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Monero Payment Request WebComponent

An easier way of using Monero Payment Requests on your website; checkout the demo


Add the script via cdn:

<script src="cdn/to/@monerorequest-js/paywithmonero" />

Add the following element to each of the sellable items; This component will open a modal that will have two options, "add to cart" and "go to checkout".

<pay-with-monero item-name="Sample item Orange XL" item-price="10.00"></pay-with-monero>

Finally, add the monero-payment-request-modal which will communicate with the custom-events sent by <pay-with-monero /> and provide a shipping address and a QR code generator with the encoded monero payment request.

<monero-payment-request-modal hide-shipping sellers-wallet="Your_XMR_Address"

Protocol and more information

Get more information about the Protocol and on its JS Port

Localhost development

$ npm run bundle:watch

watches for changes and outputs on local-server/dist

$ npm run local-server

use http-server on local-server folder