You need to reuse your previous assignment 3 for starting the assignment.
Option 1: Copy your assignment-3 from your local computer, delete the .git folder, and start from there. You can delete it manually from the file manager or you can delete it by using git bash. Add your new link. To check you can use git remote -v
Command: rm -rf .git
Option 2: You can clone assignment-3 from your private GitHub repository. After cloning you have to remove the existing .git file by pressing the command "rm -rf .git" using the git bash terminal. Add your new link. To check you can use git remote -v
Command: rm -rf .git
Option 3: Clone assignment-3 from GitHub private repo by going to the assignment-3 link and then clone that repo. use the command line to change the existing url git remote set-url origin [your private repo link]
. To check you can use git remote -v
Option 3: Clone assignment-3 from GitHub private repo by going to the assignment-3 link and then clone that repo. use the command line to remove the existing url using git bash terminal " rm -rf .git". To check you can use
git remote -v`.
- _id
- phoneNumber
- role → enum → ['admin']
- password
- name
- firstName
- lastName
- address
- createdAt
- updatedAt
Route: /api/v1/admins/create-admin (POST)
Request body:
"role": "admin",
"firstName": "Mr. Admin"
"lastName": "Bhai"
"address": "Uganda",
Response: The newly created admin object. ( Do not send the password in response ) Response Sample Pattern:
"success": true,
"message": "Admin created successfully",
"data": {
"role": "admin",
"firstName": "Mr. Admin"
"lastName": "Bhai"
"address": "Uganda",
Route: /api/v1/admins/login (POST)
To log in, admins must provide their phone number and password. The phone number must be unique in the database. If the login is successful, an access token will be sent in the response and a refresh token will be set in the browser cookie. The admin's _id and role will both be included in the tokens.
- The admins enter their phone number and password into the login form.
- The server validates the phone number and password.
- If the login is successful, the server generates an access token and a refresh token.
- The access token is sent in the response to the user.
- The refresh token is set in the browser cookie.
- The admin's _id and role are included in both the access token and the refresh token.
- The access token is used to authenticate the user for subsequent requests.
- The refresh token can be used to generate a new access token if the old one expires.
- The _id and role are used to identify the admin and their permissions.
Request body:
"password": "amiadmin",
Response: The created access token for the admin.
Response Sample Pattern:
"success": true,
"message": "User logged in successfully",
"data": {
"accessToken": "eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiICJ9.eyJ1c2V4NzIzMTcxNCwiZXhwIjoxNjg3MzE4MTE0fQ.Q7j8vtY9r1JeDK_zR6bYInlY",
All passwords for users (including admins, buyers, and sellers) must be hashed using bcrypt.
To log in, users must provide their phone number and password. The phone number must be unique in the database. If the login is successful, an access token will be sent in the response and a refresh token will be set in the browser cookie. The user's _id and role will both be included in the tokens.
- The user enters their phone number and password into the login form.
- The server validates the phone number and password.
- If the login is successful, the server generates an access token and a refresh token.
- The access token is sent in the response to the user.
- The refresh token is set in the browser cookie.
- The user's _id and role are included in both the access token and the refresh token.
- The access token is used to authenticate the user for subsequent requests.
- The refresh token can be used to generate a new access token if the old one expires.
- The _id and role are used to identify the user and their permissions.
Route: /api/v1/auth/login (POST) Request body:
Response: The created access token for the user.
Response Sample Pattern:
"success": true,
"message": "User logged in successfully",
"data": {
"accessToken": "eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiICJ9.eyJ1c2V4NzIzMTcxNCwiZXhwIjoxNjg3MzE4MTE0fQ.Q7j8vtY9r1JeDK_zR6bYInlY",
To get a new access token, the user will send their refresh token to the authorization server. The authorization server will verify the refresh token and, if it is valid, generate a new access token and return it to the user. The authorization server will also set the refresh token in the user's browser cookie. The new access token will include the user's _id and role.
- The user sends a request to the authorization server with the refresh token as a parameter.
- The authorization server validates the refresh token. This involves checking if the token is still valid and if it belongs to the user who is requesting the new - access token.
- If the refresh token is valid, the authorization server generates a new access token and returns it to the user. The new access token will have a new expiration date, so the user will be able to use it to access protected resources for a longer period of time.
- The authorization server also sets the refresh token in the user's browser cookie.
- The _id and role are used to identify the user and their permissions.
Route: /api/v1/auth/refresh-token (POST)
Response: The created access token for the user.
Response Sample Pattern:
"success": true,
"message": "New access token generated successfully !",
"data": {
"accessToken": "eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiICJ9.eyJ1c2V4NzIzMTcxNCwiZXhwIjoxNjg3MzE4MTE0fQ.Q7j8vtY9r1JeDK_zR6bYInlY",
You need to implement an authentication middleware to verify the user's token and role before granting access to the following routes.
The authentication middleware will check the user's token and role against the database. If the token is valid and the user has the correct role, the middleware will allow the request to proceed. Otherwise, the middleware will deny the request and return an error.
