Task Title: Task Manager API
Create a simple Task Manager REST API using Node.js and TypeScript. This API will allow the user to create, read, update, and delete tasks.
📍As an additional "plus", we'd like to see the implementation of user authentication and authorization.
Core Requirements:
Use Node.js and TypeScript to create your application.
Your API should support operations to Create, Read, Update, and Delete (CRUD) tasks. Each task should have at least a title, description, status (i.e., pending, in-progress, completed), and a due date.
The tasks should be stored in a MySQL or MongoDB database.
Implement user authentication and authorization. Only authorized users should be able to perform the CRUD operations. You can use JSON Web Tokens (JWT) or any other method you prefer.
Write unit tests for your API endpoints using a testing framework of your choice.
Include a comprehensive README file explaining your design choices and how to use your project.
😎Bonus Requirements:
Implement rate limiting to protect the API from being overwhelmed by too many requests.
Implement filtering, sorting, and pagination for the tasks.
Add a feature to send reminders to users about their upcoming tasks via email.
📌 Deliverables:
A public GitHub repository containing your code.
A README file that explains:
Your design decisions and why you made them.
How to run your project.
How to use your project (if it's not self-explanatory).
Optionally, a deployed version of your API. You can use services like Heroku or AWS for hosting.
📝 The evaluation will be based on the code quality, API functionality, design, and the optional bonus features.