import { BufferAttribute } from './BufferAttribute'; import { Box3 } from './../math/Box3'; import { Sphere } from './../math/Sphere'; import { Matrix4 } from './../math/Matrix4'; import { Vector2 } from './../math/Vector2'; import { Vector3 } from './../math/Vector3'; import { Object3D } from './Object3D'; import { Geometry } from './Geometry'; import { DirectGeometry } from './DirectGeometry'; import { EventDispatcher } from './EventDispatcher'; import { InterleavedBufferAttribute } from './InterleavedBufferAttribute'; /** * This is a superefficent class for geometries because it saves all data in buffers. * It reduces memory costs and cpu cycles. But it is not as easy to work with because of all the nessecary buffer calculations. * It is mainly interesting when working with static objects. * * @see <a href="">src/core/BufferGeometry.js</a> */ export class BufferGeometry extends EventDispatcher { /** * This creates a new BufferGeometry. It also sets several properties to an default value. */ constructor(); static MaxIndex: number; /** * Unique number of this buffergeometry instance */ id: number; uuid: string; name: string; type: string; index: BufferAttribute | null; attributes: { [name: string]: BufferAttribute | InterleavedBufferAttribute; }; morphAttributes: { [name: string]: ( BufferAttribute | InterleavedBufferAttribute )[]; }; morphTargetsRelative: boolean; groups: { start: number; count: number; materialIndex?: number }[]; boundingBox: Box3; boundingSphere: Sphere; drawRange: { start: number; count: number }; userData: {[key: string]: any}; readonly isBufferGeometry: true; getIndex(): BufferAttribute | null; setIndex( index: BufferAttribute | number[] | null ): void; setAttribute( name: string, attribute: BufferAttribute | InterleavedBufferAttribute ): BufferGeometry; getAttribute( name: string ): BufferAttribute | InterleavedBufferAttribute; deleteAttribute( name: string ): BufferGeometry; addGroup( start: number, count: number, materialIndex?: number ): void; clearGroups(): void; setDrawRange( start: number, count: number ): void; /** * Bakes matrix transform directly into vertex coordinates. */ applyMatrix( matrix: Matrix4 ): BufferGeometry; rotateX( angle: number ): BufferGeometry; rotateY( angle: number ): BufferGeometry; rotateZ( angle: number ): BufferGeometry; translate( x: number, y: number, z: number ): BufferGeometry; scale( x: number, y: number, z: number ): BufferGeometry; lookAt( v: Vector3 ): void; center(): BufferGeometry; setFromObject( object: Object3D ): BufferGeometry; setFromPoints( points: Vector3[] | Vector2[] ): BufferGeometry; updateFromObject( object: Object3D ): void; fromGeometry( geometry: Geometry, settings?: any ): BufferGeometry; fromDirectGeometry( geometry: DirectGeometry ): BufferGeometry; /** * Computes bounding box of the geometry, updating Geometry.boundingBox attribute. * Bounding boxes aren't computed by default. They need to be explicitly computed, otherwise they are null. */ computeBoundingBox(): void; /** * Computes bounding sphere of the geometry, updating Geometry.boundingSphere attribute. * Bounding spheres aren't' computed by default. They need to be explicitly computed, otherwise they are null. */ computeBoundingSphere(): void; /** * Computes vertex normals by averaging face normals. */ computeVertexNormals(): void; merge( geometry: BufferGeometry, offset: number ): BufferGeometry; normalizeNormals(): void; toNonIndexed(): BufferGeometry; toJSON(): any; clone(): this; copy( source: BufferGeometry ): this; /** * Disposes the object from memory. * You need to call this when you want the bufferGeometry removed while the application is running. */ dispose(): void; /** * @deprecated Use {@link BufferGeometry#groups .groups} instead. */ drawcalls: any; /** * @deprecated Use {@link BufferGeometry#groups .groups} instead. */ offsets: any; /** * @deprecated Use {@link BufferGeometry#setIndex .setIndex()} instead. */ addIndex( index: any ): void; /** * @deprecated Use {@link BufferGeometry#addGroup .addGroup()} instead. */ addDrawCall( start: any, count: any, indexOffset?: any ): void; /** * @deprecated Use {@link BufferGeometry#clearGroups .clearGroups()} instead. */ clearDrawCalls(): void; /** * @deprecated Use {@link BufferGeometry#setAttribute .setAttribute()} instead. */ addAttribute( name: string, attribute: BufferAttribute | InterleavedBufferAttribute ): BufferGeometry; /** * @deprecated Use {@link BufferGeometry#deleteAttribute .deleteAttribute()} instead. */ removeAttribute( name: string ): BufferGeometry; addAttribute( name: any, array: any, itemSize: any ): any; }