diff --git a/config_src/drivers/mct_cap/mom_surface_forcing_mct.F90 b/config_src/drivers/mct_cap/mom_surface_forcing_mct.F90 index 82105e040e..e675170575 100644 --- a/config_src/drivers/mct_cap/mom_surface_forcing_mct.F90 +++ b/config_src/drivers/mct_cap/mom_surface_forcing_mct.F90 @@ -486,17 +486,18 @@ subroutine convert_IOB_to_fluxes(IOB, fluxes, index_bounds, Time, valid_time, G, ! latent heat flux (W/m^2) fluxes%latent(i,j) = 0.0 - ! contribution from frozen ppt + ! contribution from frozen ppt (notice minus sign since fprec is positive into the ocean) if (associated(IOB%fprec)) then - fluxes%latent(i,j) = fluxes%latent(i,j) + & + fluxes%latent(i,j) = fluxes%latent(i,j) - & IOB%fprec(i-i0,j-j0)*US%W_m2_to_QRZ_T*CS%latent_heat_fusion - fluxes%latent_fprec_diag(i,j) = G%mask2dT(i,j) * IOB%fprec(i-i0,j-j0)*US%W_m2_to_QRZ_T*CS%latent_heat_fusion + fluxes%latent_fprec_diag(i,j) = - G%mask2dT(i,j) * IOB%fprec(i-i0,j-j0)*US%W_m2_to_QRZ_T*CS%latent_heat_fusion endif - ! contribution from frozen runoff + ! contribution from frozen runoff (notice minus sign since rofi_flux is positive into the ocean) if (associated(fluxes%frunoff)) then - fluxes%latent(i,j) = fluxes%latent(i,j) + & + fluxes%latent(i,j) = fluxes%latent(i,j) - & IOB%rofi_flux(i-i0,j-j0)*US%W_m2_to_QRZ_T*CS%latent_heat_fusion - fluxes%latent_frunoff_diag(i,j) = G%mask2dT(i,j) * IOB%rofi_flux(i-i0,j-j0)*US%W_m2_to_QRZ_T*CS%latent_heat_fusion + fluxes%latent_frunoff_diag(i,j) = -G%mask2dT(i,j) & + * IOB%rofi_flux(i-i0,j-j0)*US%W_m2_to_QRZ_T*CS%latent_heat_fusion endif ! contribution from evaporation if (associated(IOB%q_flux)) then diff --git a/config_src/drivers/nuopc_cap/mom_cap.F90 b/config_src/drivers/nuopc_cap/mom_cap.F90 index f0ce8720bb..c96c98cdd4 100644 --- a/config_src/drivers/nuopc_cap/mom_cap.F90 +++ b/config_src/drivers/nuopc_cap/mom_cap.F90 @@ -75,6 +75,7 @@ module MOM_cap_mod use ESMF, only: ESMF_AlarmCreate, ESMF_ClockGetAlarmList, ESMF_AlarmList_Flag use ESMF, only: ESMF_AlarmGet, ESMF_AlarmIsCreated, ESMF_ALARMLIST_ALL, ESMF_AlarmIsEnabled use ESMF, only: ESMF_STATEITEM_NOTFOUND, ESMF_FieldWrite +use ESMF, only: ESMF_END_ABORT, ESMF_Finalize use ESMF, only: operator(==), operator(/=), operator(+), operator(-) ! TODO ESMF_GridCompGetInternalState does not have an explicit Fortran interface. @@ -135,6 +136,7 @@ module MOM_cap_mod logical :: profile_memory = .true. logical :: grid_attach_area = .false. logical :: use_coldstart = .true. +logical :: use_mommesh = .false. character(len=128) :: scalar_field_name = '' integer :: scalar_field_count = 0 integer :: scalar_field_idx_grid_nx = 0 @@ -147,7 +149,7 @@ module MOM_cap_mod type(ESMF_GeomType_Flag) :: geomtype = ESMF_GEOMTYPE_MESH #else logical :: cesm_coupled = .false. -type(ESMF_GeomType_Flag) :: geomtype = ESMF_GEOMTYPE_GRID +type(ESMF_GeomType_Flag) :: geomtype #endif character(len=8) :: restart_mode = 'alarms' @@ -347,6 +349,25 @@ subroutine InitializeP0(gcomp, importState, exportState, clock, rc) write(logmsg,*) use_coldstart call ESMF_LogWrite('MOM_cap:use_coldstart = '//trim(logmsg), ESMF_LOGMSG_INFO) + use_mommesh = .false. + call NUOPC_CompAttributeGet(gcomp, name="use_mommesh", value=value, & + isPresent=isPresent, isSet=isSet, rc=rc) + if (ChkErr(rc,__LINE__,u_FILE_u)) return + if (isPresent .and. isSet) use_mommesh=(trim(value)=="true") + write(logmsg,*) use_mommesh + call ESMF_LogWrite('MOM_cap:use_mommesh = '//trim(logmsg), ESMF_LOGMSG_INFO) + + if(use_mommesh)then + geomtype = ESMF_GEOMTYPE_MESH + call NUOPC_CompAttributeGet(gcomp, name='mesh_ocn', isPresent=isPresent, isSet=isSet, rc=rc) + if (.not. isPresent .and. .not. isSet) then + call ESMF_LogWrite('geomtype set to mesh but mesh_ocn is not specified', ESMF_LOGMSG_INFO) + call ESMF_Finalize(endflag=ESMF_END_ABORT) + endif + else + geomtype = ESMF_GEOMTYPE_GRID + endif + end subroutine !