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An R package hosting a variety of useful functions for environmental data handling


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This un-offocial R package aims to host a variety of functions for and from NIBIO DMN, departments Soil and Water. If any bugs or problems are encountered, please open a new issue and we will attempt to resolve it.

Table of contents

  1. Introduction

  2. Installing miljotools

  3. Tools

  4. Add your own

  5. Acknowledgements


A large fraction of the workload for a “modeler” in environmental sciences consists of “workflows”. These workflows typically revolve around getting data, converting data, processing data before actually using the data in a model. Even once used, data needs to be post-processed before it can bring meaningful insight. As such, coding, scripting, automation “tools” are used by many employees at NIBIO. However, the use of these tools is often restricted to either the author, or the small network of close colleagues, even if they could be useful to a wide variety of researchers at NIBIO (or even the global research community). Miljotools aims to partially remedy the fragmentation useful “tools” by providing a repository of generalized and documented functions, workflows, scripts, etc. These are provided in an open-source R package “miljotools”

Note: This unofficial side project is still in its infancy, and currently does not encompass much functionality. If you would like to contribute, please reach out to the maintainer for developer access and/or assistance in implementation.

Installing miljotools

You can install and load miljotools from the GitHub repository using the following command:

# install remotes, if not already present

remotes::install_github(repo = "moritzshore/miljotools", ref = remotes::github_release())



View the "Articles" to get started

  1. MET Nordic Reanalysis Dataset

  2. Soil Classification

  3. Thermopluviograms

  4. More to come...

Add your own

If you have a function / code / workflow / script / etc. which you would like to add to this package, please contact the maintainer for developer access.


The development of this package was supported by the NIBIO Environmental Modelling and Measures group, under the Support Tools designation.

Additionally, this package was in part developed for the OPTAIN project and has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation program under grant agreement No. 862756.

Finally, the logo is heavily inspired (celebrating) the old logo