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package ach

import (

// BatchDNE is a batch file that handles SEC code Death Notification Entry (DNE)
// United States Federal agencies (e.g. Social Security) use this to notify depository
// financial institutions that the recipient of government benefit payments has died.
// Notes:
//   - Date of death always in positions 18-23
//   - SSN (positions 38-46) are zero if no SSN
//   - Beneficiary payment starts at position 55
type BatchDNE struct {

// NewBatchDNE returns a *BatchDNE
func NewBatchDNE(bh *BatchHeader) *BatchDNE {
	batch := new(BatchDNE)
	return batch

// Validate ensures the batch meets NACHA rules specific to this batch type.
func (batch *BatchDNE) Validate() error {
	if err := batch.verify(); err != nil {
		return err

	// SEC code
	if batch.Header.StandardEntryClassCode != DNE {
		return batch.Error("StandardEntryClassCode", ErrBatchSECType, DNE)

	// Range over Entries
	for _, entry := range batch.Entries {
		if entry.Amount != 0 {
			return batch.Error("Amount", ErrBatchAmountNonZero, entry.Amount)

		switch entry.TransactionCode {
		case CheckingPrenoteCredit, SavingsPrenoteCredit:
			return batch.Error("TransactionCode", ErrBatchTransactionCode, entry.TransactionCode)

		// DNE must have one Addenda05
		if len(entry.Addenda05) != 1 {
			return batch.Error("AddendaCount", NewErrBatchAddendaCount(len(entry.Addenda05), 1))
		// Verify the Amount is valid for SEC code and TransactionCode
		if err := batch.ValidAmountForCodes(entry); err != nil {
			return err
		// Verify the TransactionCode is valid for a ServiceClassCode
		if err := batch.ValidTranCodeForServiceClassCode(entry); err != nil {
			return err
		// Verify Addenda* FieldInclusion based on entry.Category and batchHeader.StandardEntryClassCode
		if err := batch.addendaFieldInclusion(entry); err != nil {
			return err
	return nil

// Create will tabulate and assemble an ACH batch into a valid state. This includes
// setting any posting dates, sequence numbers, counts, and sums.
// Create implementations are free to modify computable fields in a file and should
// call the Batch's Validate function at the end of their execution.
func (batch *BatchDNE) Create() error {
	// generates sequence numbers and batch control
	if err := batch.build(); err != nil {
		return err
	return batch.Validate()

type DNEPaymentInformation struct {
	DateOfDeath time.Time
	CustomerSSN string

	// Amount is a two-decimal float value formatted as a string
	// Example: 123.45
	Amount string

// ParseDNEPaymentInformation returns an DNEPaymentInformation for a given Addenda05 record. The information is parsed from the addenda's
// PaymentRelatedInformation field.
// The returned information is not validated for correctness.
func ParseDNEPaymentInformation(addenda05 *Addenda05) (*DNEPaymentInformation, error) {
	if addenda05 == nil {
		return nil, nil

	fields := strings.Split(strings.TrimSuffix(addenda05.PaymentRelatedInformation, `\`), "*")
	if len(fields) != 6 {
		return nil, fmt.Errorf("unexpected %d fields", len(fields))

	dateOfDeath, err := time.Parse("010206", fields[1])
	if err != nil {
		return nil, fmt.Errorf("parsing DateOfDeath: %w", err)

	return &DNEPaymentInformation{
		DateOfDeath: dateOfDeath,
		CustomerSSN: fields[3],
		Amount:      fields[5],
	}, nil

func (info DNEPaymentInformation) String() string {
	return fmt.Sprintf(`DATE OF DEATH*%s*CUSTOMER SSN*%s*AMOUNT*%s\`,
		info.DateOfDeath.Format("010206"), info.CustomerSSN, info.Amount)