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Zipkin Docker Examples

This project is configured to run docker containers using docker-compose. Note that the default configuration requires docker compose 1.6.0+ and docker-engine 1.10.0+.

To start the default docker compose configuration, run:

# To use the last released version of zipkin
$ docker compose up
# To use the last built version of zipkin
$ TAG=master docker compose up

View the web UI at $(docker ip):9411. Traces are stored in memory.

To see specific traces in the UI, select "zipkin-server" in the dropdown and then click the "Find Traces" button.


You can collect traces from ActiveMQ in addition to HTTP, using the docker-compose-activemq.yml file. This configuration starts zipkin and zipkin-activemq in their own containers.

To add ActiveMQ configuration, run:

$ docker compose -f docker-compose-activemq.yml up

Then configure the ActiveMQ sender using a brokerUrl value of failover:tcp://localhost:61616 or a non-local hostname if in docker.


You can store traces in Cassandra instead of memory, using the docker-compose-cassandra.yml file. This configuration starts zipkin, zipkin-cassandra and zipkin-dependencies (cron job) in their own containers.

To start the Cassandra-backed configuration, run:

$ docker compose -f docker-compose-cassandra.yml up

The zipkin-dependencies container is a scheduled task that runs every hour. If you want to see the dependency graph before then, you can run it manually in another terminal like so:

$ docker compose -f docker-compose-cassandra.yml run --rm --no-deps --entrypoint start-zipkin-dependencies dependencies


You can store traces in Elasticsearch instead of memory, using the docker-compose-elasticsearch.yml file. This configuration starts zipkin, zipkin-elasticsearch and zipkin-dependencies (cron job) in their own containers.

To start the Elasticsearch-backed configuration, run:

$ docker compose -f docker-compose-elasticsearch.yml up

The zipkin-dependencies container is a scheduled task that runs every hour. If you want to see the dependency graph before then, you can run it manually in another terminal like so:

$ docker compose -f docker-compose-elasticsearch.yml run --rm --no-deps --entrypoint start-zipkin-dependencies dependencies


You can collect traces from Kafka in addition to HTTP, using the docker-compose-kafka.yml file. This configuration starts zipkin and zipkin-kafka in their own containers.

To add Kafka configuration, run:

$ docker compose -f docker-compose-kafka.yml up

Then configure the Kafka sender using a bootstrapServers value of host.docker.internal:9092 if your application is inside the same docker network or localhost:19092 if not, but running on the same host.

In other words, if you are running a sample application on your laptop, you would use localhost:19092 bootstrap server to send spans to the Kafka broker running in Docker.

Docker machine and Kafka

If you are using Docker machine, adjust KAFKA_ADVERTISED_HOST_NAME in docker-compose-kafka.yml and the bootstrapServers configuration of the kafka sender to match your Docker host IP (ex.


You can store traces in MySQL instead of memory, using the docker-compose-mysql.yml file. This configuration starts zipkin, zipkin-mysql and zipkin-dependencies (cron job) in their own containers.

To start the MySQL-backed configuration, run:

$ docker compose -f docker-compose-mysql.yml up


You can collect traces from RabbitMQ in addition to HTTP, using the docker-compose-rabbitmq.yml file. This configuration starts zipkin and zipkin-rabbitmq in their own containers.

To add RabbitMQ configuration, run:

$ docker compose -f docker-compose-rabbitmq.yml up

Then configure the RabbitMQ sender using a host value of localhost or a non-local hostname if in docker.


You can collect traces from Pulsar in addition to HTTP, using the docker-compose-pulsar.yml file. This configuration starts zipkin and zipkin-pulsar in their own containers.

To add Pulsar configuration, run:

$ docker compose -f docker-compose-pulsar.yml up


You can register Zipkin for service discovery in Eureka using the docker-compose-eureka.yml file. This configuration starts zipkin and zipkin-eureka in their own containers.

When zipkin starts, it registers its endpoint into eureka. Then, the two example services discover zipkin's endpoint from eureka and use it to send spans.

To try this out, run:

$ docker compose -f docker-compose.yml -f docker-compose-eureka.yml up


The docker compose configuration can be extended to host an example application using the docker-compose-example.yml file. That file employs docker compose overrides to add a "frontend" and "backend" service.

To add the example configuration, run:

$ docker compose -f docker-compose.yml -f docker-compose-example.yml up

Once the services start, open http://localhost:8081/

Afterward, you can view traces that went through the backend via http://localhost:9411/zipkin?serviceName=backend


The docker compose configuration can be extended to host the UI on port 80 using the docker-compose-ui.yml file. That file employs docker compose overrides to add an NGINX container and relevant settings.

To start the NGINX configuration, run:

$ docker compose -f docker-compose.yml -f docker-compose-ui.yml up

This container doubles as a skeleton for creating proxy configuration around Zipkin like authentication, dealing with CORS with zipkin-js apps, or terminating SSL.

If you want to run the zipkin-ui standalone against a remote zipkin server, you need to set ZIPKIN_BASE_URL accordingly:

$ docker run -d -p 80:80 \
  -e ZIPKIN_BASE_URL=http://myfavoritezipkin:9411 \

UI Proxy

The docker compose configuration can be extended to proxy the UI on port 80 using the docker-compose-uiproxy.yml file. That file employs docker compose overrides to add an NGINX container and relevant settings.

To start the NGINX configuration, run:

$ docker compose -f docker-compose.yml -f docker-compose-uiproxy.yml up

This container helps verify the ZIPKIN_UI_BASEPATH variable by setting it to "/admin/zipkin". This means when the compose configuration is up, you can access Zipkin UI at http://localhost/admin/zipkin/


Zipkin comes with a built-in Prometheus metric exporter. The docker-compose-prometheus.yml file starts Prometheus configured to scrape Zipkin, exposes it on port 9090. You can open $DOCKER_HOST_IP:9090 and start exploring metrics (available on the /prometheus endpoint of Zipkin).

docker-compose-prometheus.yml also starts a Grafana with authentication disabled, exposing it on port 3000. On startup it's configured with the Prometheus instance started by docker-compose as a data source, and imports the dashboard published at This means that, after running docker-compose ... -f docker-compose-prometheus.yml up, you can open $DOCKER_IP:3000/dashboard/db/zipkin-prometheus and play around with the dashboard.