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OCaml POSIX time

This OCaml library provides POSIX time data structures and basic functions to operate on them. This library is meant to be as an interface for modules using POSIX time data structures. For this purpose it also features a C header file posix-time.h with conversion functions to and from the provided data types.

posix-time provides OCaml version of the following POSIX C structs:

struct timespec;
struct timeval;
struct tm;
struct itimerspec;

The library and all provided data types and functions are OCaml native implementations.


The full interface can be seen in the API documentation.


module Timespec : sig
  type t = private {
    tv_sec : int64;
    tv_nsec : int64;
  (** POSIX timespec time specifier with seconds and nanoseconds. A normalized
      value of type [t] must have a value of [tv_nsec] between [0] and
      [1000000000] (exclusive). *)

  val create : int64 -> int64 -> t
  (** [create sec nsec] creates a new normalized timespec with [sec] seconds
      and [nsec] nanoseconds. *)

  val add : t -> t -> t
  (** [add t1 t2] adds the two timespec values, returning a normalized value *)

  val sub : t -> t -> t
  (** [sub t1 t2] subtracts [t2] from [t1], creating a new normalized time
      value. *)

  val add_sec : int64 -> t -> t
  (** [add_sec s t] adds [s] seconds to [t]. *)

  val add_nsec : int64 -> t -> t
  (** [add_sec ns t] adds [ns] nanoseconds to [t]. *)

  val sub_sec : int64 -> t -> t
  (** [sub_sec s t] subtracts [s] seconds from [t]. *)

  val sub_nsec : int64 -> t -> t
  (** [sub_sec ns t] subtracts [ns] nanoseconds from [t]. *)

  val to_string : t -> string
  (** [to_string t] creates a string of the form "sec.nsec". *)

  val compare : t -> t -> int
  (** [compare t1 t2] compares the two time values [t1] and [t2]. It returns
      [0] if [t1] is equal to [2], a negative integer if [t1] is less than [t2],
      and a positive integer if [t1] is greater than [t2]. *)

module Timeval : sig
  type t = private {
    tv_sec : int64;
    tv_usec : int64;
  (** POSIX timeval time value with seconds and microseconds. A normalized
      value of type [t] must have a value of [tv_usec] between [0] and
      [1000000] (exclusive). *)

  val create : int64 -> int64 -> t
  (** [create sec usec] creates a new normalized timespec with [sec] seconds
      and [usec] microseconds. *)

  val add : t -> t -> t
  (** [add t1 t2] adds the two timespec values, returning a normalized value *)

  val sub : t -> t -> t
  (** [sub t1 t2] subtracts [t2] from [t1], creating a new normalized time
      value. *)

  val add_sec : int64 -> t -> t
  (** [add_sec s t] adds [s] seconds to [t]. *)

  val add_usec : int64 -> t -> t
  (** [add_sec us t] adds [us] microseconds to [t]. *)

  val sub_sec : int64 -> t -> t
  (** [sub_sec s t] subtracts [s] seconds from [t]. *)

  val sub_usec : int64 -> t -> t
  (** [sub_sec us t] subtracts [us] microseconds from [t]. *)

  val to_string : t -> string
  (** [to_string t] creates a string of the form "sec.usec". *)

  val compare : t -> t -> int
  (** [compare t1 t2] compares the two time values [t1] and [t2]. It returns
      [0] if [t1] is equal to [2], a negative integer if [t1] is less than [t2],
      and a positive integer if [t1] is greater than [t2]. *)

module Tm : sig
  type t = private {
    tm_sec : int;
    tm_min : int;
    tm_hour : int;
    tm_mday : int;
    tm_mon : int;
    tm_year : int;
    tm_wday : int;
    tm_yday : int;
    tm_isdst : int;
  (** POSIX tm value with seconds [0,61], minutes [0,59], hours [0,23], day of
    month [0,31], month of year [0,11], years since 1900, day of week [0,6]
    (Sunday = 0), day of year [0,365] and daylight saving flag.
    The daylight saving flag is positive if daylight saving is in effect and 0
    if not. In case this information is not available, it has a negative value.

  val create : int -> int -> int -> int -> int -> int -> int -> int -> int -> t option
  (** [create tm_sec tm_min tm_hour tm_mday rm_mon tm_year tm_wday tm_yday tm_isdst]
    creates a new time value if the all arguments suffice the aforementioned
    predicates. Otherwise [create] will return [None]. *)

  val compare : t -> t -> int
  (** [compare t1 t2] compares the two time values [t1] and [t2]. It returns
    [0] if [t1] is equal to [2], a negative integer if [t1] is less than [t2],
    and a positive integer if [t1] is greater than [t2].
    [compare] considers tm_year, tm_mon, tm_mday, tm_hour, tm_min, tm_sec in
    the given order. *)

module Itimerspec : sig
  type t = {
    it_interval : Timespec.t;
    it_value : Timespec.t;


The C interface provides the following functions:


static inline struct timespec timespec_val(value v);
static inline value val_timespec(struct timespec t);

static inline struct timeval timeval_val(value v);
static inline value val_timeval(struct timeval t);

static inline struct tm tm_val(value v);
static inline value val_tm(struct tm t);

static inline struct itimerspec itimerspec_val(value v);
static inline value val_itimerspec(struct itimerspec itimer);

The source code of time is available under the MIT license.

This library is originally written by Markus Weissmann