not have commit access, feel free to open an issue, submit a pull request, or get in contact with one of the official team members.
A supplementary (but still incomplete) list of contributors is given by the
list of names that have commits in networkx
git repository. This can be obtained via:
git log --raw | grep "^Author: " | sort | uniq
A historical, partial listing of contributors and their contributions to some of the earlier versions of NetworkX can be found here.
Optionally, add your desired name and include a few relevant links. The order is partially historical, and now, mostly arbitrary.
- Aric Hagberg, GitHub: hagberg
- Dan Schult, GitHub: dschult
- Pieter Swart
- Katy Bold
- Hernan Rozenfeld
- Brendt Wohlberg
- Jim Bagrow
- Holly Johnsen
- Arnar Flatberg
- Chris Myers
- Joel Miller
- Keith Briggs
- Ignacio Rozada
- Phillipp Pagel
- Sverre Sundsdal
- Ross M. Richardson
- Eben Kenah
- Sasha Gutfriend
- Udi Weinsberg
- Matteo Dell'Amico
- Andrew Conway
- Raf Guns
- Salim Fadhley
- Fabrice Desclaux
- Arpad Horvath
- Minh Van Nguyen
- Willem Ligtenberg
- Loïc Séguin-C.
- Paul McGuire
- Jesus Cerquides
- Ben Edwards
- Jon Olav Vik
- Hugh Brown
- Ben Reilly
- Leo Lopes
- Jordi Torrents, GitHub: jtorrents
- Dheeraj M R
- Franck Kalala
- Simon Knight
- Conrad Lee
- Sérgio Nery Simões
- Robert King
- Nick Mancuso
- Brian Cloteaux
- Alejandro Weinstein
- Dustin Smith
- Mathieu Larose
- Vincent Gauthier
- chebee7i, GitHub: chebee7i
- Jeffrey Finkelstein
- Jean-Gabriel Young, Github: jg-you
- Andrey Paramonov,
- Mridul Seth, GitHub: MridulS
- Thodoris Sotiropoulos, GitHub: theosotr
- Konstantinos Karakatsanis, GitHub: k-karakatsanis
- Ryan Nelson, GitHub: rnelsonchem
- Niels van Adrichem, GitHub: NvanAdrichem
- Michael E. Rose, GitHub: Michael-E-Rose
- Jarrod Millman, GitHub: jarrodmillman
and those who have contributed to networkx
have received
support throughout the years from a variety of sources. We list them below.
If you have provided support to networkx
and a support acknowledgment does
not appear below, please help us remedy the situation, and similarly, please
let us know if you'd like something modified or corrected.
acknowledges support from the following:
- Center for Nonlinear Studies, Los Alamos National Laboratory, PI: Aric Hagberg
- Open Source Programs Office, Google
- Complexity Sciences Center, Department of Physics, University of California-Davis, PI: James P. Crutchfield
- Center for Complexity and Collective Computation, Wisconsin Institute for Discovery, University of Wisconsin-Madison, PIs: Jessica C. Flack and David C. Krakauer
acknowledges support from the following:
- Google Summer of Code via Python Software Foundation
- U.S. Army Research Office grant W911NF-12-1-0288
- DARPA Physical Intelligence Subcontract No. 9060-000709
- NSF Grant No. PHY-0748828
- John Templeton Foundation through a grant to the Santa Fe Institute to study complexity
- U.S. Army Research Laboratory and the U.S. Army Research Office under contract number W911NF-13-1-0340