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Howard Pritchard edited this page Nov 23, 2020 · 1 revision

#11/23/20 webex notes

Attending: Howard Pritchard, Martin Schreiber, Dan Holmes, Aurelien Bouteiller, Martin Schulz


  • Continue to discuss bubbles

Bubbles - shifting states

Start back with Martin Schreiber's root rank work flow diagram for his application. The thinkscape software slides. Get further this time, questions about how to release resources associated with a process that is not in the new process set. Aurelian and Dan think there needs to be more separation of what MPI is responsible for vs the runtime support. Discussion of whether the late starter is part of the world process set of the others. We think no. It will have a self and world with a single process in these process sets. Scoping of the process sets. Dan brings up the spanning across systems possible requirement. Discussion of connect/accept model vs using some runtime based approach creating process sets for individual jobs that the user has associated together via runtime specific mechanisms. Example of steering job started after the various sim components are already up and going.

URI NEW event discussion. What does the green X stand for? Perhaps start with a simpler grow only use case?

What do we want to do next week? We really could use come pseudo-code and have only a grow and a shrink case.


  • work on pseudo-code for the slide
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