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Howard Pritchard edited this page Jul 24, 2017 · 8 revisions

July 24, 2017 Webex Meeting


  • Howard Prichard
  • Kathryn Mohror
  • Geoff Vallee
  • Dan Holmes

Slide Updates from MPI Forum

No slides yet from last forum.

Using different MPIs within a single Process

We continued this discussion from the meeting four weeks ago. Kathryn recalled early discussions using MPI in the tools working group. Suppose one had a performance tool that uses MPI X, but wants to collect performance data from an app (or apps) running on a compute node that were using a different MPI implementation Y. Use a session to get a handle on the apps running the other MPI variant.

The idea of running different MPI implementations in different sessions seems challenging. Kathryn will query Dan in the upcoming tools WG meeting this week about this.

Dan joins and brings up the GPU cluster + compute cluster use case. Simulation running on the compute cluster and a visualization application running on a GPU cluster. Currently I/O based, want something more interactive. Perhaps a driver/steering application would serve as the coupler for this type of workflow. Simulation of blood flow application example. Howard suggests Dan come up with a simple graphic to describe this type of workflow and how Sessions may help.

HWLOC follow-up

Dan says the HWLOC folks will go down the road of using MPI_Comm_split. Dan thinks we have this topic covered, but we may want to come back to the build-up approach at some future time.

Application composition with Sessions

Geoff brings this up - interested in libraries that may also use different MPI's concurrently.

Isaias Compres' proposal - Adaptation API and how that related to Sessions

A concept of malleable - spawn, an alternative to current spawn support. Dan want's to follow-up on this before the next Forum. In a nutshell, the concept involves having a runtime says there's an opportunity to adapt the current environment and allow the application to potentially take advantage of the change in the environment. We may want to integrate some capabilities of this proposal into Sessions.

Next Forum

Dan will be able to attend. Howard, Aurelien, Kathryn, and someone from ORNL expect to attend as well.


Geoff will send a reference about application composition to the mail list.

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