- api/v1/users (GET) → Can only be accessed by admin
- api/v1/users/:id (Single GET) → Can only be accessed by admin
- api/v1/users/:id (PATCH) → Can only be accessed by admin
- api/v1/users/:id (DELETE) → Can only be accessed by admin
api/v1/cows (POST) → Can only be accessed by seller
api/v1/cows (GET) → Can only be accessed by buyer,seller & admin
api/v1/cows/:id (Single GET) → Can only be accessed by buyer,seller & admin
api/v1/cows/:id (PATCH) → Can only be accessed by the seller of the cow
api/v1/cows/:id (DELETE) → Can only be accessed by the seller of the cow
** Hints: You can use the findOne() method & add both seller's _id and the cow's _id to get specific documents. **
- (POST) → Can only be accessed by the buyer
- (GET) → Can be accessed only by the admin, by the
specific buyer
of this order & by thespecific seller
of this order**` Hints: You have to retrieve the user's id and role from the access token. After that, you have to check using the user role if it's buyer or seller. if it is a buyer, you can use the order's _id and buyer's _id to get the orders if it is a seller, you can use the order's _id and seller's _id to get the single orders.
Admin can get all the orders. `**
You have to create my profile routes to get the user's information & update the information such as name, address, phoneNumber, and password. If the user gives a password in the request payload you have to hash the password before updating.
Route: /api/v1/users/my-profile (GET)
Request Headers: "authorization": "Your access token"
Hints: Retrieve the user's _id & role from your access token to get the specific profile information.
Response: The specified user's profile information Response Sample Pattern:
"success": true,
"message": "User's information retrieved successfully",
"data": {
"name": {
"firstName": "Mr. Admin"
"lastName": "Bhai"
"address": "Uganda",
Route: /api/v1/users/my-profile (PATCH)
Request Headers: authorization: "Your access token" Request body:
"firstName": "Mr. Update Password"
"lastName": "Bhai"
"address": "Namibia",
Hints: Retrieve the user's _id & role from your access token to update the specific profile information.
Response: The specified user's updated profile information Response Sample Pattern:
"success": true,
"message": "User's information retrieved successfully",
"data": {
"name": {
"firstName": "Mr. Admin"
"lastName": "Bhai"
"address": "Uganda",
Route: api/v1/orders/:id (GET) Request Param: order's _id
**Implement validation to check the user's _id from the token to check if it's the correct buyer of that specified order **
Response: The specified order Response Sample Pattern:
"success": true,
"statusCode": 200,
"message": "Order information retrieved successfully",
"data": {
"cow": {
"_id": "60cd9f2e1e1d8e001f165d23",
"id": "60cd9f2e1e1d8e001f165d23",
"name": "Bella",
"age": 4,
"price": 5000,
"location": "Dhaka",
"breed": "Brahman",
"weight": 400,
"label": "for sale",
"category": "Beef",
"seller": {
"_id": "60cd9f2e1e1d8e001f165d21",
"id": "60cd9f2e1e1d8e001f165d21",
"role": "buyer",
"name": {
"firstName": "Kopa",
"lastName": "Samsu"
"phoneNumber": "01711111111",
"address": "Chattogram",
"budget": 30000,
"income": 0
"buyer": {
"_id": "60cd9f2e1e1d8e001f165d24",
"id": "60cd9f2e1e1d8e001f165d24",
"role": "buyer",
"name": {
"firstName": "Kopa",
"lastName": "Samsu"
"phoneNumber": "01711111111",
"address": "Chattogram",
"budget": 30000,
"income": 0
You have to implement an auth middleware to verify the user's token and user role to give access to the following routes.
api/v1/orders/:id (GET) → Can be accessed only by the admin, by the
specific buyer
of this order & by thespecific seller)
of this order**` Hints:
You have to retrieve the user's id and role from the access token. After that, you have to check using the user role if it's buyer or seller. if it is a buyer, you can use the order's _id and buyer's _id to get the single order if it is a seller, you can use the order's _id and seller's _id to get the single order
Admin can get all the orders. `**
- api/v1/users/my-profile (GET) → Can be accessed only by the
specific user (buyer, seller)
of the profile - api/v1/users/my-profile (PATCH) → Can be accessed only by the
specific user (buyer, seller)
of the profile - api/v1/admins/my-profile (GET) → Can be accessed only by the admin of the profile (Optional Task)
- api/v1/admins/my-profile (PATCH) → Can be accessed only by the admin of the profile (Optional Task)
- 60 Marks 11 Days ( Till 3rd July, Monday 11.59 PM )
- 50 Marks 1 Day ( 4th July, Tuesday 11.59 PM )
** In order for your assignment to be evaluated, it is essential to have a minimum of 20 meaningful commits. Please note that unnecessary commits will not be considered as part of the evaluation process.**
Submit only your Github Private Repository Link to our website.
Add Deployed Live Link into file (Vercel / Railway / Heroku or any other platform)
** Do not use a logger. It will not work on the free hosting platforms **
Must include all the routes into Readme.Md file.
** You must follow provided API Endpoints for creating routes. Otherwise, you will lose your marks **
To continue to the next module, please submit only the link to your GitHub repository in the submission box. You can update your repository and live link up until the deadline. As long as you include the live link in your file, we will be able to easily evaluate your assignment.
Live Link:
- Route: (POST)
- Route: (POST)
- Route: (POST)
- Route: (POST)
- Route: (POST)
- Route: (GET) Include an id that is saved in your database
- Route: (Single GET) Include an id that is saved in your database
- Route: (PATCH) Include an id that is saved in your database
- Route: (DELETE) Include an id that is saved in your database
- Route: (POST)
- Route: (GET)
- Route: (Single GET) Include an id that is saved in your database
- Route: (PATCH) Include an id that is saved in your database
- Route: (DELETE) Include an id that is saved in your database
- Route: (POST)
- Route: (GET)
-Route: (POST)
- Route: (GET)
- Route: (PATCH)