<h1 align="center">Sentry → Discord</h1> <p align="center"> <img alt="Event Count" src="https://img.shields.io/endpoint?url=https://sentrydiscord.dev/api/badges/events"> <img alt="Webhook Count" src="https://img.shields.io/endpoint?url=https://sentrydiscord.dev/api/badges/webhooks"> </p> --- **Version 2 is under development!** Check the [WIP Pull Request for more information](https://github.com/IanMitchell/sentrydiscord.dev/pull/17) --- Sentry → Discord is a service for forwarding Sentry event notifications to Discord. It acts as a middleman and transforms the webhook payload into a Discord-compatible format. You can run your own version of Sentry → Discord or use the free, hosted version at https://sentrydiscord.dev. ## Local Development To get started in a local environment, you'll need a PostgreSQL instance running locally. Clone the repository and run npm install npx prisma migrate dev --preview-feature npx prisma generate Next, create a `.env` file with DATABASE_URL=postgresql://... Replacing the postgresql string with the URL to your local database. Finally, run npm run dev You should be able to view the website at http://localhost:3000. ## Capturing Webhook Events If you want to see what the Webhook payload looks like from Sentry, clone and run this website locally, and use a service like [ngrok](https://ngrok.com/) to get a public URL you can use to point Sentry to it. In development mode the console will print out the full Sentry payload.