FlockData's meta-data engine service. This service coordinates data updates to KV Stores and Neo4J to support tracking and exploration of data.
Interactions between a client and FD occur via fd-engine. fd-engine writes "the latest" change of your information in to fd-search. Is is also possible to write via fd-engine directly to ElasticSearch and bypass the link exploration if your dataset is not highly connected; Some statistical dumps can be like this.
fd-engine runs embedded Neo4J and exposes the REST api on port 7474 so exploration tools will work with fd-engine just as they do with Neo4j stand-alone. You can also interact with the database via neo4j-shell
which is part of the standard distribution of Neo4J.
The concepts and calls are explained in the Flock Service Call Wiki
Please see our PostMan API gist for a quick and convenient way of making REST calls to FlockData.
Only mandatory dependency at this time is RABBIT MQ for integration - all defaults work out of the box; This should be installed separately according to your OS instructions.
Get the source
$ git clone https://github.com/monowai/flockdata.org
Build with dependencies, including running the tests
$ mvn install
fd-engine exchanges information with fd-search via http and amqp integration.
In this version of FlockData security configuration is controlled by activating a security profile. We currently support the following
- Allows you to set simple user/password
We have work underway to support Stormpath as a security provider but this is currently using outdated libraries and is not supported at this stage.
If you don't supply any users to the configuration, then the default of mike/123
is used.
Passing these arguments to FlockData when starint will create a user called myuser
with a password of 123 will be authorised to create DataAccessUsers in FlockData.
--org.fd.auth.simple.users.myuser.pass=123 --org.fd.auth.simple.users.myuser.roles="FD_USER;FD_ADMIN"
Users can also be set in your application.yml
fd-engine runs as a SpringBoot application. This example assumes you have completed a mvn package
once so that the app is actually built.
cd fd-engine/target
java -jar fd-engine-0.98.1.jar --org.neo4j.path=classes --org.fd.auth.simple.users.myuser.pass=123 --org.fd.auth.simple.users.myuser.roles="FD_USER;FD_ADMIN"
Default HTTP port for fd-engine is 14001 and for fd-search its 14002. If you are using different ports then review the [configuration files] (src/main/resources/application.yml) that describe how engine and search find each other. If you have an existing ElasticSearch cluster, you will also want to review
HTTP, REST and JSON is the lingua franca.
curl -u myuser:123 -X GET http://localhost:14001/api/account/
An authorised user is one with one of the two FD_ auth roles. And FD_ADMIN user does not automatically inherit the rights to read and write data, but they can create users who can do this.
curl -u myuser:123 -H "Content-Type:application/json" -X POST http://localhost:14001/api/v1/profiles/ -d '{"name":"myuser", "companyName":"Monowai","login":"myuser"}'
This command connects your authenticated user to a FlockData SystemUser. A company called monowai is created that will own the data being tracked through the service.
By default, information is tracked in Neo4J and ElasticSearch. You can, at the point of POST, request that the information be only tracked in Neo4j or only ElasticSearch. This depends on your use case. You might be simply tracking event type information that never changes, so simply storing in ElasticSearch is functional enough as the data is not require the meshing of connections.
This is one of your computer systems that you want to track information coming from
curl -u myuser:123 -H "Content-Type:application/json" -X POST http://localhost:14001/api/v1/fortress/ -d '{"name": "dataService","searchEnabled": true}'
-- Have a look at the fortress you just created
curl -u myuser:123 -X GET http://localhost:14001/api/v1/fortress/
Make sure you have started fd-search
curl -u myuser:123 -H "Content-Type:application/json" -X POST http://localhost:14001/api/v1/track/ -d '{
"fortress": {"name":"dataService"},
"type": {"name":"Debtor"},
"log": { "data": {"BusinessData": "Your Text", "nestedObject": {"someData": "kool for kats"}}
-- If you take note of the key returned by the previous call you can then execute this call:
curl -umyuser:123 -X GET http://localhost:14001/api/v1/entity/LykuJI_TTVG2nW33WVy6qA
-- List all logs associated wtih the entity
curl -umyuser:123 -X GET http://localhost:14001/api/v1/entity/LykuJI_TTVG2nW33WVy6qA/log
-- retreive the data stored with the "last" log
curl -umyuser:123 -X GET http://localhost:14001/api/v1/entity/LykuJI_TTVG2nW33WVy6qA/log/last/data
Note that fd-search is configured by default to have ElasticSearch listening on port 9200. This command is an ElasticSearch query, not an fd-search one.
curl -H "Content-Type:application/json" -X POST http://localhost:9200/fd.*/_search -d '{
query: {
query_string : {
"query" : "kool"
A proxy query can via fd-engine can also be run. FD will ensure that the authenticated user is only returned data for the Company and Fortresses that they are authorised to view: This query returns a sub-set of data that is useful to display in search results, including where the result was found.
curl -u myuser:123 -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{
"searchText": "kool",
"from": 0,
' "http://localhost:14001/api/v1/query/"
Raw ElasticSearch queries can be passed through the query/es
endpoint. This provides secure access to data while giving you
full access to the expressive ElasticSearch DSL.
curl -u myuser:123 -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{
"query": {
"filtered": {
"query": {
"query_string": {
"query": "kool"
}' "http://localhost:14001/api/v1/query/es"
Track one of your entities to the service via API documentation. Understand and add Tags. Process a batch of changes. Log a single change to an existing entity.