All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
- Memory improvements and fixes.
- Other minor fixes
- Adds support for Xcode 9.
- Deprecated UIAlertView, UIActionSheet, UIPopoverController.
- Bumped minimum iOS version to 9.0.
- Added
to style XLFormOptionsViewController - Added properties to limit number of characters in
- Minor fixes
- Added XL_APP_EXTENSIONS macro to allow app extensions (@MuscleRumble #357)
- Added shouldChangeTextInRange delegate call for UITextView. (@kiancheong #782)
- Added support for NSFormatter (@ziogaschr, @fwhenin, @bhirt-bpl #306)
- Added
property to XLFormRowDescriptor to allow setting height of individual cells.
- Update row in
instead ofwillDisplayCell
- Added cancel action to image selector (by koenpunt)
- Other minor fixes
- Allow setting width percentage on UITextView
- Added custom inline row example
- Fixed bug where XLFormImageCell was not added to project
- Add ability to
end editing
on scroll - Other bugs and refactor
- Added Carthage support
- Added NSCoding protocol
- Allowed HTTP connections
- Several bugfixes and improvements.
- Fix issue when inline pickers expand beyond table.
- Improvements and bug fixes.
- Ability to left, right align textfields. Ability to set up a minimum textField width.
- If form is being shown, assigning a new form automatically reload the tableview.
- Update objective-c and swift example projects.
- Swift compatibility fixes.
- Long email validation added.
- Fixed row copy issue, now valueTransformer value is copied.
- Fixed step counter row layout issues.
- Fixed issue "Last form field hides beneath enabled navigation controller's toolbar".
- Fixed issue "Navigating between cells using bottom navigation buttons causes table cell dividers to disappear".
- Use UIAlertController instead UIActionSheet/UIAlertView if possible.
- Hidden and disabled rows resign first responder before changing state.
- onChangeBlock added to rowDescriptor.
- use tintColor as default button row color.
- By default accessoryView is no longer shown for inline rows.
- Fix NSBundle issues to use XLForm as dynamic framework.
properties added toXLFormRowDescriptor
or aNSPredicate
can be used to hide, disable de row. -
property added toXLFormSectionDescriptor
or aNSPredicate
can be used to hide the section. -
row type with an example. -
property and added support to use theNSValueTransformer
to convert the selected object to a NSString in the XLFormDateCell class. -
row type with an example. -
property and added support to use theNSValueTransformer
to convert the selected object to a NSString in the XLFormDateCell class.
- Fixed "(null)" caption when
row required error message is shown. - Refresh the cell content instead of recreating one, when the form get back from a selection.
- Added XLFormRowDescriptor to validations error to easily show an error mask.
- Use row tag in validation error message if row does not have a title. It is also possible to set up a custom message if needed
- Added a convenience method to add a XLFormRowDescriptor instance before another one.
- Allow nil values in cellConfig and cellConfigAtConfigure.
- Fix constraints for textFieldCell when it is configured to be right aligned.
- Add asterisk to required segmentedCells if needed.
- Fail validation for empty strings and NSNull on required rows.
- Segue support added to buttons and selectors.
- Ability to configure a storyboardId or a viewController nibName to by used by button and selector rows as presented view controller.
- Fix scrolling to top when status bar is tapped.
- Fix wrong type of XLFormRowDescriptorTypeDecimal row. Now it's converted to NSNumber.
- Fix issue: XLFormRegexValidator only checks regex validation for NSStrings, not working for number.
- Callconfigure method from awakeFromNib on XLFormBaseCell.
- Assign form.delegate from inside setForm: method.
- Added custom cell, validation, reordering, can insert, can delete examples.
- Added support for inputAccessoryView. Default input accessory view allows to navigate among rows. Fully optionally and customizable.
- Added suport for row navigation. Fully optionally and customizable.
- beginEditing: endEditing: methods added. These method are called each time a row gains / loses firstResponder. They bring the ability to do UI changes.
- Read Only mode added.
property added to XLFormDescriptor class. - Rename
XLFormTextViewCell property astextLabel
. - fix position of multivalued section accessory view.
- Can delete, can delete, can reorder section mode added. it's possible to enable some of them, don't need to enable all modes.
- Change
keyboard type toUIKeyboardTypeDefault
. - Added
row type and example. - Added
row type and example. - CI added. Created Test project into Tests folder and set up Travis.
- Documented how to customize UI. Added an example.
- Now XLFormViewController extends from UIViewController instead of UITableViewController.
- Added tableView property as a XLFormViewController IBOutlet.
- Added support for storyboard reuse identifier and nib file.
- Button selection can be handled using a selector or block.
- Added addAsteriskToRequiredRowsTitle property to XLFormDescriptor. NO is used as value by default.
- Image cell has been removed because it depends on AFNetworking and now needs to be implemented as a custom cell. You can find the image custom cell in Examples/Others/CustomCells.
- Added
row type and example. - Added
row type and example. - Added
row type and example. - Added generic way to create inline selector rows.
- Ability to customize row animations.
(NSDictionary *)formValues;
XLFormViewController method added in order to get raw form data.- Added
row type and example. - AFNetworking dependency removed.
- Added
row type and related example.
- Added storyboard example.
- Added button
example. - Documented how to add a custom row.
- Fixed issues: #2, #3, #27, #38.
- Fixed crash caused by inline date rows. #6
- Fixed ipad issue invalid cell layout. #10
- New convenience methods to insert sections dinamically. #13
- Change default label style to
. #18 - Added step counter row,
. - Added
initializer toXLFormViewController
. #32. - Added a convenience method to deselect a
.-(void)deselectFormRow:(XLFormRowDescriptor *)row;
. #33.
- Initial release