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package ach

// BatchRCK holds the BatchHeader and BatchControl and all EntryDetail for RCK Entries.
// Represented Check Entries (RCK). A physical check that was presented but returned because of
// insufficient funds may be represented as an ACH entry.
type BatchRCK struct {

// NewBatchRCK returns a *BatchRCK
func NewBatchRCK(bh *BatchHeader) *BatchRCK {
	batch := new(BatchRCK)
	return batch

// Validate checks properties of the ACH batch to ensure they match NACHA guidelines.
// This includes computing checksums, totals, and sequence orderings.
// Validate will never modify the batch.
func (batch *BatchRCK) Validate() error {
	// basic verification of the batch before we validate specific rules.
	if err := batch.verify(); err != nil {
		return err

	// Add configuration and type specific validation for this type.
	if batch.Header.StandardEntryClassCode != RCK {
		return batch.Error("StandardEntryClassCode", ErrBatchSECType, RCK)

	// RCK detail entries can only be a debit, ServiceClassCode must allow debits
	switch batch.Header.ServiceClassCode {
	case CreditsOnly:
		return batch.Error("ServiceClassCode", ErrBatchServiceClassCode, batch.Header.ServiceClassCode)

	// CompanyEntryDescription is required to be REDEPCHECK
	if batch.Header.CompanyEntryDescription != "REDEPCHECK" {
		return batch.Error("CompanyEntryDescription", ErrBatchCompanyEntryDescriptionREDEPCHECK, batch.Header.CompanyEntryDescription)

	for _, entry := range batch.Entries {
		// RCK detail entries must be a debit
		if entry.CreditOrDebit() != "D" {
			return batch.Error("TransactionCode", ErrBatchDebitOnly, entry.TransactionCode)
		// // Amount must be 2,500 or less
		if entry.Amount > 250000 {
			return batch.Error("Amount", NewErrBatchAmount(entry.Amount, 250000))
		// CheckSerialNumber underlying IdentificationNumber, must be defined
		if entry.IdentificationNumber == "" {
			return batch.Error("CheckSerialNumber", ErrBatchCheckSerialNumber)
		// Verify the Amount is valid for SEC code and TransactionCode
		if err := batch.ValidAmountForCodes(entry); err != nil {
			return err
		// Verify the TransactionCode is valid for a ServiceClassCode
		if err := batch.ValidTranCodeForServiceClassCode(entry); err != nil {
			return err
		// Verify Addenda* FieldInclusion based on entry.Category and batchHeader.StandardEntryClassCode
		if err := batch.addendaFieldInclusion(entry); err != nil {
			return err
	return nil

// Create will tabulate and assemble an ACH batch into a valid state. This includes
// setting any posting dates, sequence numbers, counts, and sums.
// Create implementations are free to modify computable fields in a file and should
// call the Batch's Validate function at the end of their execution.
func (batch *BatchRCK) Create() error {
	// generates sequence numbers and batch control
	if err := batch.build(); err != nil {
		return err
	// Additional steps specific to batch type
	// ...

	return batch.Validate()