> Called by NUOPC to advertise import and export fields. "Advertise" diff --git a/config_src/drivers/nuopc_cap/mom_surface_forcing_nuopc.F90 b/config_src/drivers/nuopc_cap/mom_surface_forcing_nuopc.F90 index 689a9f0f4a..7168823fbc 100644 --- a/config_src/drivers/nuopc_cap/mom_surface_forcing_nuopc.F90 +++ b/config_src/drivers/nuopc_cap/mom_surface_forcing_nuopc.F90 @@ -497,15 +497,17 @@ subroutine convert_IOB_to_fluxes(IOB, fluxes, index_bounds, Time, valid_time, G, fluxes%seaice_melt(i,j) = kg_m2_s_conversion * G%mask2dT(i,j) * IOB%seaice_melt(i-i0,j-j0) fluxes%latent(i,j) = 0.0 + ! notice minus sign since fprec is positive into the ocean if (associated(IOB%fprec)) then - fluxes%latent(i,j) = fluxes%latent(i,j) + & + fluxes%latent(i,j) = fluxes%latent(i,j) - & IOB%fprec(i-i0,j-j0)*US%W_m2_to_QRZ_T*CS%latent_heat_fusion - fluxes%latent_fprec_diag(i,j) = G%mask2dT(i,j) * IOB%fprec(i-i0,j-j0)*US%W_m2_to_QRZ_T*CS%latent_heat_fusion + fluxes%latent_fprec_diag(i,j) = - G%mask2dT(i,j) * IOB%fprec(i-i0,j-j0)*US%W_m2_to_QRZ_T*CS%latent_heat_fusion endif + ! notice minus sign since frunoff is positive into the ocean if (associated(IOB%frunoff)) then - fluxes%latent(i,j) = fluxes%latent(i,j) + & + fluxes%latent(i,j) = fluxes%latent(i,j) - & IOB%frunoff(i-i0,j-j0) * US%W_m2_to_QRZ_T * CS%latent_heat_fusion - fluxes%latent_frunoff_diag(i,j) = G%mask2dT(i,j) * & + fluxes%latent_frunoff_diag(i,j) = - G%mask2dT(i,j) * & IOB%frunoff(i-i0,j-j0) * US%W_m2_to_QRZ_T * CS%latent_heat_fusion endif if (associated(IOB%q_flux)) then @@ -794,7 +796,7 @@ subroutine convert_IOB_to_forces(IOB, forces, index_bounds, Time, G, US, CS) endif forces%ustar(i,j) = sqrt(gustiness*Irho0 + Irho0*tau_mag) enddo ; enddo - + call pass_vector(forces%taux, forces%tauy, G%Domain, halo=1) elseif (wind_stagger == AGRID) then call pass_vector(taux_at_h, tauy_at_h, G%Domain, To_All+Omit_Corners, stagger=AGRID, halo=1) @@ -820,7 +822,7 @@ subroutine convert_IOB_to_forces(IOB, forces, index_bounds, Time, G, US, CS) forces%ustar(i,j) = sqrt(gustiness*Irho0 + Irho0 * G%mask2dT(i,j) * & sqrt(taux_at_h(i,j)**2 + tauy_at_h(i,j)**2)) enddo ; enddo - + call pass_vector(forces%taux, forces%tauy, G%Domain, halo=1) else ! C-grid wind stresses. if (G%symmetric) & call fill_symmetric_edges(forces%taux, forces%tauy, G%Domain) diff --git a/src/initialization/MOM_shared_initialization.F90 b/src/initialization/MOM_shared_initialization.F90 index 70ef0768d5..ee80bbdace 100644 --- a/src/initialization/MOM_shared_initialization.F90 +++ b/src/initialization/MOM_shared_initialization.F90 @@ -196,6 +196,7 @@ subroutine apply_topography_edits_from_file(D, G, param_file, US) character(len=40) :: mdl = "apply_topography_edits_from_file" ! This subroutine's name. integer :: i, j, n, ncid, n_edits, i_file, j_file, ndims, sizes(8) logical :: found + logical :: topo_edits_change_mask call callTree_enter(trim(mdl)//"(), MOM_shared_initialization.F90") @@ -206,6 +207,9 @@ subroutine apply_topography_edits_from_file(D, G, param_file, US) call get_param(param_file, mdl, "TOPO_EDITS_FILE", topo_edits_file, & "The file from which to read a list of i,j,z topography overrides.", & default="") + call get_param(param_file, mdl, "ALLOW_LANDMASK_CHANGES", topo_edits_change_mask, & + "If true, allow topography overrides to change land mask.", & + default=.false.) if (len_trim(topo_edits_file)==0) return @@ -250,8 +254,14 @@ subroutine apply_topography_edits_from_file(D, G, param_file, US) 'Ocean topography edit: ', n, ig(n), jg(n), D(i,j)/m_to_Z, '->', abs(new_depth(n)), i, j D(i,j) = abs(m_to_Z*new_depth(n)) ! Allows for height-file edits (i.e. converts negatives) else - call MOM_error(FATAL, trim(mdl)//': A zero depth edit would change the land mask and '//& - "is not allowed in"//trim(topo_edits_file)) + if (topo_edits_change_mask) then + write(stdout,'(a,3i5,f8.2,a,f8.2,2i4)') & + 'Ocean topography edit: ',n,ig(n),jg(n),D(i,j)/m_to_Z,'->',abs(new_depth(n)),i,j + D(i,j) = abs(m_to_Z*new_depth(n)) ! Allows for height-file edits (i.e. converts negatives) + else + call MOM_error(FATAL, ' apply_topography_edits_from_file: '//& + "A zero depth edit would change the land mask and is not allowed in"//trim(topo_edits_file)) + endif endif endif enddo